A bonfire was burning outside the camp tent. The air was filled with the aroma of meat and faint sounds of soldiers talking and moving about. Inside the tent, Mu Yungui set up a small table in front of the camp bed and placed a few simple, light dishes on it.

The two sat down to eat quietly. Though not lively, it was still extraordinarily warm.

The army camp’s food was naturally not as good as Jiang Du’s. Yu Yan had been so worried about Mu Yungui’s safety that he had not eaten much since the morning. But at this point he was so hungry that his stomach clenched, he could not be picky about his food.

Mu Yungui passed him a few small dishes and asked, “So Master was worried that this subordinate might have encountered an accident and hence hurried here?”

“…En.” Yu Yan held a bowl of porridge and took a sip.

“Thank you, Master, “Mu Yungui whispered

Yu Yan placed the bowl down, feeling a little unhappy. “Yungui, why are you still so polite with me?”

Mu Yungui paused.

Yu Yan felt like Mu Yungui still treated him with restraint and politeness. It was tough to change him even after so much time had passed.

Yu Yan asked again, “The last time we met, what did we talk about?”

Mu Yungui: “Master asked me…to be more proactive, to be frank. To tell Master whatever is in my heart.”

“Then tell me, what are you thinking?”

“I…” Mu Yungui hesitated for a moment. In a low voice, he said, “This subordinate missed Master very much.”

“It was hard not to see Master every day. It was hard worrying about whether Master is living well in Jiang Du, whether the food suits his taste and whether he will encounter any danger. I wanted to end the war as soon as possible and return to Jiang Du to see Master…”

Mu Yungui’s pair of handsome eyes stared at Yu Yan, every word and sentence he heard was intense. “This subordinate is very happy to see Master today. Even more so because he came especially to see me.”

They stared at each other for a moment. Yu Yan turned his gaze away, the tips of his ears blushing red. “Don’t…don’t say anymore…”

Mu Yungui had changed a lot this year. Compared to before, he was thinner but his appearance had become more mature.

If one could say he purposely curbed his edge before, now, it was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, intense and penetrating.

Being faced with such a gaze, one really….couldn’t hold back.

Who said blockheads couldn’t talk about love?

Yu Yan blushed, vaguely saying “I missed you too”, then bowed his head and ate with utmost focus.

Seeing him act like this, Mu Yungui felt a little itchy, but he held back.

The two finished their dinner quietly.

Maybe it was because he was too hungry and ate too quickly but Yu Yan felt a little nauseous. He put his chopsticks down without eating any more.

Mu Yungui was observing his actions keenly. Worried, he asked, “Is Master not feeling well? This subordinate will immediately find a military doctor.”

“Don’t–” Yu Yan stopped him. “No need. I’m only…”

Yu Yan pursed his lips and stopped speaking.

He hadn’t planned on telling Mu Yungui yet.

The situation was uncertain and talking about it now may affect him. This was one reason. The other reason was that… he wanted to surprise Mu Yungui.

And this surprise could only be revealed after all the dust had settled.

“I’m just exhausted.” Yu Yan pulled Mu Yungui back and whispered, “Just lie down next to me for a while.”

Though Mu Yungui had his doubts, he had always listened to whatever Yu Yan said. He nodded and helped Yu Yan take off his shoes and socks and then laid down with his arms around him.

“I have been very worried these days.” Yu Yan whispered, “I thought the sealed letter may not reach you in time so I dared not stop for a moment. I was really scared…”

He couldn’t ride a horse, so he could only come in a carriage which only delayed his arrival.

Yu Yan buried his head in Mu Yungui’s arms and rubbed against him lightly.

Mu Yungui stroked his back. “Master should believe in me.”

“This subordinate has promised that he will never leave you. Even if His Majesty really ordered to kill this subordinate, this subordinate will definitely survive,” Mu Yungui coaxed. “Has Master forgotten?”

Yu Yan: “I haven’t.”

But it was too risky. He dared not bet.

Mu Yungui lowered his eyes to look at the young man in his arms. He brought his face closer to the youth’s side, stroked a loose strand of hair behind his ear and lowered his head slightly.

He wanted to kiss him.

The camp tent was very quiet; so quiet that Yu Yan could only hear his heart thumping.

