Chapter 614: Princess Tehela

Name:I Hate Systems Author:
Chapter 614: Princess Tehela

“Tehela, the Shaman King will be visiting in an hour. Why the heck aren’t you ready yet?” An angry voice chided her as a Titan that reached a hundred metres in height sauntered in.

“Mom, are you being serious now? We are Titans, invincible creatures!” The one addressed as Tehela snorted in disdain, “And now, I have to greet a mere grunt? Then what? Do you expect me to marry that grunt?”

“It’s a political marriage to appease both kingdoms. You wouldn’t even need to leave the kingdom.” Her mother said, arriving before Tehela, a head taller than her as her hulking form was imposing even to her.

“Hahaha!” Tehela laughed aloud, her laughter echoing throughout the palace, filled with mockery, her eyes gradually filled with killing intent as she stared at her mother, “If you wish to appease our enemy, then why don’t you marry him? It’s just a political marriage in name alone, right?”

“I have no intention to marry a freaking Goblin, a race that served as our snack for thousands of years.” Tehela snorted.

“Yeah, that is until the Shaman King appeared.” Her mother didn’t seem angered by her retort, stating, “The Shaman King singlehandedly developed their Kingdom from scratch and has slaughtered thousands of us Titans. And, he’ll continue doing so.”

“Let me kill him then!” Tehela stared in anger, “You call him a Shaman King, but he’s a mere Pseudo-Saint. Mom, if you really thought he was a threat, you should have squashed him. I mean, for a Saint like you, that should be a simple feat.”

“I tried, multiple times.” Her mother sighed all of a sudden, “But, he has escaped every single time. At first, he was a mere Goblin. He then evolved into a Hobgoblin, a Goblin Lord later, and now he’s a Goblin King.”

“And his Shaman powers are on a whole other level.”

“So what? He’s a mere Pseudo-Saint.” Tehela stared in anger as she thought in her mind, ‘System, what the heck is this Shaman King?’

[He’s a legendary genius that appears in the Goblin race once every ten thousand years. His arrival rapidly strengthens the Goblins, causing their already explosive numbers to spike even further, not to mention their strength.]

[He’s the Shaman King as the Goblins address with respect]

Goblins were one of the weakest races in the Fantasy World, typically treated as slaves, snacks, cheap labour, etc. by the various other races.

The strongest that emerged among Goblins were only Masters, and even they were rare in number, only one among a million. So, considering their weak strength, they were slaughtered from time to time.

This was not to mention their natural lifespan only being a couple dozen years, preventing them from ever producing someone strong. So, Goblins were a race that was looked down on by every other race, especially Titans.

Titans had two Main Professions of Calamity and Immortal. They were straightforward professions, as their name implied.

Calamity allowed them to influence nature and affect it. If they were nearby an ocean, they would be able to unleash a tsunami, an earthquake when inland, a volcanic eruption when the conditions were right, etc.

The Calamity was simply the extreme version of the profession of Manipulator of the Giant Race.

Following second was the profession of Immortal. Among the various professions, this was the only exception that was a passive profession.

Those having the Immortal Profession were basically immortals, undying as they can live forever. Their bodies would never age while any extent of injury would simply heal in a matter of seconds.

And, even if their head was severed up, nothing would happen to them. Even if their body was diced up into a hundred pieces, they would simply regrow into a whole once again.

The only way to kill them would be to vaporise their entire body after ensuring all their Mana was expended.

Even though the Titans were few in number, due to their lifespans, even commoners were Pseudo-Saints. They were the race boasting the highest number of Saints, practically unkillable beings that walked the earth.

In sharp contrast, the Goblins were nothing before them, vastly inferior in every way.

This was why Tehela was angry at the fact that her kingdom was giving her away to a mere Goblin. Even though it was a political marriage in name alone, keeping her dignity intact, it would also kill the possibility of her finding a Titan male to mate with.

And that was something she, as a princess, hated.

“A Shaman King is entirely different from a mere Goblin. I hope you don’t mix the two and think they’re the same.” Her mother said, her tone serious, explaining a little more about the Shaman King.

Goblins only had one profession of being a Shaman. Unfortunately for them, their short lives prevented them from researching much about their profession and pass on the same to future generations.

Moreover, their intelligence was lacking, akin to a human child. It was not to mention they were constantly hunted by the other races. So, apart from their ability to birth droves of Goblins in short durations, they didn’t amount to much.

So, their powers as a Shaman were only surface level.

But, things changed with the birth of the Shaman King, a legendary entity that inherited all the knowledge regarding the Shaman profession inherently, also blessed by the profession itself, treated in the same vein as a Saint by the profession.

This allowed the Shaman King to wield various abilities and also evolve constantly.

Even becoming a Hobgoblin would increase their lifespan by at least twice. And with the arrival of the Shaman King, this evolution route would be unlocked, resulting in the rise of the Goblin Race.

The Shaman King would personally teach the Goblins about the Shaman profession and once they become Hobgoblins, their intelligence would improve drastically, not to mention at the higher evolutions.

And with that, they would break past their inherent faults, causing their large numbers to turn from livestock into a terrifying army capable of swallowing all. And that they did, hitting the nearby Titan Kingdom the hardest.

But of course, Tehela didn’t buy it, thinking of killing the Shaman King on her own with the help of her System as she got up and bolted out of the palace, announcing while she left, “Leave him to me. I’ll put an end to him.”