Chapter 529: Gui Clan

Name:I Have A Sword Author:
Chapter 529: Gui Clan

Ye Guan looked at Elder Feng. "Them?"

Elder Feng nodded, his expression grave. "Today, the Clan Leader of the Past Clan has opened the Illusion Domain."

Ye Guan sheathed his sword and asked, "Tell me more about the Illusion Domain."

Elder Feng nodded slightly and explained, "As far as we know, the Illusion Domain was the territory of a super race who call themselves members of the Gui Clan seven billion years ago. Back then, they swept through the Time River, killing many powerful beings and plundering many strands of Ancestral Origin. Moreover, they even fought the Great Dao."

Ye Guan narrowed his eyes. "They fought the Great Dao?"


Ye Guan's voice deepened as he said, "Tell me more."

Elder Feng continued, "The Gui Clan was a radical bunch, and they believed that only their kind should exist throughout the vast expanse. They killed everyone except for their kind, wiping out countless civilizations in the Time River. In a nutshell, they were the enemies of all races."

“Did they confront the Great Dao in the end?"

"Yes, they disappeared after getting suppressed by the Great Dao and a group of Time Reversers at the time,” replied Elder Feng.

"They disappeared after getting suppressed? Not killed?"

Elder Feng replied gravely, "Yes."

Ye Guan narrowed his eyes. "So the Great Dao could only suppress them?"


"And now, that woman wants to let the members of the Gui Clan out?" Ye Guan asked.

"Yes, and you're the condition for their release, Young Master."

Ye Guan went silent. Moments later, he asked, "How soon will they arrive here?"

Elder Feng stared intently at Ye Guan and said, "Very soon!"

Very soon... Ye Guan went silent and turned to look at Ye Qingqing. "Aunt, let's go."

Ye Qingqing nodded slightly, and the three of them left the world inside the tiny pagoda to reappear on Guanxuan City's city wall.

A crimson vortex had appeared in the distance, and an ominous aura could be felt from the vortex. The nearby space was annihilated by the mere shockwaves coming from the vortex as soon as it was repaired, creating a terrifying sight.

A mysterious cultivator was standing next to the crimson vortex. Ye Guan identified him as the saber wielder, the leader of the mysterious army of supreme elites. As expected, the saber wielder's troops were standing just behind him.

Ye Guan stared at the crimson vortex. The ominous aura was very powerful, but the owners of those auras were still far away.

After a moment of silence, Ye Guan turned to Elder Feng. "Can you hold them back?"

Ye Guan needed more time. If he was given a few more days, he reckoned he'd be able to perform six Space Overlaps at the same time once he emerged from the world inside the tiny pagoda.

"I don't know," Elder Feng said solemnly. "We don't know the strength of the Gui Clan."

Ye Guan nodded slightly. "Let's wait for them to come out, then."

With that, Ye Guan turned and stared at the mysterious saber wielder in the distance.

The next moment, he turned into a ray of sword light and appeared a hundred meters away from the mysterious saber wielder.

Ye Guan stared at the mysterious saber wielder and said, "C'mere, let's spar."

The saber wielder stared at Ye Guan without saying a word.


The saber wielder disappeared, transforming into a ray of saber light that made a beeline for Ye Guan.


The nearby space shattered inch by inch as the saber wielder rushed at Ye Guan!

Meanwhile, Ye Guan's figure abruptly became illusory. Moments later, a kaleidoscope of sword lights erupted from Ye Guan as he slashed out—starting off with his ultimate move!

The mysterious saber wielder’s face changed drastically at the sight. He didn't expect Ye Guan to start off the fight with his ultimate move. Are we not even going to warm up?


Ye Guan laughed heartily.

The mysterious saber wielder wanted to say something when Ye Guan suddenly asked, "Are you serving the Clan Leader of the Past Clan because you have the same ideology as her?"

The mysterious saber wielder shook his head and replied, "It's out of obligation."

Ye Guan asked, "Do you want to live?"

The mysterious saber wielder looked at Ye Guan and said, "No need."


The mysterious saber wielder's soul form abruptly went up in flames before disappearing into nothingness.

Ye Guan was silent, but he was surprised by the mysterious saber wielder's choice. He truly didn't expect that the latter saber cultivator would choose to die. It seemed that he had underestimated the determination of his enemies.

After a moment of silence, Ye Guan turned around and stared at the mysterious army in the distance.

"Want to kill me? Come on then!" Ye Guan exclaimed.


A mysterious figure in black charged at Ye Guan, and the rest of the troops followed closely behind him.

Before Ye Guan could make a move, Ye Qingqing's figure turned blurry as she disappeared into a ray of sword light that cleaved the lives of the mysterious figures in black.

Ye Guan grinned and jumped into the fray with his sword in hand.

A large-scale battle started, and Ye Guan's goal was simple—annihilate the mysterious troops before the Gui Clan found its way here. The mysterious army was formidable, and Ye Guan knew that he had to annihilate them as soon as possible.

Ye Guan and Ye Qingqing worked together, reaping the lives of the mysterious figures in black. Over the past twenty years, not only had Ye Guan's strength greatly improved, but Ye Qingqing had gotten even stronger as well.

The two were unstoppable as they worked together. Ye Guan noticed something amiss while he was fighting, and it was the fact that his blood seemed to be boiling.

The Mad Demon Bloodline and Mortal Bloodline had activated by themselves!

Fused with Ao Qianqian, Ye Guan's fleshly body could withstand all three bloodlines.

However, Ye Guan was going to keep that as a trump card; he wasn't going to activate all three bloodlines so easily.

More than a dozen mysterious figures in black were cut down in less than fifteen minutes. The swordsmanship of both Ye Guan and Ye Qingqing was just too formidable for the saber wielders to resist.

"Retreat!" a mysterious voice exclaimed.

The mysterious figures in black retreated like a tide. Naturally, Ye Guan wouldn't miss this opportunity, so he charged at them, but Ye Qingqing stopped him.

Ye Qingqing looked up at the strange crimson vortex in the distant sky.

"Let's retreat for now!" she said before grabbing Ye Guan with her to the city wall.

The two stared at the distant crimson vortex and saw that it was churning; it was also emitting a terrifying aura that made the surroundings become illusory.

Elder Feng's face changed drastically, and he roared, "Activate the arrays!"


A column of light erupted and transformed into a dome that protected the entire Guanxuan City.

Elder Feng's expression was extremely solemn as he stared at the crimson vortex.

Ye Qingqing's eyes also showed a rare hint of seriousness.

The ominous aura within the vortex was extraordinary even in her eyes.

Ye Guan was quiet as he stared at the crimson vortex.


A crimson aura reminiscent of blood rushed out of the crimson red vortex just then, flying straight toward Guanxuan City like a lightning bolt and colliding against the light dome.


The dome shattered in the blink of an eye.

The Gui Clan was here!