Chapter 177: What Do You Think Of My Great Seal

Chapter 177: What Do You Think Of My Great Seal


What did I just hear?

The Patriarch said he wants to take this human as his disciple? The Thunder Lion was completely dumbfounded.

This person killed the Beast-taming Mountain Elders and even turned me into this state. Instead of smacking him down with a single palm, the Patriarch wants to make him his one and only direct disciple? What kind of operation is this???

It's not just the Thunder Lion that's confused.

Elder Yun and Feng Xu were also stunned. Their minds hadn't caught up yet.

After a couple of seconds, they finally reacted, both wearing expressions of disbelief.

Feng Xu exclaimed, "Patriarch, you mean?"

"What's the matter? Do you have objections to me taking a disciple?" The Beast-taming Mountain Patriarch glanced at Feng Xu.

"No, no! Patriarch, forgive me!" Feng Xu trembled and quickly apologized.

But in his heart, a storm of shock and anxiety had already been set off.

If Su Zhan really became the Patriarch's disciple, wouldn't he be in deep trouble? Seeking revenge while not getting reported by Su Zhan would already be considered a good outcome!

He felt extremely frustrated.

Dozens of miles away, the disciples who had initially hoped to witness the Patriarch's might, smacking Su Zhan down with a single palm, were also dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Not only does the Patriarch not kill him, but he also wants to take him as a disciple?"

"This is just too unreasonable, right? He killed our Beast-taming Mountain Elders!"

"My goodness! The Patriarch wants to take him as a disciple even though he killed an Elder? Does that mean if I also kill a Beast-taming Mountain Elder, the Patriarch will take me as a disciple?"

"You're delusional! Setting aside the fact that an Elder could crush you with a single finger, if you were to kill an Elder, you'd definitely be tortured to death with extreme punishment! Do you think you're that freak who can earn the Patriarch's favor?"

"True, although that person's crimes are heinous, his talent is indeed abnormal. The Patriarch must have taken pity on his talent!"

The disciples were discussing animatedly.

Some were already thinking whether they should greet Su Zhan later, maybe try to get on his good side. After all, he would soon be one of their own, and Su Zhan wouldn't refuse a request from a Saint to become their disciple, right?Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

While those people were contemplating how to cozy up to Su Zhan once he became the Patriarch's direct disciple, Su Zhan spoke up.

"Since you're so clueless, let me see how much confidence you really have!" The Patriarch's voice was dripping with anger. He extended his hand, sending a palm strike toward Su Zhan.

A rumble echoed through the air. The space trembled as a pristine white handprint took shape. As that handprint descended towards the ground, the square, the buildings, everything shattered instantaneously.

The Thunder Lion, filled with terror, shot out a burst of lightning from its body and fled.

The white jade handprint continued its descent.

When the handprint was less than thirty meters away from Su Zhan, the ground beneath his feet began to shake. As if under this pressure, it could collapse at any moment!

Sensing this force, Su Zhan felt somewhat surprised. Is this the extent of a Saint's power?

With a thought, the Great Sun Star Sword flew out from within his sea of consciousness. He swung the sword, and a massive crescent-shaped sword qi cleaved through the handprint, continuing upwards for hundreds of meters before dissipating into the sky.

"The unity of heaven and man! The bearing of a Sword Saint!"

The Beast-taming Mountain Patriarch was slightly astonished, but then he coldly snorted.

"The bearing of a Sword Saint is also useless! A Saint is a Saint, and those who aren't Saints are all mere ants!"

As his words fell, his own lifesource weapon flew out from his brow. It was a white square seal.

Radiant light shimmered, forming a seal the size of a small mountain. Above the seal, a white tiger pattern was engraved, and it also emitted a brilliant light!

A colossal white tiger illusion materialized above the seal, imposing and majestic, overlooking Su Zhan below.


Under the terrifying pressure of the seal, the ground beneath Su Zhan began to crumble!

"It's the White Tiger Saint Seal! The Patriarch's most formidable technique!"

"That Su Zhan must be regretting not becoming the Patriarch's disciple just now. Now he probably regrets it!"

"What's the use of regret now? He no longer has a chance!"

"Even if he's a prodigy, before becoming a Saint, he should remain respectful. That Su Zhan died because of his arrogance!"

The disciples of Beast-taming Mountain were exhilarated by the scene before them.

Witnessing a Saint using their lifesource weapon was definitely a topic they could brag about for a lifetime among peers!

The Beast-taming Mountain Patriarch stood high in the sky, gazing down at the collapsing Little Cloud Mountain beneath his White Tiger Saint Seal, and said coldly, "So, Su Zhan, what do you think of my Great Seal?"