His eyelashes trembled slightly and he waited.

Out of nowhere, somebody announced from outside, “Deputy General Mu, there are two people outside the barracks asking for a meeting, saying that they are your wife’s relatives.”

Yu Yan: “…”

What the hell? ? ?

The originally ambiguous atmosphere disappeared in an instant. Before Yu Yan could be angry that their moment was interrupted, he almost jumped when he realized what was said.

Whose wife? ? ?

Whose relatives ? ?

He stared at Mu Yungui in disbelief.

The latter was so frightened that he sat down quickly. “I… This subordinate knows nothing!”

The two looked at each other and Yu Yan suddenly figured out what this was about.

Mu Yungui: “This subordinate will send those people away immediately.”

“Wait.” Yu Yan sat down slowly and adjusted his clothes. “Let them come in, I know who it is.”

Mu Yungui replied to his subordinates, unsure yet somewhat certain. After a while, the camp tent was opened by another.

Two young men walked in. One of them was gentle and elegant. In his arms was a little boy under one year old.

The baby laid quietly in the arms of the youth, fast asleep.

When the visitor saw the atmosphere inside the tent, he said apologetically, “It seems that Jin Wang and I came at the wrong time.”

These two were naturally the monarch of Chang Lu and the prime minister.

“…” Yu Yan’s ears were slightly red. “What are you talking about? Why did you come here, also bringing Xiao Yezi?” 1

Hearing his question, Ye Shu took a step inside.

Jin Wang glanced at the person beside him and said coldly, “Isn’t that because a certain someone secretly followed me to the frontline, even bringing the child with him?”

“How can you blame me!” Ye Shu protested, “Little Yezi can’t bear to be left alone, so I can’t throw him into the capital right?”

Jin Wang: “You shouldn’t have followed me in the first place.”

Ye Shu: “…Hmph.”

Yu Yan: “…”

Mu Yungui: “…”

Yu Yan pressed his eyebrows. “Are you here to show off on purpose?”

Ye Shu stuck his tongue out towards Jin Wang and took the opportunity to break free from his embrace to run to Yu Yan’s side.

“I’m here to see you and…” Ye Shu trailed off, looking straight at Mu Yungui. “I just knew there was something between you and this little bodyguard. And you didn’t even want to admit it before.”

“At that time we were… there was nothing at all.” The more Yu Yan explained, the quieter it became.

Ye Shu was suspicious. “Really? But I obviously feel—”

“Ah Shu,” Jin Wang interrupted. “We still have business to settle.”

Ye Shu met the other’s gaze and shut his mouth. “Right.”

Jin Wang took out an enclosed letter from his pocket and handed it to Yu Yan. “This was intercepted by us on the road.”

Yu Yan took it to read. It was actually the Yan Emperor’s secret imperial edict.

He opened the imperial edict. This edict was to be given to the commander-in-chief of the three armies, asking him to secretly execute Mu Yungui.

Yu Yan’s eyes darkened and he said in a low voice, “Thank you.”

He handed the imperial edict to Mu Yungui to read, and then threw it into the brazier. The flames of the fire engulfed the letter and turned it into ashes in no time.

“You owe me another one,” Ye Shu stated.

“Yes.” Yu Yan said. “And I have to thank you for the past few months too, for handing over the five cities that were sacrificed during the border war.”

Jin Wang replied dispassionately, “These cities were originally your Great Yan territory. They have only been returned to you.”

Ye Shu whispered, “Don’t thank him. Most of the border soldiers were grabbed from Western Xia. This dog emperor used you to train them.”

“…” Jin Wang asked, “What did you call me?”

Ye Shu cowered immediately. “Dearest husband!”

Jin Wang tried to control himself, but couldn’t. The corners of his mouth twitched.

He turned his head and coughed slightly before continuing, “The two princes previously planned to seize the military power and pressure the Crown Prince Yan, but now that Emperor Yan has been killed, I am afraid that you can no longer afford to be as slow as before.”

“I too, don’t want to delay any longer,” Yu Yan agreed.

Not to mention that the Yan Emperor had clearly shown his intention to kill Mu Yungui whereas he himself was…

Yu Yan’s hands that were hidden under his sleeves, gently covered his lower abdomen.

