In the end, Yu Yan didn’t finish the rest of his words that day.

His and Mu Yungui’s friendship had lasted so many years. Rather than master and servant, they were more like confidants. He was regarded as a confidant, and yet he wanted that person’s marking. How could he say such stuff?

Yu Yan still wanted his pride.

But in any case, this matter could be considered as settled.

A few days later, Meng Changzhou really proposed his intention to resign and return to his hometown to the Yan emperor, on the grounds of his advanced age.

On the day his family left Jiang Du, Yu Yan personally went to the city gate to see him off.

It was just after New Year’s Eve. According to Meng Changzhou’s wishes, he would set off now, just in time to return to his hometown before the Spring Festival.

“You’re already leaving. Is Lord Meng still unwilling to tell me who instigated you?” Yu Yan asked Meng Changzhou away from the crowd.

“This old man has resigned, and cannot offend this reputable sir anymore.”

Meng Changzhou changed into plain clothes, and his spirit looked much better than before.

In the distance, a young woman was holding her infant child, pacing back and forth, seemingly wanting to put the child to sleep before setting off.

Inside the carriage, there were noises of female chatting and faint laughter.

A few people gathered around the carriage, doing the final salute count.

It was bustling but also rather harmonious.

Meng Changzhou retracted his gaze and said, “Furthermore, the answer is not important to Your Second Highness, isn’t it?”

“His Majesty has not established an heir until now. If Your Highness wants to ascend to a high position, then every prince is your obstacle. Similarly, in the eyes of the other princes, you are also a hindrance.”

“…Since they are all enemies, is there any difference between who made the first move?”

Yu Yan was silent for a moment, and smiled. “Since Lord Meng said that, do you think that this Highness will conduct fratricidal?”

Meng Changzhou did not answer.

Yu Yan repeated, “Let’s change the question. Among these princes, who do you think is the most suitable to lead?”

Under the knee of Emperor Yan, there were four sons and two daughters. The third princess was married far away, and the sixth princess was young. The remaining four have a higher chance of competing for the throne.

Meng Changzhou responded instantly. “The eldest prince is good at planning. The fourth prince is good at martial arts. The fifth prince has the support of the queen. All are likely.”

Yu Yan: “…”

So it’s only him who was unworthy.

“It’s just…” Meng Changzhou’s conversation made a u-turn. “The fourth prince’s war skills are first-class, but he is a little inferior in terms of political affairs. The fifth prince is still young and his aspiration is elsewhere. Looking at this….”

Yu Yan: “Only the eldest imperial brother is left.”

Meng Changzhou didn’t say anything, only bowed to Yu Yan. “I have said everything here, and I hope your Highness will take care.”

“Lord Meng should take care of your body too.” Yu Yan patted his shoulder and said in a low voice, “I’m still waiting for the day you see me ascend the throne of God with your own eyes.”

“This old man will remain vigilant.”

Yu Yan watched that carriage drive away from the city gate before returning to his carriage.

“Head back to the palace.”

Mu Yungui waited beside the carriage. Hearing the order, he answered “yes” and supported Yu Yan onto the carriage.

The carriage turned around and headed to the direction of the palace.

Inside the carriage, there was always hot tea and snacks, prepared according to Yu Yan’s preferences. Yu Yan watched Mu Yungui kneeled in the carriage as he steeped tea for Yu Yan and he suddenly had a strange thought.

Although Mu Yungui had taken care of him since the past, the relationship between them was pure and innocent. Yu Yan never thought more about it.

But now…

No matter how Yu Yan looked, this person somehow seemed like a little lover he was raising.

But compared to the concubines of other princes and nobles in the imperial city, his little lover was not only able to be called to bed, but also able to fight and not a spendthrift. One person, many uses.

These days, Mu Yungui played the role of bed partner conscientiously. No matter when and where, as long as Yu Yan wanted, he would satisfy without any complaint.

Not only was he obedient on the bed, he was also considerate and treated him better than before.

This could not continue for long.

Yu Yan propped his chin, feeling a little melancholy.

If this continued, what should he do if others didn’t meet his standard in the future?

Did he have to force himself onto another?


The palace was rather lively these days.

Every year after New Year’s Eve, the Yan Emperor would have a great banquet feast and gather capable people and strangers from all over the world to enter the palace to sing and dance. Everyone could participate in the celebration and welcome the new year together, from the important ministers of the court to the concubines of the harem.

This celebration would continue until the Spring Festival.

In this half a month, the entire imperial city would be bursting with indulgence and excitement.

Yu Yan has certainty always sneered at this waste of labour and money.

He alighted from the sedan carriage at the gate of the palace, crossed the most lively hall in the middle of the palace, and returned to his palace chamber.

Yu Yan was fond of quietness. The location of his chamber was relatively remote, in sharp contrast with that bustling center.

During the New Year’s celebrations, the palace owners usually gave the palace servants a few days of spring break for them to enjoy, either to appreciate the singing and dancing or to leave the palace to visit relatives.

Yu Yan’s hall was no exception.

There were only a few shift guards left in the palace now. Yu Yan entered the palace hall with Mu Yungui, and then closed the door of the palace hall.

In the past, he did that only when Yu Yan wanted to settle official affairs with Mu Yungui.

Mu Yungui queried, “Master, you…1”

Yu Yan shut the gate of the palace hall tightly and ordered, “I want you to leave Jiang Du for a while.”

Mu Yungui was taken aback. He quickly responded. “Is it because of Meng Changzhou?”

