Chapter 164: Moonlight Divine Body

Chapter 164: Moonlight Divine Body


Chu Xuanyi's heart trembled as he looked at the burly man with a bitter expression, flying towards them from the sky.

Seeing the arrival of the Half-Saint, even those who were unwilling, out of understanding the situation, refrained from continuing to attack the formation. Now that a Half-Saint had arrived, it was no longer their concern.

Half-Saint Ling Hao landed on the ground, his gaze sweeping over the Reverse Five Elements Great Array. A hint of surprise appeared in his eyes, "Reverse Five Elements? Someone in the Fish-Dragon Realm actually understands this formation? However, this Reverse Five Elements Formation is clearly superficial. It's far inferior to the one I saw decades ago!"

With those words, Half-Saint Ling Hao shook his head. His body emitted a brilliant golden light as he unleashed a punch.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om


Space trembled.

After that punch, the Reverse Five Elements Great Array shattered directly!

The array flags let out a mournful cry, falling to the ground and losing their spiritual essence.

"Ugh!" Chu Xuanyi spat out a mouthful of blood. As the one who controlled the formation, he also endured some of the force from that punch.

"Daoist Su." Chu Xuanyi said with bitterness, "I'm afraid I'm afraid I can't hold on"

"Daoist Chu, you have my gratitude."

Su Zhan didn't open his eyes, and he didn't even stop his process of refining. He was currently at a crucial point in his refinement. If he stopped now, there was a high possibility that he wouldn't achieve his divine body. In that case, even if he killed all these people, what would be the point?

However, these people were truly annoying! Frowning slightly, Su Zhan contemplated ways to deal with the situation.

"Half-Saint! A Half-Saint has arrived!"

"Apologies to the Half-Saint! We dare not contend with you!"

"One strike to break the formation, the Half-Saint is truly powerful!"

The warriors who were originally trapped in the Reverse Five Elements Great Array saw the formation break and scattered in fear, not daring to stay near Ling Hao.

"Hmph! A bunch of useless people!"

Ling Hao sneered as he glanced at those people. His gaze eventually fell on Su Zhan, who was still refining with closed eyes. He suddenly became furious, "What are you, daring to disregard me? Dammit!"

"It's not that he can't it's just that he's temporarily unable to break free. Still, this is quite unbelievable!"

"This sword is incredibly powerful! Moreover, its offensive and defensive capabilities clearly show high sentience. If only I could possess this sword!"

"Dream on! That's a lifesource divine weapon. Do you think it's easy for people to fuse together?"

"Even with a divine sword, if that person is killed by the Half-Saint, it's only a matter of time. Wait is he trying to condense a divine body?"

Seeing a layer of sacred white light manifesting around Su Zhan and a moonlit silhouette gradually forming behind him, everyone's gaze froze.

As the moonlit silhouette behind Su Zhan gradually solidified, the sky above began to darken. Finally, like the night sky, a few dark clouds drifted!

The nearly solidified moon shadow behind Su Zhan suddenly transformed into a white light that soared towards the sky. An endless release of pure and cold moonlight.

A brilliant moon, hanging in the sky!

"Moonlight Divine Body! That's the Moonlight Divine Body!"

"Unbelievable, this person's luck is incredibly good. Not only did he fuse a divine lifesource weapon, but he also achieved the Moonlight Divine Body!"

"This is so unfair! A divine lifesource weapon and a divine body both are things that we warriors dream of. Yet, he alone obtains both!"

"Why him? Why does a Fish-Dragon Realm's third-stage guy get such opportunities? I refuse to accept this! I won'tHoly ****!"

That warrior, in the midst of envy and jealousy, was suddenly roaring. However, upon witnessing what unfolded before him, he burst out with a curse, rubbed his eyes, and felt as if he was seeing an illusion!

Before him, within the sacred white light enveloping Su Zhan, golden lines emerged one after another. Simultaneously, starlight resembling celestial bodies also emerged!

Immediately afterward, a grand transformation occurred in the heavens and earth. A colossal golden sun stood opposite the radiant moon, its golden light dispelling the realm's darkness. In between the two celestial bodies, a boundless sea of stars extended.

Countless stars emitted their brilliance, filling the sky above. The dark clouds dispersed!

Above the sky, the luminous moonlight, the radiant starlight, and the scorching sunlight intermingled, converging like three surging rivers, all converging upon Su Zhan alone!

"This, this, this!"

The Fish-Dragon Realm warrior who had been resentful of Su Zhan's attainment of the Moonlight Divine Body earlier now stared at the celestial phenomenon in the sky, dumbstruck.

After a few seconds, his shock turned into horror. His voice was dry and trembling, as he struggled to utter a few words.

"Sun, sun Sun and moon coexist!"