He had reasons to speed up his plan.

Yu Yan calmed himself. “Emperor father had ordered Mu Yungui’s execution. Once he realizes that he failed this time, he will try again. I can’t wait any longer.”

Ye Shu gave Jin Wang a meaningful glance. “In any case, no matter what you want to do, Jin Wang and I will help you.”

“Thank you. But this time, there’s no need.” Yu Yan said, “You have helped me a lot. The rest is my Great Yan’s royal family’s grievances. I will deal with it myself.”

Ye Shu nodded. The boy in his arms suddenly moved.

This little boy had grown bigger since the first time Yu Yan saw him. The boy rubbed his eyes and opened them, looking left and right curiously.

Yu Yan lost his train of thoughts, struck by his cuteness. He leaned forward. “Little Yezi, do you remember me?”

The little boy looked at him in confusion, tilting his head: “Dad…Daddy…”

Yu Yan: “…”

Ye Shu: “…”

“It’s not Daddy. It’s Uncle.” Ye Shu poked the little boy’s face. “After learning for so long, he has only learned how to say ‘Daddy’. Doesn’t even care who the person in front of him is.”

The little boy didn’t know what he was talking about and reached out to Yu Yan, shouting more and more vigorously, “Daddy! Daddy!”

Ye Shu thought for a while and said with a straight face, “Since this child likes to call him ‘Dad’, why not have your son or daughter become his wife in the future? Then this child can rightfully call you ‘Dad’.”

Yu Yan: “?”

Yu Yan rejected, “It’s not confirmed yet who’s going to be the wife. Who knows, maybe it’s your little Yezi who’ll be the wife.”

Ye Shu thought for a while and shook his head. “No. I won’t take it. My son will definitely be an alpha.

“Then I won’t take it either. What should we do…”

The two discussed seriously as they sat on the camp bed. Their alphas stood on one side and looked at each other.

Jin Wang grounded his teeth. “Isn’t it a bit too early for you two to think about this?!”

The sky was darkening. Jin Wang and Ye Shu had stayed for too long, so they said goodbye to Yu Yan.

The two left the army barracks and got into the carriage.

The little boy was no longer sleepy. Sitting on Jin Wang’s lap, he grabbed the jade pendant around his waist to play with.

Ye Shu leaned on his shoulder and said lightly, “I didn’t expect you to be willing to trust Yu Yan so much.”

“Since you trust him, I trust him too.” Jin Wang paused for a moment, then continued, “What’s more, it’s better to reach a good relationship without any bloodshed, rather than sending troops to suppress the border war, causing much casualty.”

“That’s true.”

Ye Shu played with the little boy’s fingers but had his hands clasped into Jin Wang’s.

“Didn’t a certain someone promise that as long as I take him to see Yu Yan, he will let me do anything?” Jin Wang questioned softly.

Ye Shu’s ears flushed. He silently moved to the side.

Jin Wang followed and leaned over. “Say, was that true?”

Ye Shu had his escape blocked. His earlobe was bitten. He pressed his lips and nodded.

小叶子, a nickname for the child. Likely because Ye Shu also had the same Ye

Inside the camp tent, Mu Yungui poured Yu Yan a cup of tea.

Yu Yan took the cup and asked, “You haven’t spoken for a long time. What are you thinking about?”

Mu Yungui: “This subordinate… This subordinate feels that something is strange.”

“What is strange?”

Mu Yungui hesitated for a moment, and answered truthfully, “Chang Lu’s Prime Minister came from the capital. Jiang Du city is clearly in the opposite direction. How could he intercept his majesty’s secret edict on the road?”

“So that’s what you were thinking about.” Yu Yan replied, “That’s because Ye Shu is here.”

“That guy knows a lot of things that we don’t know about. That is the reason I have trusted him so much over the years and decided to cooperate with him. I’ll explain more in the future. But now….”

Yu Yan hooked his finger at him.

Mu Yungui bent down and was pulled in by Yu Yan.

Yu Yan was a little embarrassed. His eyes flashed and he whispered, “You haven’t finished what you were doing earlier. Shouldn’t you continue?”

Mu Yungui understood. He lowered his head and dropped a kiss on Yu Yan’s forehead.

……That’s it?

