Chapter 389: The Boundless Club

Name:I Have A Sword Author:
Chapter 389: The Boundless Club

An unknown amount of time passed before Ye Guan slowly opened his eyes.

"You're finally awake?"

As soon as he woke up, a happy voice entered his ears.

Ye Guan looked over and saw a young woman standing beside him.

She was about twenty years old and was carrying a stack of books. Wearing tight jeans with a white fuzzy sweater, she was quite tall, about 175 centimeters in height. Her figure was stunning, and her attire accentuated her slender legs.

The young woman was also pretty and had on some light makeup.

Her big, clear eyes were staring at Ye Guan.

Ye Guan was surprised, and he asked, "You are?"

The young woman blinked and asked, "You don’t remember?"

Ye Guan nodded. He truly couldn't remember anything. All he knew was that someone had ambushed him.

The young woman hesitated before saying apologetically, "Sorry, I hit you."

Ye Guan was confused. "You hit me?"

The young woman nodded, "You were crossing at a red light!"

Ye Guan frowned in confusion. "Red light? What is that?"

The young woman looked at Ye Guan and blinked. Eventually, her eyes widened in horror, and she stammered, "Y-y-you..."

She then turned and ran out.

Ye Guan was utterly confused. He looked around and found himself sitting on a bed.

There was another bed to his right, and there was an old man on the bed.

Where am I?

Ye Guan was confused.

Meanwhile, a white-robed old man in another room fell into deep thought. After a while, he said, "His head was injured, so there must be an issue with his head."

The young woman was shocked; she instantly looked downcast and slightly regretful.

"Will he recover?" she asked.

"Yes, but..." the white-robed old man responded and said, "It will require time. If he's lucky, he'll recover quickly. Otherwise, we can only hope for the best."

The young woman sighed and turned around to leave.

When she returned to the room where Ye Guan was located, she saw Ye Guan staring out into space in a daze.

She hesitated before walking up to Ye Guan.

" you still remember who you are?" she asked.

Ye Guan looked at her and replied, "Of course!"

"What's your name?" asked the young woman.

Ye Guan replied, "Ye Guan."

The young woman asked, "Where do you live?"

Ye Guan was silent. Where do I live? The Guanxuan Universe, of course, but should I say that?

Seeing that Ye Guan hadn't replied immediately, the young woman couldn't help but ask, "Have you forgotten where you live?"

Ye Guan sighed before saying, "I want to tell you the truth, but you might not believe me."

"Try me!" the young woman said.

Ye Guan stared intently at the young woman before saying, "I'm from the Guanxuan Universe, and I am the king of that galaxy. However, the Milky Way is my home, and I'm here to inherit it."

The young woman stared blankly at Ye Guan. Eventually, she sighed, feeling extremely rueful. She should have been more careful. If she had been more careful in her driving, the young man before her wouldn't have suffered such a severe injury.

Meanwhile, the old man lying on the bed to Ye Guan's right cried out, "Send him to the mental hospital!"

Ye Guan turned to look at the old man.

The old man stared at Ye Guan as if he found the latter pitiful.

Ye Guan was speechless.

The young woman decided to ask once more, "Do you remember where you live? If you can give me the contact details of any of your family members, I will contact them for you!"

Contact details? Ye Guan was silent. I don't even know what you're talking about, and I also don't know how to contact Erya or Little White!

Ye Guan felt helpless. He could only shake his head and sigh.

Ye Guan closed his eyes. He didn't feel like entertaining the old man's nonsense.

"I'm still wrong?" the old man asked before continuing, "Are you perhaps a reincarnator? You're actually a top cultivator from another world, and you reincarnated here for some reason. However, you became a son-in-law being looked down on by people.

"Finally, you've decided to reveal your identity and show everyone your true powers, but you somehow got into an accident, which brings us to where you are right now... did I get it right?"

Ye Guan decisively ignored the old man.

The old man's frown deepened. "Am I wrong? How come? Their plots are more or less the same."

"Old man," Ye Guan interrupted and said, "Let me ask you a question."

