Chapter 34: The festival has officially started!

Chen Jianhai was also shocked.

Today, the potatoes in Dao Dun's hands have turned into cakes, and he is carving patterns on them according to the recipe.

Whether the patterns on the small shells or the surf stones, they were all carved under one of his kitchen knives.

On the other side, what shocked Chen Jianhai the most,

It was the whole hotel kitchen that was set up to look like the King Crab Restaurant.

In the center of the back kitchen, the head of Mr. Crab hangs high on the wall.

Next to the window was a work sticker of SpongeBob SquarePants.

The walls are also covered with crab and fruit newspapers.

Even the kitchen staff's clothes were changed to SpongeBob SquarePants.

However, the kitchen staff did not have the energy to appreciate these arrangements.

Now, the entire back kitchen is used by one person for two.

Go all out to prepare the food for the Dolphin Bubble Festival.

Xu Bo is in charge of kneading the noodles, preparing the ingredients for side dishes, Dao Dun is in charge of characterization, and baking is in charge of the final baking.

The whole process is almost a factory-like operation.

The speed simply shocked Chen Jianhai.

But what reassured him was that,

The hotel's normal catering supply is still being prepared normally, and the meals of guests and employees will not be delayed due to festivals.

"It's really strange. I feel that my cooking skills have greatly increased today. I have kneaded so much dolphin dough, and none of them overturned."

Baking wonders with excitement.

"Me too!"

"It seems that my knife skills have improved a lot since the boss said that we would start this bubble festival."

"There is a feeling that the buff has been added."

Dao Dun quickly carved an octopus, and quickly played with a knife flower.

In an instant, the barrage exploded again!

All of them are knives who boast about the knife pier.

Looking at the rockets and cruise ships presented by the audience on the barrage,

Only to hear the sound of "pop",

The white and fat dough was smashed on the table and shook miserably.

Chen Jianhai was taken aback.

Looking up,

I saw Xu Bo with a dark face, staring at the barrage in the live broadcast room, the dough in his hands was gradually twisted into a twist!

"Why do I feel that this live broadcast room seems to be a little off the focus of the live broadcast..."

Chen Jianhai looked at the live broadcast with doubts.

It seems that everyone's attention and sight are all inexplicably attracted by baking, cutting knives, preparing dishes, and washing dishes.

And the only chef,

Jonny, the "Crazy Noodle King" who always tried his best to talk without saying a word,

Gradually ignored by people, and I don't know the reason at all


All morning,

Chen Jianhai carefully inspected everything inside and outside the hotel.

The backyard of the hotel has been systematically delineated a large children's play area, and the small slides and sand castles are all listed in it.

And the appearance of the whole hotel is very suitable for the theme.

Outside the windows of each guest room, little dolphins and bubble balloons are hung up, which is very atmospheric.

The most shocking,

It was still a student of Nanjiang Tourism Vocational University who came to "work" on the school bus in the morning and looked indifferent last night.

When they saw the layout of the hotel, the newly added layout and equipment, all of them were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

I can't believe that the hotel that was normal yesterday has undergone a big change today!

Besides, isn't this an exaggeration? !

Playing games and building a house with kryptonite are not so kryptonite.

Besides, I heard what Chen Jianhai said, such a beautiful arrangement and facilities will only be used for 7 days.

After 7 days, it will return to its original state.

Burning money is not like this.

In an instant, Chen Jianhai's image had a mysterious and rich color in the hearts of everyone.

Thinking of the disdain in their hearts when Chen Jianhai held a meeting yesterday, I felt that they were too naive!

Today, although on the surface they tried their best to control,

But when I saw the cake tower, the pirate ship dining car, the slide, the mobile soft bomb shooting range, and various play items, they all broke defenses! ! !

Go to Nima's arrogance and restraint! ! !

No wonder when Chen Jianhai held a meeting yesterday, he emphasized that he should not rush to play with children.

Who can resist this!

Is this a hotel? !

Ah, it's clearly an amusement park! !

Who is not a 200-month-old baby!

Everyone changed into holiday-specific staff uniforms, and took advantage of all the time to take photos in the hotel before the guests of the tour group arrived.

Chen Jianhai saw this in his eyes and did not stop it.

After all, he is not a few years older than these students, and he is also a playful and playful person.

Instead of suppressing it now, it is better to let your employees familiarize yourself with the location and gameplay of these props, so that when the light customers come, they can take the initiative to help lead the way and guide the play.

"Bai Cheng, come here."

Chen Jianhai waved at the four little girls next to the whale guessing machine.

A few little girls ran over,

The apple-like face was flushed red, and she looked extremely happy.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Bai Cheng asked.

"I have an important task for you." Chen Jianhai said.

? ? ? ?

Four question marks appeared from the little heads of the girls, and they stared at Chen Jianhai curiously.

"This is an item exchange machine."

Chen Jianhai pointed to the side, and it looked like an ice cream vending machine or an arcade-like machine.

"There are three kinds of props in this machine."

"The most basic one is the Dolphin Bubble Gun, you can exchange for one with four little dolphin pendants."

"Four dolphin bubble guns can be exchanged for a jellyfish bubble gun or a shark bubble gun."

"The task of the four of you is to recover the little dolphins here, and distribute the corresponding bubble guns to the children."

The four little girls nodded without hesitation.

What the boss says, we will do it!

On the other side, the little beauty at the service desk also ran over,

"Boss, the rooms are all set up."

"The first to third floors are for families with children, and the fourth and fifth floors are for other guests."

"It will never disturb the rest of other guests."

Chen Jianhai came to the computer, reconfirmed the distribution and arrangement of the hotel rooms, and nodded with satisfaction.

Now everything is ready,

Just missing the customer!

Chen Jianhai cleared his throat, picked up the commander, and took a deep breath:

"All the staff of Langai Hotel!"

All the employees stood there, and more than 200 pairs of eyes stared at Chen Jianhai.

"Everyone, please return to work as soon as possible, and be full of energy and enthusiasm!"

"The seven-day limited Dolphin Bubble Festival is now officially starting!"

"Good boss!"

The mighty hotel staff rushed to their jobs with an order.


at the same time,

Eight minibuses are heading towards the Langai Hotel along the coastline.

Every CMB is made up of small families Although the voices of children are louder, most of them are still lying on the car window and jumping to see the sea outside.

Everyone is very happy and looking forward to this vacation.

Besides the tour guide...

Ning Youyou sat on the co-pilot of the first bus with a worried look on her face.

This is a collective activity of a kindergarten bean bag class.

Their travel agency managed to grab this business, and they plan to take advantage of this event to sign a long-term partnership with this kindergarten.

But who would have thought that the hotel they had arranged before turned out to be yellow? ! !

Not only is it yellow,

What's more, it is said that the owner of the hotel took his sister-in-law and ran away with all the money.

Now the hotel is just an empty shell and nothing is left.

Ning Youyou almost cried.

But there is no way, the contract has already been signed.

You have to go if you have the conditions, but if you don’t have the conditions, you have to create the conditions!

Time is too short,

She really doesn't have the time and energy to go to the hotel and negotiate some discounts and activities.

The main thing is to find a hotel that can accommodate so many people.

But I don't know if she is lucky or not.

She was actually booked into a hotel.

"Lang Ai Hotel, ancestors, you must be a little bit like,"

"Give the child a way to live..."

Hearing Ning Youyou's whisper, the gloomy driver in sunglasses who was driving next to him spoke up.

"A child with a hundred pounds?"


"Ha ha."

The gloomy driver with sunglasses smiled grimly,

Carrying a carload of babies, they headed towards the Langai Hotel.