“Phew… Somehow we made it back again this time, didn’t we?”

“That’s right… wait, what are you doing, Tia?”

As usual, we had made our return to the <White World>, but for some reason, Tia was stretching her arms and twisting her waist next to me. She usually doesn’t do such things, why now?

“Hm? Ah, it’s because even though we were singing and dancing this time, we didn’t engage in any battles at all, did we? So I felt a bit off with my body… Hmm, I think I’m okay now.”

“Ah, I see.”

Indeed, this time, we didn’t even swing a single sword. Considering this state of affairs lasted for almost a year, it’s natural that our bodies would feel strange.

However, in our case, our physical condition reverts back once we return here. Whether we desperately train or live a lazy life eating and sleeping, everything resets once we come here. Therefore, we can easily adjust to such ‘sense of dislocation’.

After all, we have an absolutely unchanging standard. It’s easy to adjust if we remember the state before the change, not after… the state at this very moment.

“Still, it was a hard world, but it was fun. I never thought I’d be doing something like a sideshow performer… Fufu.”

“Hoho, so you liked the idol life, Tia-san? Should we sing and dance in the next world too?”

“Hmm, I’ll pass on that for now. It was “fun” because it’s something we do once in a while.”

“Hahaha, yeah, I suppose.”

No matter which world we go to, aiming for the top will always come with a lot of hardships. For travelers like us, it’s just right to nibble on the enjoyable parts and be satisfied.

“Anyway, let’s quickly read about this time, shall we? I wonder if Rain-chan became the world’s number one idol?”

“Right, let’s do that.”

Prompted by Tia, I immediately walked towards the table. Sitting in the chair, I picked up the {Record Of The Hero’s Story} that was placed there again, and slowly opened its rather thin pages.

“Hmm hmm… nothing particularly noteworthy at the beginning.”

“Well, she herself said she was just an ordinary village girl.”

The introductory part describes Rain, who was born in a small village, growing up healthily surrounded by the kindness and understanding of the adults around her. There were heartwarming incidents such as being teased by a slightly older boy about her singing, but in other words, it was a warm and peaceful everyday life where such things were the topic of conversation.

And in that growing process, Rain began to long to be an idol. The trigger was seeing an idol performance in a nearby town with her parents, which is a common experience for children.

However, no matter how common or commonplace it is, for that person, their own life is everything. Eventually, Rain, who made up her mind, was sent off by her parents and arrived at the town to take the audition…

“And, that’s when she met us.”

“From Rain-chan’s point of view, it was really a sudden encounter, wasn’t it?”

“I think so. Seriously, if it wasn’t for you, I don’t know what would have happened.”

Considering how this meeting differed greatly from the first time around, it would have been extremely difficult for me, a grown man, to encourage the disheartened Rain back onto the path of becoming an idol. If we could get past the initial hurdle of gaining a minimum level of trust, it might work out, but the initial difficulty was too high.

“But, don’t you think you could do it now, as Edda?”

“Give me a break…”

At Tia’s teasing words, I mutter that with a wry smile. Admittedly, getting used to a woman’s body would be convenient, but honestly, I have a slight feeling it’s risky. I can’t help but think that my very existence as Ed is a false one created by a god.

“Come on, let’s continue reading.”

“Okay, okay.”

I’m not sure I’m fooling anyone, but I call out to Tia and start flipping the pages. The story continues after our meeting, but there’s still plenty we don’t know.

Outstanding talent, no matter what, attracts others. Behind our backs, malicious intentions might be directed at us, and Rain might be struggling and suffering due to her talent.

It’s the story of a girl who simply loved to sing, growing into a full-fledged idol. We are still halfway on this journey, but seeing Rain growing stronger and larger bit by bit, I feel a joy as if I’m watching my own child grow, despite never having raised a child.

People who have actually raised children might say “don’t kid yourself”, but it’s about the atmosphere. I nod knowingly at the parts I’m familiar with, and read on with excitement and anticipation for the parts I don’t know…

“So, this is where it ends.”

There are only a few pages left. Tia and I quietly read about what happened after we left.

— World 14 {Records Of The Hero’s Story} Final Chapter: Beyond the Dream

The hero Rain and her party, who welcomed a new member and continued to polish themselves, became idols known to everyone in the world in just about ten years.

But after all, she’s just an idol. Even if her singing voice crosses the walls of the world, her fame won’t last forever. Without noticing the existence of the Demon King, the hero Rain, who only sang for people, only leaves her name in a small corner of history and ends her life at the age of 72.

The hero Rain, who forgot her mission for a moment’s shine and was consumed as entertainment. God shed a tear of sympathy for her foolishness and misery.

“What the hell! Don’t think crying will solve anything!”

Although it doesn’t seem audible, I can’t help but retort as I smack the book. I don’t know what God was trying to do by changing the system of idols, but the conclusion that this guy is trouble hasn’t changed a bit, which is rather amazing.

“Fufu, Rain-chan did become the ‘world’s top idol’.”

“Right. Well, it’s as expected, but she really worked hard.”

Indeed, Rain had talent. As far as I know, she was blessed with the people around her. She had understanding parents, rivals to compete with, and supportive adults. It was like a fortress of support, so much so that I wondered how she could fail.

But, even with all the support in the world, nothing would change if the person herself did not strive to do better. Regardless of how well-paved the road of life is, there are no shared carriages. If you do not take each step forward, with intent and determination, you will not reach your destination.

Rain accomplished that. If she continued to sing throughout her life, then there couldn’t be a better conclusion.

By the way, it seems that the Demon King Chrome continued his work diligently. Not only was he not defeated, it seems he wasn’t even noticed. I’m sure he’s probably still sprinkling Magilium around and finding new idols.

I can picture his unwavering way of life, and it makes me feel a little happy. Even though they were originally part of me, the fact that they, with their own hearts, are living happily with humans is also a source of hope for me.

“Haa, at this rate, it doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to reclaim any of Chrome’s power. I missed another chance to power up.”

“…You know, Ed, when you’re making such a happy face, your complaints don’t have a shred of persuasiveness.”

My cheek was poked by the grinning Tia. At her annoying behavior, I glared at Tia.

“Tia? If you continue to get carried away, you’re going to have a hard time, you know?”

“Oh, scary! I wonder what kind of hardship awaits me?”

“Well… For starters, I could lock up the Magistocker and forbid you from eating sweets for a while.”


“…Only for a while.”


“… …”

Tia gave me a pitiful look. Unable to stand her silence, I exaggeratedly stand up and start walking towards the next door.

“Come on, let’s go! Next, next!”

“There’s no need to rush. I still have plenty of sugar for a while.”

“… …”

“Oh, of course, I’ll divide the sugar equally for a while. Is there anything else?”

“I don’t know! Seriously, I’m really going to forbid sweets for about a month!”

“You can’t do such a terrible thing! Half of a girl is made up of sweets!”

“…So, what’s the other half?”

Tia pokes my serious face with her finger and laughs.

“Of course, it’s love!”

“…Is that so? That sounds like a stomach-churning composition.”

With a wry smile, I stand in front of the door marked ‘016’. Waiting ahead is an unfamiliar world that I am well acquainted with. I hope that it is a world where our Ojou-sama, made of love and sweets, can enjoy.

“Shall we go?”


“Sure. Let’s go.”

Together with Tia, who grabs my extended hand with a smile, I step into a new world.

(T/N: The Chapters you see ahead are scheduled to be published at a later date. The old schedule will resume, chapters every alternate days)