The old man looked at Ye Guan and asked, "What is it?"

Ye Guan asked, "Where is the Boundless Club?"

"What?!!" The old man shot up and glared at Ye Guan. "I'm a righteous and upright individual; why would I go to a place like that?"

Ye Guan frowned slightly and asked, "What’s wrong with it?"

The old man looked at Ye Guan with a strange expression. "You haven’t been there?"

Ye Guan shook his head.

"Well, it is a very fun place," the old man snickered.

"I want to go there to find someone," Ye Guan replied.

"Hehe," The old man snickered once more and said, "I know. Every single one of its patrons always goes there searching for someone. A man's loneliness... I've been there, and I've done that, so I understand!"

Ye Guan frowned slightly. What nonsensical place did the Boundless Master create?

Regardless, Ye Guan decided not to dwell on it and started resting.

Ye Guan recovered quite quickly. By the second day, he could already walk. However, he faced a dilemma because Mu Wanyu didn't come the next morning. How was he going to eat without her?

Ye Guan sighed on the sick bed. He had truly never thought that he would go hungry one day. Still, Ye Guan knew that he couldn't stay hungry.

Ye Guan turned to look at the old man beside him.

The old man's meal was pretty good.

The old man smiled at Ye Guan and asked, "Hungry?"

Ye Guan nodded. "Senior—"

"Give me a moment!" the old man exclaimed. He picked up something and fiddled with it. Ye Guan was puzzled, but soon, a man carrying a lunchbox walked in. He placed the lunchbox in his hand in front of Ye Guan.

Ye Guan made a sidelong glance at the old man and said sincerely, "Thank you."

His appreciation for the old man instantly skyrocketed.

The old man chuckled and replied, "It's just a meal!"

While eating, Ye Guan asked, "How should I address you, Senior?"

The old man smiled. "It's just a meal, so you don't have to stand on ceremony!"

Ye Guan nodded. He chatted for quite a while with the old man, and he eventually got a rough understanding of where he was at the moment. He was in Baiyun City of Huaxia' Qian Province. Huaxia was a massive place with twelve provinces. Unfortunately, the old man had never heard of the so-called Milky Way Sect, which left Ye Guan confused!

The Milky Way Sect was in the Milky Way, and the Blue Planet was in the Milky Way Star Field, so how come the old man had never heard of the Milky Way Sect?

While Ye Guan was stewing in his confusion, a young woman rushed in. She was none other than Mu Wanyu. She was holding a lunchbox, and she walked briskly to Ye Guan with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry, I'm late. I had some issues to handle."

"No problem," Ye Guan said. He then placed the empty lunchbox aside and said, "Miss Mu, I want to leave."

He found it too boring to just lie down here. Even if he wasn't injured, he felt like he would eventually become ill with how much time he was spending doing nothing but lying down. He wanted to leave early in the morning, but he was stopped because the bill hadn't been paid yet. In the end, he had no choice but to wait for Miss Mu.

Mu Wanyu hesitated and muttered, "Your injuries..."

Ye Guan smiled and replied, "I can walk properly now."

Mu Wanyu hesitated for a moment and then said, "Why don’t you stay a couple more days?

"I want to leave," Ye Guan said.

Mu Wanyu couldn't do anything other than help him settle the hospital bill.

Soon, Mu Wanyu and Ye Guan were finally out of the hospital.

The two were standing in front of the hospital entrance. Mu Wanyu cast a worried gaze at Ye Guan and asked, "Do you remember where you live?"

Ye Guan seemed hesitant as he replied, "Miss Mu, I want to ask you for directions to a particular place, but please don’t think too much about it."

Mu Wanyu's curiosity was piqued. "What place?"

Ye Guan said seriously, "The Boundless Club."

Mu Wanyu frowned slightly. She had wanted to berate him, but she was neither his family nor friend, and she also didn't find it appropriate to judge others. In the end, she could only say hesitantly, "Y-you... shouldn't do any vigorous activities yet..."

Ye Guan had no idea what to say.