Yu Yan was not satisfied. He frowned and was about to speak when the other captured his lips.

When Mu Yungui kissed him, he was extremely gentle, first licking on the surface, and then slowly leaning in, moving from shallow to deep, easily hooking the other person until he couldn’t think straight.

A faint alpha scent was emitted.

Mu Yungui kissed Yu Yan even deeply and his fingers began to untie his belt.

As if suddenly jerked awake, Yu Yan grasped Mu Yungui’s wrist firmly. “We can’t.”


Yu Yan’s eyes were misty but he still shook his head stubbornly. “Not today.”

“But…” Mu Yungui raised his free hand and rubbed the edge of Yu Yan’s eyes with his fingertips.

The two silently looked at each other.

Even though he obviously wanted to continue, Mu Yungui compromised. “Okay, I will listen to Master.”

He laid down with his arms around Yu Yan. With a sweep of his hand, the candlelight in the tent was extinguished.


Yu Yan stayed in the barracks for seven to eight days.

That night, he had said that he didn’t want to delay any longer. But even after so many days, Yu Yan didn’t hadn’t done anything except sending and receiving a few confidential letters to understand Jiang Du’s movement.

The border had been peaceful for a few days. Yu Yan relied on the fact that no one dared to expel the second prince out of the camp to pull Mu Yungui out every day. In the name of patrolling, they would spend some time playing around.

In a blink of an eye, seven or eight days had passed. That evening, Mu Yungui and Yu Yan were riding their horses back to the army barracks.

When the two went out, it was one man on one horse. After leaving the sight of the army barracks, they became two people riding on Mu Yungui’s Xiao Hei. A red-brown horse was led behind by Mu Yungui.

A few miles away from the garrison, Mu Yungui told Xiao Hei to stop.

“Master, it’s time to change horses.”

Yu Yan was leaning against Mu Yungui’s arms and was rather lethargic. He opened his eyes in a daze. “Hmm…we’re here?”

Mu Yungui: “Yes.”

Yu Yan rubbed his eyes, then buried his head in Mu Yungui’s arms. “Sleepy. I want to sleep more.”

Yu Yan’s body had been in a poor condition in the past few days. He couldn’t stay awake throughout the day. Although they came out to play, he ended up spending most of the time sleeping in Mu Yungui’s arms.

Mu Yungui was in no rush. He quietly whispered in Yu Yan’s ear, “But if we don’t leave now, Master won’t be able to reach in time for dinner.”

Hearing those words, Yu Yan seemed to have regained his senses.

He looked up at Mu Yungui for a moment. Then Yu Yan leaned over and kissed the other’s lips and said, “If we can’t reach in time, then you can make it for me tonight.”

Mu Yungui pulled back and tried to persuade him, “But Master said that he didn’t want to always use the small stove in the barracks.”

Yu Yan was so sleepy that he was nearly unconscious. He raised his head and kissed him several times. “Let me sleep for a while. Be good.”

Deputy General Mu was satisfied with his kisses and no longer made any noise.

But the sleep Yu Yan had wasn’t too peaceful. Not long after, an eagle’s cry sounded from the skies.

Mu Yungui looked up and saw a goshawk 1 hovering above them. Mu Yungui raised his arm and the goshawk flew forward and landed firmly on his forearm.

In the goshawk’s beak was a bamboo tube.

Mu Yungui rubbed the goshawk’s head, and took out the bamboo tube. The goshawk flew into the sky again.

This was a letter from Jiang Du.

Mu Yungui opened the letter. Looking at it, his whole body froze.

“…What’s the matter?” Yu Yan’s half drowsy, half awake voice sounded.

Mu Yungui read the contents of the letter out and said, “The prime minister has revolted against the eldest prince.”

Yu Yan did not express any surprise.

He only shook his head. Stretching his waist, he sat up straight. “I thought they would last for a few days. Didn’t expect it to be so fast…”

Mu Yungui: “Master had expected this?”

“Yes.” Yu Yan folded the enclosed letter carefully and put it back in his pockets as he explained, “I told you before, that when I was leaving for the border, Emperor father had asked me to stay in the capital against the situation with the prime minister. This was not only a delay tactic.”

