Yu Yan blanked out. Mu Yungui caught him.

He subconsciously clung to Mu Yungui’s shoulder and questioned, “What are you doing?”

“Master is unwell. This subordinate will carry Master up the carriage.” Mu Yungui carried Yu Yan and walked out. “Master only has to persist for a while longer. After returning to the palace, this subordinate will instruct the imperial physician to diagnose Master’s pulse.”

Dia-dia-diagnose his pulse —???

“No!” Yu Yan blurted out.

Mu Yungui stopped in his footsteps and looked down at the person in his arms.

Yu Yan forced himself to continue. “I’m tired, I don’t want to go back to the palace now, I want to go back to my room to sleep!”

Mu Yungui did not answer. Yu Yan and himself stared at each other. The two pairs of eyes connected in the air, almost fighting a silent match.

After a while, Mu Yungui gave way.


He wrapped the fox pelt tightly around Yu Yan, carrying him towards the bedroom.

Mu Yungui brought the man back to the bedroom, but was driven out of the room by the latter on the grounds that he wanted to rest.

The door opened and closed, leaving Yu Yan alone in the room.

On the bed, he laid on his back, undid the fox pelt on his body. His eyes fell on his flat abdomen.

These days, Yu Yan had no appetite. He didn’t think much about it before, only believing it was because Mu Yungui was not in Jiang Du and no one cooked for him.

Now it seemed……

Yu Yan pursed his lips, gently covering his lower abdomen with his palm.

There was still no noticeable change. Yu Yan carefully felt inch by inch, feeling he was even thinner than before.

But the book also said that it would take at least three months before a pregnant omega’s bump could be seen. If one was thinner, it would take even longer for the pregnancy to show.

When he first saw Ye Shu, the other party had been carrying for three months. He couldn’t tell at all.

Counting the time, he entered estrus for the first time, and it had been more than one month since.

The time matched.

Yu Yan fell back on the bed, covered his face, and rolled on the bed in distress.

Qing Yue, that damn crow’s mouth!

Of course he dared not ask the imperial physician to check his pulse.

The empress’ informats were all over the harem. The imperial physician was naturally among them. If he was found out by the imperial physician, he would be unable to hide his omega’s identity.

The house was soon warmed by the braizers. Yu Yan’s body was still a little indisposed. He soon fell asleep.

In his daze, he felt someone approaching.

Mu Yungui picked him up, took one of his hands, and whispered softly, “Will trouble this senior doctor then.”

…. Senior doctor?

Senior doctor??!!!

Yu Yan jerked awake. He really was being held in Mu Yungui’s arms, and there was an old man with white beard and hair sitting in front of him.

The elderly man slowly placed a finger on Yu Yan’s pulse, checking the pulse.

Yu Yan pulled his hand back. “What are you doing?”

The elderly man was shocked by his actions. Mu Yungui answered, “This is a doctor invited from Jiang Du City. Even if Master refuses to go back, there is a need to see the doctor first.”

Yu Yan: “I’m not seeing a doctor. Send him off.”

Mu Yungui frowned, his tone was firm. “Master…”

After a short rest, the discomfort on Yu Yan’s body subsided a lot. Taking advantage of Mu Yungui’s unpreparedness, he struggled and freed himself from Mu Yungui’s arms. Quickly, he rolled on the bed, wrapping himself in a quilt.

In a series of fluid movements, Yu Yan’s back leaned against the wall, his whole body wrapped firmly in the quilt with only his head exposed.

Yu Yan insisted, “Not seeing a doctor. Get out!”

Mu Yungui: “…”

The elderly man looked at Yu Yan, then at Mu Yungui. He shook his head, “You child, how could you hide this sickness because you fear the treatment? Your husband1worries for your own good.”

Yu Yan: “…”

Mu Yungui: “…”

Yu Yan almost bit his tongue. “He is not…”

“How isn’t that so? If you’re sick and refusing to be cured, that’s simply not proper.” The elderly man lectured earnestly. “Omegas are weak. Beware of minor illnesses that may lead to serious illnesses. Don’t be headstrong.”

Yu Yan gave up explaining to him and raised his eyes to Mu Yungui. “You are not obedient anymore? Get him out!”

Yu Yan’s tone was a bit heavy, as if he was really angry.

Mu Yungui’s heart was confused, but didn’t dare to disobey him, so towards the elderly man, he said, “I will send this sir out first.”

“But this…”

Mu Yungui didn’t let him continue and sent that man out.

After leaving the room, the elderly man glanced back at the room hesitantly. Dissatisfied, he complained, “How can you always follow his orders? If he is ill, he needs to be treated.”

Without waiting for Mu Yungui to explain, the elderly man continued, “But this old man can understand too – being henpecked.”