“Correct.” Yu Yan said, “The diplomatic mission had failed its assassination. Meng Changzhou resigned and returned to his hometown. I deliberately went to the city gate to see him off today. If you were the mastermind behind the scenes, what would you think?”

Mu Yungui: “This subordinate will think that Meng Changzhou may have done a betrayal.”

He paused then continued, “Master thinks that someone will kill Meng Changzhou halfway?”

Yu Yan nodded.

Mu Yungui pondered for a while. He questioned back, “But isn’t it too late to start? It’s been more than half a month since the envoy’s assassination mission. Why didn’t he do it earlier…”

Yu Yan said, “If he doesn’t want to be discovered by me, he’ll not dare to kill in the imperial city.”

Mu Yungui frowned, his brows wrinkled. “Master still doubts the fifth highness?”

“I doubt everyone.” Yu Yan lit the candle lamp on the wall, and the soft flickering light illuminated the empty hall.

Seeing that Mu Yungui was still puzzled, Yu Yan smiled. “In fact, you don’t need to think about it so much. No matter who the behind-the-scenes mastermind is, whether Meng Changzhou had done the betrayal or not, as long as he knows the secret, he will not be able to return home alive.”

“And my guess, the other party should move soon.”

Mu Yungui: “Master wants me to protect Meng Changzhou?”

“You don’t have to be so meticious. Just, if someone wants to do something to him halfway through, I hope you can catch one or two.” Yu Yan glanced at Mu Yungui and lowered his voice, “No, just one is fine. As long as you don’t kill them all.”


Yu Yan asked, “You have something else to say?”

Mu Yungui answered truthfully, “This subordinate is worried about your safety.”

During the spring vacation, fish and dragons were mixed in the palace. This was the most dangerous time. How could Mu Yungui leave with confidence?

“Don’t worry, I will be careful these few days.” Yu Yan raised a hand and said seriously, “I promise, I will never leave the palace before you come back, and won’t run about. There are imperial troops and guards in the palace. Who would dare do something to me in the palace? What’s more…”

Yu Yan smiled slyly and lowered his voice, “When you go, go quietly. Don’t let people find out.”

“…We’ll play a double bluff.”

The doors and windows of the chamber hall remained closed, only leaving the flickering candlelight coating the handsome face of the youth with a soft golden light.

He sat at the table’s front and blinked mischievously at Mu Yungui, his eyes flashing with confidence and arrogance.

Mu Yungui actually looked a little dazzled.

He looked away and firmly responded, “Yes, this subordinate understands.”

Mu Yungui turned around, preparing to leave but was stopped by Yu Yan again. “You wait a moment.”

The young man who was at ease just now seemed to have disappeared in an instant. Yu Yan’s eyes fluttered everywhere, and he vaguely said: “That….what we did last time, has it been several days since?”

Mu Yungui replied, “Replying to Master, three days have since passed.”

Since discontinuing the suppressant incense, Yu Yan’s fuzzy after-effect has gotten better, gradually lengthening the time a temporary mark could be maintained for.

However the situation this time was special.

Meng Changzhou was returning to his hometown. The journey would take three days on the road. Mu Yungui’s trip would naturally take up five or six daylights.

The temporary mark from the previous time would definitely not last for so long.

Yu Yan’s ears were a little red. He whispered, “Can you… Can you help me once before you leave?”

Of course it was a yes.

Mu Yungui’s eyes moved slightly. He nodded earnestly. “Yes.”

He walked to Yu Yan’s side.

But he soon discovered a problem.

To create a temporary mark, an omega needed to be completely aroused. Previously, it was always Yu Yan’s scent that was uncontrollable, stirring up his emotions. Only then could Mu Yungui inject his scent through the glands behind Yu Yan’s neck.

But Yu Yan was currently not aroused.

A temporary marking could not be completed this way.

Yu Yan pondered.

Within the imperial household, after differentiation, there was a system to learn how to control scents and the knowledge about the alphas and omegas. But because a certain second prince pretended to be an alpha since differentiation, he had never learned this before.

He has no idea how an omega should release one’s fragrance!

How embarrassing.

There was a sense of stalemate in the atmosphere.

Yu Yan lowered his head, even his neck was flushing. “How… how can this be done?”

Meng Changzhou has been away for a while. Yu Yan brought Mu Yungui back to the palace specially to make a temporary mark. He originally thought that, including marking him, Mu Yungui would have more than enough time to spare.

He didn’t expect it was him who screwed up.

Any further delay and Meng Changzhou’s body may turn cold.

In fact, Mu Yungui wasn’t uninterested. As long as he was in front of this person, he couldn’t really have no desires. However, as a martial artist, especially a shadow guard, what he had to learn at the beginning of the differentiation was how to control the fragrance scent.

Therefore, even if Yu Yan was slow to heat, Mu Yungui only needed to release traces of his scent to induce him.

Yu Yan still had a temporary mark of Mu Yungui remaining on his body. It was easy to evoke desire.

But Mu Yungui didn’t want to say anything.

The vile, cautious thinking in his heart prevailed, and he stood beside Yu Yan with his eyes down, waiting patiently as usual.

He wanted to know, what would his little master do?

Suddenly, Mu Yungui’s fingers hanging by his side were lightly touched.

Yu Yan’s hands were cold. His palms were still slightly sweaty. He looked very nervous, his cheeks were all red, and his slender eyelashes quivered slightly, casting small shadows on his face.

Yu Yan tentatively touched Mu Yungui’s hand, then plucked up the courage to hold it firmly, even his voice trembling nervously.

“Want…want to touch me?”

The author has something to say:

Your little black shadow guard is now online.

Formal you. Mu Yungui always uses very formal wording towards Yu Yan