“Over the years, Emperor father has been seriously ill. The power of the prime minister gradually expanded, even towards the imperial court. Emperor father has always feared him. Unfortunately, Emperor father’s sickness could not be cured. The current Great Yan is also facing internal and external troubles. He can’t and won’t dare to act out.”

“In the past six months, I have disintegrated the prime minister’s influence. You have calmed the situation on the border. These can be considered a great help to Emperor father.”

“He no longer has any worries about the future so his next step will naturally be to try to get rid of the prime minister.”

“But as Emperor father understands this, the prime minister undoubtedly understands it too.”

“Our actions in the past six months have pushed them on the road to rebellion.”

“Then why is it happening during this period?” Mu Yungui paused. “Is it because His Majesty has decided on the imperial successor?”

“Yes.” Yu Yan said, “After the prime minister failed to pull me over, he went to join hands with Eldest imperial brother. Emperor father has always appreciated Eldest imperial brother. The prime minister naturally has no need to worry. But once he found out about Emperor father’s plans to make me the crown prince….”

“Master leaked out this matter? They believed it?” Mu Yungui asked.

“It depends on who leaked it.” Yu Yan answered, “Isn’t there still a Yu Hong in Jiang Du city? Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger2. But that kid is strong.”

Hearing Yu Yan mention that name, Mu Yungui was slightly unhappy, but he kept it hidden.

Yu Yan narrowed his eyes. “In fact, even if there was no Yu Hong, things would not change at all. The person behind Eldest imperial brother is the prime minister. The one behind the fifth3 is the Qin bloodline, the Empress’ bloodline. Other than myself, Emperor father cannot afford to give the throne to anyone else.”

“The border war broke out and most soldiers were sent here. Only the imperial guards remained with Emperor father. In addition, this future crown prince is not in Jiang Du city at the moment. To them, this is a good opportunity.”

“I just need people to fan the flames in Jiang Du, forcing them to act with haste.”

Mu Yungui inquired, “Then what should we do now?”

“Go back to the camp and move the soldiers.”

Yu Yan’s transmission of letters had always been faster than ordinary letters. The army barracks were unaware of what was happening in the city of Jiang Du.

It was not yet mealtime. Throughout the camp, soldiers were still training.

Yu Yan took Mu Yungui straight into the commander’s tent.

Only the commander-in-chief, General Ji, and his guards were present in the tent.

Upon Yu Yan’s arrival, he asked, “Does the second highness need something?”

Yu Yan requested unhurriedly, “Requesting General to retreat the army.”

General Ji frowned slightly. He glanced at the guard beside him. “This person is my faithful soldier and is worthy of trust. If Your Highness has something to say, you can speak directly.”

“Alright.” Happily, Yu Yan threw the enclosed letter in his hand to the table in front of General Ji. “The Eldest imperial prince is uniting with the prime minister to rebel. I want General Ji to send troops and follow me back to Jiang Du for the rescue.”

The moment he said this, the two people in the camp were stunned.

It took a long time for General Ji to come back to his senses. He held the letter.

“This…this…” General Ji’s face changed drastically, overcome with shock. “How is this possible?”

Yu Yan explained, “This came from Jiang Du. If General doesn’t believe it, you can send your trusted soldiers to check it out. But this will require two days. I’m afraid Emperor father may not be fortunate enough.”

General Ji fell silent.

Yu Yan did not urge, only waited quietly.

After all, this man was a great general of their state. He had made many great military exploits for the State of Yan, playing with death throughout the years. He had military power in his hand and always only obeyed the orders of the Emperor of Yan. He was a difficult figure to deal with.

Yu Yan sent Mu Yungui to the army barracks to take advantage of this person and to seize military power in the future.

But now, he had changed his mind.

Step by step. What he wanted was the throne now.

General Ji did not answer for a long time. Yu Yan continued, “This Highness requests for help. If General Ji still has doubts, why not lend me a team of elites to follow Yungui and myself back to Jiang Du?”

His suggestion was reasonable.

But General Ji didn’t rush to answer.

He stared at the elegant youth in front of him, slowly questioning, “This one would like to ask Your Highness a question.”

“General, please speak.”

“If Your Highness can’t borrow soldiers from me, what will you do?”

Yu Yan: “Go alone.”

