“Sorry to keep you waiting, Chrome-sama. I’ve brought the child you requested.”

“No, no, I wasn’t waiting, so it’s okay! But, huh? Only one?”

“Yes, well. It seems the other two are feeling unwell from the fatigue of the stage performance…”

“I, I see. That’s concerning. It’s a shame, but I can’t force them…”

“Thank you for your generous consideration. So… Eda-chan?”

“……Huh!? Oh, yes. What is it?”

“What do you mean, what? It’s a greeting! This is Chrome-sama, who serves as a candidate for Archbishop at the headquarters of the Idol Church.”

“H, Hello! I am Chrome. Nice to meet you.”

Responding to Johnny’s words, the man in the black hood bows his head normally. My thinking still can’t catch up with this scene, but my well-ingrained habits reflexively return the greeting.

“I’m Ed…da. Nice to meet you, Chrome-sama.”

“Y, Yeah. Nice to meet you. Thanks for your hard work, Johnny-san. That’ll be all.”


“It’s okay, Johnny-san.”

I push away Johnny, who is concerned about me, on purpose. If it’s not just a perverted old man, but the demon king, it’s a different story.

“Is that so? Well… don’t overdo it.”

Leaving those words full of worry, Johnny left the room. And when the door closed, only I and Chrome… Demon King Chrome were left in this private room. In that case, there’s no need to hold back anymore.

“Phew… so? What’s this all about?”

“W, what do you mean? I just wanted to talk with the children of “Rainbow Tia” who are currently all the buzz…”

Suddenly my atmosphere might have changed, Chrome raised his voice as if a little confused. It’s very flimsy, but… well, it’s a good opportunity, so why not talk first?

“Us You were watching our performance very enthusiastically today, weren’t you?”

“T, That’s right! No, it was really amazing! Eda-chan, you were very attractive, Tia-chan was very cute, and Rain-chan’s song was really amazing… I was moved to tears.”

“Oh, really? Thanks?”

“No, no, it’s not flattery! I really thought it was amazing! So I wanted to talk with everyone… Ah, no, I’m not saying I’m not satisfied with just Eda-chan or anything!”


In response to Chrome’s hurried words, it doesn’t seem like there’s a lie. Rather, I can’t imagine why there would be a need to lie or act at this point.

No, but still… eh, is this a lie?

“Hey, Chrome…sama?”

“Hm? What is it?”

“What do you mean… you know who I am, right?”

“Huh? Of course! Isn’t Eda-chan from “Rainbow Tiar” famous enough to be heard at headquarters these days? Well, admittedly, unlike Tia-chan and Rain-chan, there are clearly people who love you and people who hate you, and there are indeed many critical people… But I think it’s good! Yes, Eda-chan is ero… ehem, attractive after all!”

Despite being hidden behind a black hood and not being able to see his eyes, I could clearly feel Chrome’s gaze darting around my chest and buttocks. Hoho, women can really tell a man’s gaze like this. I should be careful… no, this is useless knowledge that won’t help me in my life at all, but I should still take note. Just in case.

Wait, no, that’s not it! This isn’t… is he really unaware? Even at this distance, having a conversation!?


“Eh, Eda-chan? What… is something wrong?”

“Ah, no, nothing. May I sit?”

“O, Of course! Feel free to sit wherever you like!”

Presumably because he originally intended to invite everyone, there are a lot of delicious-looking dishes lined up on the round table, and there’s plenty of places to sit. But I deliberately smile and sit down next to Chrome at a distance where our shoulders might touch.

“Eh, Eda-chan!? Isn’t that a bit too close?”

“What, is it bad to be close?”

“It’s not that it’s bad, but you know, I think it’s more relaxing for both of us if there’s an appropriate distance!”

“Then it’s fine. This is the ‘appropriate distance’ I’ve thought up between you and me.”


To the visibly flustered Chrome, I gently place my hand on his. Then Chrome shakes his body surprisingly, and my hand is knocked away.

“Hoah!? Ah, sorry, Eda-chan. But, what’s going on? All of a sudden…?”

“There’s nothing sudden about it, I just held your hand. I’m an idol, so it’s only natural for me to shake hands with fans, right? Especially me, I don’t shy away from handshaking.”

In fact, I’m relatively active in interacting with fans. This is partly because I have a strong personality and, although I might appear otherwise, I behave myself… Well, of course I do… I’m a man after all… This is a policy that Johnny has acknowledged.

So, I normally do things like handshakes, and if someone extends a hand as they pass by, I’ll enthusiastically give them a high-five. Occasionally, there are guys who try to touch my butt, but I skillfully dodge them. I used to kick them away, but then there were guys who came up to me saying things like “Kick me too!”… Hmm, the right response is indeed important.

“I’m aware of that! I know, but… since it was so sudden, I was a bit surprised… No, I’m happy! I’m really happy! But, I think it might be a bit off for a girl to casually hold hands like that, I mean…”

“Oh really? So, it’s okay if it’s not hands?”

With a grin, I grabbed Chrome’s hand that he had brushed off, and forcefully pressed it against my chest. It’s quite a peculiar feeling to have one’s chest grabbed like this, but I don’t feel any repulsion… Well, for me, it’s as if I’m grabbing it with my own hand.

But, it seems Chrome, who’s now grabbing my chest, doesn’t see it the same way.

“Hyeeee!? No, Eda-chan!? You can’t, like this!? You can’t do this kind of thing!”

“What’s the problem? You’ve been watching me with those eyes all along, haven’t you?”

“That’s because… it’s a man’s instinct, and even if you’re an idol… No, especially because you’re an idol, I think you should value yourself more! Ah, did you misunderstand because I called you here!? No, that’s not it! I just really wanted to talk with everyone from “Rainbow Tia”, and I never intended to do anything like this! I apologize! Please stop this!”

“Hmm? So, you’re saying you don’t feel anything even after all this?”

“Uggh!? Well, I’m a man, so it’s not like I don’t feel anything… but, no, I can’t. I’m a fan of Tia-chan! I won’t be swayed by this… ah, but it’s incredibly soft…”

“I see… well, that was informative. This will be the last time then.”

“La, last!? What are you――!?”

With a firm grip on Chrome’s wrist, keeping his hand against my chest, I activate [Last Chance] to revert back to my original form. As a result, Chrome’s eyes, peeking slightly from within the hood, widen…

“What about now? Do you understand?”

“Wh, wh, whaaaaaaaat!? Eda-chan turned into a man!? No, that’s not it… could it be, you’re the real bodyyyyyyyyyyy!?!!?”

Before my mischievous smile, the Demon King Chrome shouted out in surprise, as if he were about to blow a bubble.