Mu Yungui: “…”

Mu Yungui: “He and I are really not…”

“It’s okay, I understand.” The elderly man’s eyes were filled with pity, pensively saying, “But I think the young man is still in good spirits. Maybe just a slight chill. Don’t worry too much.”

Mu Yungui: “… Thank you, doctor.”

After getting another person send the doctor away, Mu Yungui returned to the house.

Yu Yan was still curled up on the inside of the bed, watching him warily.

Mu Yungui knelt down in front of the bed. “It’s this subordinate’s initiative. Master, please impose punishment.”

Yu Yan opened his mouth and quietly voiced out, “I didn’t mean to blame you.”

Whenever Mu Yungui did this, Yu Yan couldn’t get angry with him.

What’s more… It wasn’t even his fault this time.

He crawled out of the quilt and stretched his hand out to pull on the sleeve of the person. “I said before that you don’t need to kneel before me. Get up.”

Mu Yungui did not move, only asking, “Can Master inform this subordinate why Master doesn’t want to see a doctor?”


Yu Yan looked hesitant.

He was not sure if he really had a child. But if it were true, what should he do next?

The current situation was unstable. Even he could not protect himself. How could he protect this extra little life?

Yu Yan understood how cruel the struggle among the royal family was. He always reminded himself not to have weaknesses or leave any weak points.

After working hard for so many years, how could he ruin everything just for this?

So… don’t have the child?

Yu Yan had always liked children. After reading a lot of the common folks’ stories, even an omega birthing children was an idea he no longer rejected.

If the child was born by himself, he definitely would like the child even more.

And that child would look very similar to Mu Yungui, inheriting his superb martial arts talent, being nurtured by him to become the best imperial heir.

“I don’t know…” Yu Yan was pulled by two completely different choices in his mind. He wrapped himself in the quilt and rolled twice, and almost fell out of bed.

Mu Yungui caught him. “What happened to Master today?”

Yu Yan did not speak.

He didn’t think about it clearly, so naturally he didn’t dare to tell Mu Yungui about this guess.

Furthermore… he was unsure what Mu Yungui would think.

No matter how loyal the shadow guard was, would he be so loyal to be willing to have and raise the child together?

“It’s nothing.” Yu Yan said with slight frustration. “I want to sleep for a while, you should go out first.”

Mu Yungui hesitated for a moment, and asked softly, “Can this subordinate accompany Master for a while?”

He rarely gave requests to Yu Yan. Yu Yan blinked in surprise.

Mu Yungui: “This subordinate is worried about Master’s body.”

Oh. Mu Yungui thought he was down with a chill and worried that his condition would get worse.

Yu Yan nodded, and let Mu Yungui embrace him, lying together.

The embrace of the other was as warm as ever. As Yu Yan laid in his arms, the chaotic thoughts in his mind gradually calmed down.

Within Yu Yan’s past twenty years, the best life he could think of was to succeed the throne, and after that, find a wife to marry, lead a harmonious life, have a few children, make the country strong and the people prosperous.

His thoughts were still the same, but he found that if the person was Mu Yungui, he wouldn’t reject it.

He seemed to…really treat Mu Yungui a little special.

Yu Yan buried his head in Mu Yungui’s arms.

What should he do now?


In the end, it was not a peaceful sleep for Yu Yan. He was half-wake, half-dreaming when there was an eager shout from someone outside the door.

“Your Highness, there is news from the palace, saying something has happened!”

At the beginning of the new year, the four princes of Great Yan who were split up across the borders returned back for a family reunion. But just an hour ago, news came that the four princes were ambushed on the way back to the capital, and the entire army was annihilated.

Not even bones were left.

When King Yan learnt of this, he was so anxious, his condition worsened, and he fainted.

A joyous event turned into mourning.

Overnight, the red silk lanterns all over the palace were removed. The palace where the four princes would originally rest was now hung with funeral flags, and the crying of female servants could be heard everywhere.

Yu Yan offered incense and walked out of the mourning hall.

Though he and the four princes’ relationship was ordinary, he was still a brother. According to Great Yan’s rules, it was inevitable he had to observe a vigil.

Yu Yan hurried back to the palace and stayed up all night. His body that was still recovering found it tough to endure.

He pressed his sore eyebrows. Walking out of his palace hall, he was immediately held back.

“Master, are you okay?” Mu Yungui had a worried expression.

The vigil could only be done by the few princes. Mu Yungui had to wait outside the hall.

How long has Yu Yan been inside, was the same duration he stood outside.

Yu Yan’s heart warmed, and he muttered, “”It’s fine, let’s go back.”

Mu Yungui nodded and helped Yu Yan outside.

A figure stood in front of them.

It was the eldest prince, Yu Shu.

The Yan Emperor was in a coma all night. He had stayed in front of the sick bed throughout, unable to come to the mourning hall for the vigil.