General Ji: “Jiang Du must be in dire straits. Isn’t Your Highness afraid to have a calamity befall him?”

Yu Yan replied in a serious tone, “Even if good and bad are destroyed, one can’t let that wild wolf man seize the throne.”

“I have another question.” General Ji said, “Since Jiang Du is in deep trouble, how can Your Highness get a letter from Jiang Du?”

“Is it strange that there’s a few spies in Jiang Du to take note of the situation?”

Yu Yan stepped forward and casually leaned against the table in front. “I understand what General is worried about. First, you’re worried that this message is false, deceiving you and your elite troops about the threat to Jiang Du. Second, you’re worried that the revolt is real but I’m the mastermind.”

“General worries too much.” Yu Yan summarised, “If the letter is fake, whether your elite troops follow and obey me to threaten Jiang Du is one thing. But if it is real, Emperor father is now in grave danger. Whoever is by his side will have a greater chance of being the crown prince.”

“…In such a situation, why would I leave the position of the crown prince undefended to come and deceive an elite general?”

General Ji: “So what Your Highness means is that he has no interest in the position of the crown prince?”

Yu Yan said, “General asked so many questions. But this is the only important one.”

Yu Yan declared, “Of course I am interested in the position of the crown prince. Hence, I must return to Jiang Du.”

General Ji was taken aback, as if he didn’t expect Yu Yan to be so frank.

“The situation is urgent. I won’t beat around the bush.” Yu Yan continued, “There are only two options before you. One is to help me return to Jiang Du. The throne will be mine. Second, be indifferent. Let Eldest imperial brother break into the imperial palace and let Emperor father be forced to hand over the throne.”

“The choice is yours, General.”

The tent fell silent. A long while later, General Ji finally gave in, “Then we will do as Your Highness says.”

Trusted soldiers: “Understood.”

The trusted soldiers received the military order and left the camp.

Yu Yan was about to leave with Mu Yungui when General Ji suddenly said, “This move isn’t for Your Highness’ sake but for His Majesty’s safety. I hope that Your Highness will remember today’s promise. No matter what, don’t hurt His Majesty.”

Yu Yan paused and responded softly, “Of course.”


Jiang Du, The Yan Emperor’s bedroom.

Outside of the palace hall, there were many imprisoned bodyguards. The empress sat at the front of the bed. The imperial physicians knelt on the floor.

The Yan Emperor was lying on the bed, his eyes closed, as if asleep.

There was a faint voice from outside the door. “Haven’t found it yet? Look for it again! Dig every part of the entire Ganquan Palace. Find the Jade Seal!”

Inside the hall, Yu Shu knelt in front of the bed and whispered, “Emperor father, if you  hand over the jade seal, this son will withdraw the troops.”

The Yan Emperor laid indifferently, not even moving his eyes.

Yu Shu sighed silently and was about to try to persuade him again when a young voice came from outside the door. “Imperial brother! Second imperial brother and the rest have entered the city and brought a lot of soldiers!”

Yu Hong stumbled in, his face pale. “Imperial brother, what should be done?”

Yu Shu cursed under his breath and the Yan Emperor lifted his head. “Fifth, you stay here, I will personally meet him.”

“But Second imperial brother, he..”

“Be obedient and stay here.” Yu Shu said, turning his head to look at the Yan Emperor. “This son has no intention to commit fratricide. If Emperor father is willing to hand over the Jade seal, this son will retreat his troops.”

The Yan Emperor ignored him.

Yu Shu had a cold look in his eyes. He snorted, turned and left Ganquan Palace.

After Yu Shu left, the frightful expression on Yu Hong’s face faded.

He turned and bowed to the Empress and the Yan Emperor. “Emperor father, Empress mother, this son has made arrangements. Please leave the Ganquan Palace for the time being.”

The Yan Emperor finally opened his eyes. “How did you…”

Before he finished his words, the sound of fighting suddenly came from outside the door.

The Empress’ face was pale but still had a glimmer of hope. She hurriedly agreed. “Your Majesty, it is not safe in the palace, please escape with us.”

The Yan Emperor was silent for a moment, then nodded, “…Alright.”

The sounds of killing ceased outside the door. The Empress and Yu Hong assisted the Yan Emperor to leave the Ganquan Palace.

