Let me clarify one thing. It’s not like I’m bad at singing. Putting Rain in a separate category, it’s only because Tia’s singing was better than I expected, which relatively made me sound terrible. I just want to emphasize that my singing ability is at a general level… Well, if you say it’s only at a general level, that’s what it is.

“…Alright, let’s dance. In such times, let’s move our bodies.”

“That’s fine, but how does an idol dance? Even if you tell me it’s like the stage we saw yesterday, I don’t remember it, you know?”

“That is…”

When asked by Tia again, I directed my gaze towards Rain. Sensing this, Rain frantically waved her hands in front of her face.

“No, no, no, no, I don’t know the details either!? Sure, I’ve seen idol dances many times, but they all had different dances…”

“Well, that’s true. So, we do need someone to teach us after all.”

From the beginning, it was obvious that we would need a coach to become idols. Just singing aimlessly and moving our bodies here won’t make us idols for life.

“A coach, huh. If we passed the audition, we were supposed to be introduced to someone like that…”

“But that’s meaningless, right? So, who teaches the kids who go to the auditions?”

“There are quite a few people who would teach if paid a coaching fee. But famous teachers have high fees, and their schedules are so full that we couldn’t possibly ask them. Even if we suddenly ask and they accept, I have a feeling they might not be up to par…”

“I understand how you feel, but at this point, can we afford to be choosy?”

Tia threw sensible words at Rain, who was making a troubled face. But…


“Uwah, why is Eda-san laughing so sinisterly?”

“Isn’t it because she has an idea when she makes a face like that?”

“Ah, leave it to me. I have a little idea.”

In the first round, Rain, who was already an idol, naturally had a coach. He was top-notch, so we couldn’t hire him even if we had money or connections… That’s why there’s a workaround.

“I think I can introduce you to him by tomorrow, so can you come here again tomorrow morning?”

“Me? Sure, I have nothing else to do but mope in that back alley.”

“Eh, you were still planning on doing that!?”

“Of course! Once I start, it feels wrong if I don’t see it through.”

“I think you should use that diligence in a different direction though…”

Tia let out an exasperated voice at Rain’s light-hearted remark. After that, we left the practice place for the time being, had dinner at the same restaurant as yesterday, and disbanded… And the next morning.

“Alright, come in. Be quick about it.”


I invited Rain into the same practice place as yesterday. There, a man tied to a chair was waiting. A middle-aged man in his forties with a shaved head, square glasses, and ridiculously flashy pink clothes, moved his mouth in surprise as he saw me come in.

But, his voice can’t be heard. It’s because Tia’s spirit magic was preventing the man’s voice from leaking out.

“Um, Eda-san? What is this all about…?”

“Ah, this guy is going to be our coach.”

“Um, then why is he tied to a chair?”

“You see, I had to drag him here against his will. Mr. Johnny is a famous person who has nurtured many idols. Without doing this, he wouldn’t even listen to us, right?”

“Eh…? Wait a minute, dragged here against his will… that’s like kidnapping…!?”

“Hahaha, don’t sweat the small stuff.”

“I am sweating it! What are you doing Eda-san! This is totally a crime! Wha, wha, what should I do? Should I call the guards right now…ah, but, would I be arrested as an accomplice in this!? Ugh, I’m sorry mom and dad… Instead of becoming an idol, Rain became a kidnapper…”

“Calm down, it’s okay.”

“I can’t find a single thing that’s okay…”

Despite my words of reassurance, Rain collapsed on the spot, placing her hands on the floor. Hmm, it might be better to talk to the other side first.

“Sorry for causing any inconvenience, but just listen to our talk for now. So… Tia, go ahead.”

“Alright. So, I’m going to lift the spell, okay?”

“Wha…!? Oh, my voice is back…?”

“Hello, I apologize for any inconvenience caused, Johnny-san.”

“Seriously, do you even realize what you’ve done?”

“Of course. But please understand. The only way I could think of to get a renowned coach like Johnny-san’s attention was to do this.”

“Hmm! So? From what I gather, you don’t want ransom or to pressure other idols with my power, you have a child you want me to coach?”

“Yes, that’s right. In fact—”


Johnny firmly refused even before I could introduce Rain, who was still squatting on the floor.

“Think about it sensibly! Sneaking into someone’s house in the middle of the night, kidnapping them, and then having them coach an idol under such circumstances? That’s ridiculous! Besides, it’s a waste of effort.”

“A waste of effort, you say?”

“Because if you had to go this far to get noticed by me, then that means the talent of the person in question must be mediocre at best. Sure, every person I’ve trained has become a top-class idol. But that’s only because they had talent that could shine if polished. No matter how much effort you put into someone without talent, they can only achieve results commensurate with their talent. Well, I do have some power. I can forcefully push someone up to a certain status level through my connections…”

He paused his words and turned a mocking gaze at me.

“The public may be gullible, but they’re not stupid. Popularity and trends can be manipulated, but such things don’t last long. If this is just about making memories for some noble, then that’s sufficient. But if you’ve gone so far as to kidnap me, it must mean that you’re not connected to the nobility, right? In that case, you should give up now because it’s just pathetic. If you let me go right now, I’ll see to it that you only have to reflect on your actions in jail for three months.”

I inwardly admired his seriousness towards being an idol despite the circumstances he was in. However, I couldn’t just back down.

“My, my, thank you for your concern. But don’t worry. The reason why Rain didn’t catch your attention is not because she lacks talent.”

“Huh? Then what’s the reason? Let me tell you, I watch all the idol auditions.”

“Hahaha, that’s the problem. Or rather, the rule that changed this year was the problem…”

“…Ah, I see.”

At my words, he nodded in understanding and turned his eyes toward Rain, with a hint of pity.

“Indeed, the rule requiring a three-person group is ridiculous. But it was decided by the higher-ups, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Moreover, if you couldn’t form a three-person group, it just means you’re not upto the required level. If a child can’t attract even two of their own family members, they certainly can’t move the hearts of tens of thousands of people.”

“Well… it’s faster to have you listen to her rather than talking about it. Hey, Rain, are you ready?”

“…Huh!? Eda-san, I feel like I am having a bad dream… This isn’t a dream, right!?”

“No, that’s not important right now. Can you sing a song for us? The same one as yesterday would be fine.”

“Um, okay… I feel like I’m already too involved to turn back now, so I’ll at least sing…”

“Alright, I’m counting on you. Johnny-san, please listen first. This is our recommended… idol who will change the world.”

“Hmph! That’s quite a big mouth you have there. Well, fine. I’ll listen.”

Rain began to sing in front of Johnny, who was still seated. From that moment on, his once dismissive expression changes moment by moment.

Johnny was a well-known figure. Therefore, he only meets with first-class individuals, brushing off those of second or third class. Or maybe, if someone is super first-class, he might even reach out to them.

But what if there was someone who far surpasses even the super first-class in talent? A person who, without boasting, but as a matter of course, overshadows everything and everyone else? The answer is right in front of me.

“…So, what do you think?”

“I want—”

With a troubled look on her face after finishing her song, Johnny threw a hoarse voice at Rain. His eyes were brimming with tears, but they were unblinkingly staring straight at Rain.

“Please let me coach you! I will dedicate everything I have to polishing you!”

Begging to be allowed to coach. With Johnny in such a state, I couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly at how things had gone exactly as planned.