Yu Shu said, “Emperor father has already woken up in the morning. The imperial physician said this has dealt a great blow to the emperor and he needs to stay in bed for some time.”

Yu Yan and Mu Yungui looked at each other, but did not answer back.

Yu Shu followed on with, “The death of the fourth, our Emperor father has entrusted me to investigate.”

When he said this, his gaze was fixed on Yu Yan. It was telling.

These brothers never trusted each other.

Yu Yan had an incoming headache. Frowning, “What is the meaning of this, Imperial brother? Do you suspect that I acted on our fourth?”

Yu Shu: “I suspect everyone.”

Yu Yan snorted. “If Imperial brother is in doubt, please check by all means. If there is nothing else, this younger brother will leave first.”

Yu Yan was about to leave but Yu Shu stopped them again. “The fourth was murdered the night before. Where were you then?”

His eyes darkened slightly, and he looked at Mu Yungui. “Where was he then?”

Yu Yan’s eyes twitched.

At that time, Mu Yungui had not returned to Jiang Du.

Was it just a coincidence, or was it a deliberate plot by someone?

Yu Yan’s headaches were worsening. Even his thoughts were not clear as before, and he subconsciously grasped Mu Yungui’s arm. “What is Imperial brother saying? Yungui is my imperial bodyguard. He naturally follows beside me.”

“Really?” Yu Shu took a step forward and said coldly, “This person is your shadow guard. After hearing that you came back from Chang Lu, you didn’t let him hide in the dark anymore, but took him with you every day, almost being inseparable.”

“But according to your palace’s servant, no one seems to have seen this person’s whereabouts a few days ago.”

“… Was he really in the palace?”

Yu Yan’s body was hot and cold. If it weren’t for Mu Yungui supporting him, he would almost be unable to stand.

He didn’t even have the heart to think about what was going on.

Yu Yan took a deep breath, endured the dizziness, and opened his mouth with difficulty, “My subordinate. How I order him is my freedom. Rather than that, Imperial brother, our fourth’s corpse isn’t yet cold and yet you’re wronging me in front of his spirit…”

“What will you do next? Put me in jail for trial?”

Of course he would not dare to put Yu Yan in prison.

Yu Shu looked uncertain. He stared at Yu Yan coldly. Without speaking, yet not giving way.

Just then, a voice rang from behind them.

“Eldest imperial brother!” Yu Hong ran over quickly and held Yu Shu’s arm. “Eldest imperial brother, don’t misunderstand Second imperial brother. That day we were at Empress mother’s chamber palace having a meal. I saw his imperial guard then.”

Yu Shu frowned. “Really?”

“I really saw it.” Yu Hong’s eyes were sincere and serious. “The guard escorted Second imperial brother to Empress mother’s chamber palace. Later, after eating, they both went back together. Imperial brother don’t believe me?”

Yu Shu stared at him for a moment, and sighed. “This imperial brother naturally believes in you.”

He looked at Yu Yan: “Since our fifth testifies for you, let’s leave it as it is today. I have to give our fourth2 incense. Won’t accompany you further.”

After he finished speaking, he passed a few other people and walked towards the mourning hall. Yu Hong wanted to say something to Yu Yan, but he heard Yu Shu calling him loudly, “Fifth, come with me. I have something to tell you.”

Yu Hong curled his lips and could only follow.

The people around him left one after another. Yu Yan’s body relaxed and almost fell.

Mu Yungui was about to pick him up but Yu Yan stopped him. “”Yungui…”


“Yungui, I thought about it all night.” Yu Yan’s mind was dizzy. He leaned his head within the other’s embrace and whispered, “I can’t bear to give up both sides. I want both.”

Mu Yungui did not understand. “What are you3 talking about?”

“… I can protect him, and I can also protect you. You have to believe me.”

Mu Yungui: “?”

Mu Yungui questioned, “Who is he?”

Yu Yan was already completely confused, repeating these few phrases that do not link to each other. Frustration filled his heart as Mu Yungui hugged the person onto the sedan chair and pulled up the blanket within the sedan to wrap the man up.

He then turned his head and ordered to have the imperial physician go to their palace hall.

Yu Yan heard the two words – ‘imperial physician’ – and instantly gathered his strength, stating in annoyance, “No imperial physician. What imperial physician! I told you not to call the imperial physician! Why are you not obedient?!”

“…” Mu Yungui was dumbfounded by that person’s words. “Master is feverish. Please rest and stop talking.”

Yu Yan’s reaction was much slower than before. He blinked blankly. “… A fever?”

Mu Yungui: “Your wind chill is getting worse.”

Wind… Wind cold?

Wasn’t he pregnant? ? ?

The author has something to say:

Mu Yungui: So who is that he?

Yu Yan: ………………

夫君 !!

The fourth brother

Formally speaking