The gate of the palace was guarded. The three of them brought only a few imperial guards. With that, they could not go to the front gate and had to walk all the way to the harem hall.

They entered a concubine’s bed chamber.

Upon entering, the Yan Emperor suddenly stopped in his steps. “Wait. This is…”

The Empress was so scared that she didn’t catch the abnormality in the Emperor’s voice. She said, “Your Majesty, the rebels will come after us. We can’t afford to stop anymore.”

As she said that, she pushed the doors to enter the resting chamber and saw a slender figure sitting in the courtyard.

This courtyard looked different from the past. The pear tree in front of the courtyard was in full bloom, white petals falling in abundance.

Hearing the noise, the man in the courtyard turned his head and waved. “Emperor father, Empress mother, this son has been waiting for you for a long time.”

The Empress suddenly realised something and instinctively felt that things were off. The guards behind her blocked her escape when she turned to leave.

Yu Hong said in a light voice, “It would be better for Empress Mother to enter.”

At his words, a guard immediately pushed the Empress into the courtyard.

“Let go! Yu Hong, you’re crazy! I’m your mother!” The Empress was pressed down to the ground, the pearls on her hairpin scattered across the floor.

No one helped her up.

The formerly graceful empress fell into a field of fallen flowers, looking gaunt and in a state of disarray.

Yu Yan did not even glance at her, and walked straight past her to the Emperor Yan’s side. “Emperor father, I have borrowed an elite division from General Ji, and now Yungui is leading the troops against the rebels. Please go into the hall to rest. I have some personal matters to attend to now.”

The Yan Emperor wanted to say something but didn’t. He looked at the Empress crouched on the ground and shook his head.

He was led into the resting chamber by the bodyguards.

Only then did Yu Yan drop his gaze to the Empress.

“Does Empress Mother now remember what this place is?” Yu Yan questioned softly.

The Empress’ body trembled violently. She didn’t answer.

“Eighteen years.” Yu Yan gazed at her wretched appearance, a hint of pleasure surfacing in his eyes. “Eighteen years ago, you were here, forcing my birth mother to throw herself into the well. What did you say to her then?”

–“If you don’t jump, then throw the little beast in.”

— “Choose. Either you keep his life or yours.”

Yu Yan walked up to the Empress and squatted down. “This son is truly curious as to how the true culprit could be blameless and could even dare to forget the incident. After all these years, why am I the only one who is still stuck in that night?”

“No, it wasn’t me ……,” the Empress shook her head hastily. She saw Yu Hong standing by and hurriedly crawled over. “Hong’er, I am your mother. I have treated you somewhat badly all these years but I will change in the future, I will change!”

Her voice was sharp. “I have raised you for so many years, are you really going to stand by and watch him kill me?

Yu Hong’s throat was dry, he looked away. “If you knew it would come to this, why would you do it in the first place?”

The Empress pleaded, “No, you wouldn’t dare to kill me. The Qin clan won’t let you go, you wouldn’t dare-”

“Empress mother, don’t worry. The Qin’s lineage of children will not be spared by this son. But that’s no longer your concern.” Yu Yan tilted his head. “Empress mother, you can jump in yourself and leave with dignity.”

The Empress’ mad expression disappeared from her face. She stared at Yu Yan in a daze, as if unable to understand what he had just said.

Yu Yan paid no further attention and patted Yu Hong’s shoulder. “I will go in to see Emperor father now. And this… I’ll leave this for you to handle.”

Yu Hong: “Alright.”

The resting chamber was in disarray.

Since the rebellion within the palace, the people had fled in all directions. Everything of value had been taken away.

Yu Yan closed the door to the chamber. Emperor Yan sat inside the empty room, his eyes surveying the chamber.

“This place is really not quite the same as it was.” The Yan Emperor sighed longingly. “I don’t recognize it anymore.”

Yu Yan hung his eyes and did not answer.

The Yan Emperor said, “Your mother died at the hands of the Empress. Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

Yu Yan was bitter. “Would it have been of any use to say it out loud?”

The Empress had the power. Furthermore, the Yan Emperor was indifferent to Yu Yan. If he did that, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Yu Yan did not want him to reminisce about the past, so he continued in a low voice, “Now that things have come to this, Emperor father should already know what I want.”

