“Please do your best, Yuusha-sama! I’m cheering for you!”

“Ou! Super! I’ll give it my all!”

We finished our public match without issue and were safely recognized as the Hero Party. There was no further need for us, so we simply needed to leave the castle before getting involved in any troublesome matters. As we started to leave, with Burn responding to the gatekeeper’s words with a smile, we were unexpectedly called out.

“Um… E… Ed-san!”


“Um, can I… can I have a handshake?”

“Ah, yeah. Sure…”

While he looked at me with sparkling eyes, I reluctantly extended my hand with a forced smile. The gatekeeper grabbed my hand firmly, and with a full grin, he vigorously shook it. Having done idol handshakes quite frequently, it wasn’t new to me, but being seen like this when I wasn’t Eda was still somewhat unsettling.

“Thank you! Defeating General Lobel, that is amazing! I’ll become as strong as Ed-san someday!”

“Haha, I see. Keep it up… but, I’m younger than you, you know? Please do your best.”

“Don’t worry about it! Thank you! I’ll be praying for your safe travels!”

“Ah, thanks.”

Receiving an unexpectedly enthusiastic cheer, we finally left the castle. Then, at my side, a smirking Tia started talking.

“Fufu, Ed, you’re really popular, aren’t you?”

“Seems like it. Why did this happen…”

I didn’t want to lose, but my opponent was the type to bring up various troubles if I won, so I thought I’d play it off as equal and aim for a draw. However, for some reason, my opponent surrendered, and before I knew it, I had become ‘the man who defeated the kingdom’s strongest knight.’

“That old man was super really strong, right?! But you beat him, that’s amazing, Ed! Just as expected of my companion!”

“Haha, well…”

For a moment, I thought about saying that old man… Lobel, had held back for me, but saying that about an opponent I had defeated, even if it was a draw, would be an insult. And while I had volunteered to be the scout for the sake of fitting in as Burn’s companion, now that I’ve been recognized fully as a companion, there’s no longer any reason to keep quiet about my strength. In that case… hmm?

“Right, if Burn wants, I can teach you swordsmanship, and Tia can teach you magic. You are the type to swing a sword based on instinct, but it shouldn’t hurt to learn swordsmanship.”

“That’s right. The magic I use is spirit magic, so it might be different from the laws of magic you’re used to, but I can teach you the basics of using regular magic.”

“That’s great! Super! I’ll count on you guys! Ah, but I’m not good at studying, so please make it a real-life battle situation.”

“Hoho? Real life… sounds good, we’ll drill you thoroughly. Right, Tia?”

“That’s fine. I wonder whether you’ll start smoking from your head first or from your mouth… It’ll be fun.”

“Wait, what’s with this atmosphere… Super, I hope you’ll go easy on me?”

With me and Tia grinning, Burn made a regretful face and said. Fufufu, it’s been a while since I taught someone swordsmanship, right? But it’s my first time teaching someone a one-handed straight sword… Whoa, is this the first time since Miguel? Fufu, this is exciting.

“Hey, Tia? Ed is laughing in a really super scary way…”

“Oh no, this might already be hopeless. Don’t worry, I’ll pick up your bones.”


“…Why do you guys make it sound like I’m a demon of some sort? Sheesh. Come on, let’s move on to the next thing.”

“Next? Is there something else we need to do?”

“You idiot, we were told to go to the church! You heard the king’s words, right!?”

At Burn’s feigned ignorance, I gave a bitter smile and responded. Why do I remember a conversation that I was ignoring, while Burn, who should have been listening carefully, does not… Well, because he’s him.

“Listen up. What we lack now is someone who can use healing magic. And, we’re going to the church to get introduced to said person. Got it?”

“Ah, right, he did mention something like that. Understood! We should super-hurry-up then!”

“Didn’t I tell you not to run?! Ugh…”

“Burn really has a lot of energy.”

As we chased after Burn, who had run off through the main street, Tia and I weaved through the crowd. And thus, we arrived at a respectable church befitting of the royal capital. After catching up to Burn, we were ushered into a reception room by a priest inside.

As we waited while drinking the tea that was served, an elderly priest dressed in a leisurely robe came into the room. And behind him was… huh?

“Thank you for waiting, Yuusha-sama and his party. This person here will accompany you on your journey. Please, give your greetings.”

“Nice to meet you. My name is Euralia. I am still inexperienced, but I look forward to working with you.”

With a bow, the person introducing herself as Euralia was a woman of our age, with striking hazel eyes and long hair that seemed to reach her waist. However, in stark contrast to Burn, her low, calm voice gave off a somewhat dark impression.

“Euralia, huh! I’m Hero Burn! Super! Nice to meet you!”

“… Yes, nice to meet you too.”

When Burn energetically greeted Euralia and extended his hand, she softly took it.

“My name’s Lunaritia. Nice to meet you, Euralia.”

“… Yes, nice to meet you too.”

Next, Tia greeted her and extended her hand, and Euralia softly took her hand as well.

“I’m Ed. Nice to meet you.”

“… Yes, nice to meet you too.”

Lastly, when I greeted her and extended my hand, Euralia responded and softly took my hand… oh?



While she greeted Burn and Tia with one hand, she took my hand with both of hers for some reason. As soon as I reacted, Euralia, who had a surprised look on her face, quietly let go of my hand.

“Wha- What? Was there something on my hand?”

“… No, nothing. There are many preparations to be made, so I will take my leave for today.”

“O-Okay. See you later.”

After bowing as she did when she came in, Euralia left the room. We briefly discussed future plans with the elderly priest and headed back to our lodgings after dinner. Lying down on the bed in the darkened room, I let out a sigh.

“Haa… A lot happened today…”

I was forced to participate in an unexpected public match at the castle, where I thought I would only be making greetings. And then, something different happened at the church than in the first round.

“Euralia… Why is this different…?”

The first time around, the person who became our companion was a male priest. The original Hero party consisted of me, Burn, Flanite, and that priest.

I understood why Flanite didn’t join us this time. She appeared normally to become a part of the team, but Tia intruded and overwrote her. The reason and the outcome were clear, so I didn’t feel any discomfort with this flow.

But Euralia is different. It’s my first time meeting church officials in this world, and it’s impossible that the person changed because of what happened at the castle in just a few hours…

“Well, it’s not impossible, right?”

I had always known that the kingdom wanted someone under its influence by the Hero’s side… If possible, they wanted to arrange for a female companion who could marry the Hero. So when Flanite was ruled out, did they hurriedly change the priest from man to woman? If I think about it that way, it does make some sense.

“I see. Burn’s got it tough, huh.”

There are plenty of people who would envy having women approach them, but from my perspective, having seen the cunning schemes of the royal and noble families, I couldn’t think of it that way.

But at the end of the day, it’s someone else’s problem. I don’t particularly have to worry about it as long as I’m not involved. If I receive some sort of consultation, all I have to do is answer it properly.

“…Time to sleep.”

I felt a slight increase in the numbness of my right hand, perhaps because I swung my sword quite seriously for the first time in a while. To keep myself sharp, I closed my eyes tightly and allowed my consciousness to melt into darkness.

(T/N: Bet she is after Ed not Burn)