“Under the third brick behind the dragon’s couch in Ganquan Palace. That’s where the jade seal and the imperial edict are. Within, is your name. It has always had your name.” The Yan Emperor looked at him deeply. “You will be a wise ruler, or at least a better one than me.”

Just then, there was a muffled thud in the courtyard.

It sounded like a heavy object falling into the water.

Next door, Yu Yan bent to his knees and bowed solemnly towards the Yan Emperor. “Thank you, Emperor father.”


The Eldest prince, in conjunction with the prime minister, nearly fought his way into the Imperial City but fortunately, the second prince, Yu Yan, arrived and joined forces with General Ji to resist the rebellion. Later, General Hu also returned to Jiang Du with his troops and suppressed the rebels in no time.

The first prince was captured alive, while the prime minister was killed in the commotion, by the sword of Deputy General Mu.

After these events, the Yan Emperor was once again very ill and could no longer deal with the governance.

The rebellion subsided and the Emperor passed the throne to the second prince, Yu Yan, who officially succeeded him two months later.

Preparations for the enthronement ceremony were in full swing but the new emperor was late in showing up when it was time.

The old eunuch’s voice came from outside the door. “Your Majesty, it’s almost time. Are you still not ready?

“Not yet. Wait for me! ”

Yu Yan roared at the door and lowered his head to continue straightening the belt of his mianfu.4

He was about to bend down to fetch his celestial ring when a hand suddenly reached out from behind and handed it over to him.

Mu Yungui stood behind him, his eyebrows furrowed. “Eunuch Chang was so anxious that he almost jumped headfirst into the lotus pond outside Ganlu Palace, forcing this subordinate to come and see why Master wasn’t ready.”

Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, “What did this great general call me?”

Mu Yungui: “Your Majesty.”

Yu Yan unfolded his arm. “Help me put it on.”

Mu Yungui bowed his head and placed the ring on his.

After tightening it, he looked at Yu Yan up and down.

Yu Yan asked, “What’s wrong?”

Mu Yungui palmed Yu Yan’s waist with a soft hold and said with uncertainty, “Has Your Majesty recently …… gained some weight?”

Yu Yan’s face changed instantly.

It was the complicated process to succeed as the Emperor of Yan to blame.

Even though the imperial edict was given two months ago, after dealing with the prime minister’s faction, dealing with the old fogies in the imperial court and going through the succession process, it took almost two months to reach the enthronement ceremony.

And even this was all a result of Yu Yan’s continuous urging.

If he had delayed any longer, he would not be able to wear his coronation attire at all!

Originally, Yu Yan wanted to ask Mu Yungui for his hand in marriage and tell him the truth after the enthronement ceremony. But the ceremony had been delayed time and again and with so much going on these days, he hadn’t had the chance to tell him the truth so far.

Seeing that the enthronement ceremony was about to begin, Yu Yan did not care to explain and dragged Mu Yungui out of his chambers.

The enthronement ceremony was a complicated process with Yu Yan paying homage to his ancestors, listening to an hour-long imperial edict and then having to accept the kneeling of all the officials in the Fengtian Hall5, which took almost four hours.

When the ceremony was completed, hundreds of ministers exited the Fengtian Hall and went to another hall for luncheon.

Yu Yan had been so busy in the past few days that he had not had the time to eat breakfast.

As he stood up from the dragon chair, he swayed slightly and almost fell down with a heavy head.

The people around him rushed to help him.

The moment he left the hall, all the ministers were in a state of disarray.

Yu Yan’s face was pale. His ears were ringing and he was only barely conscious. He could only hazily see Mu Yungui hurrying towards him.

He fell into a familiar embrace and before he lost consciousness, he heard Mu Yungui order in a loud voice. “Call for the imperial physician!”

……Oh no.

The author has something to say.

[This chapter’s timeline was wrong, so I fixed it.

I’m afraid you’re guessing, so I’ll make it clear that Yu Yan was starving.

The next chapter will be finished, there should be an extra chapter, you can leave a comment on what you want to read~

Looks like 

ie Wolf in sheep’s skin


An image:  and more details here: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%86%95%E6%9C%8D

Also same as Hall of Worship