v5 Chapter 578: The rule of ‘death’

Su Li continued to stay silent in front of his own little transparency. The gods would come over. Of course he was willing. This would save him the effort to break the starry sky battlefield later.

However, the situation is still very unclear at the moment. He will definitely not take action now, lest he steal the chicken and lose the rice, but also make wedding clothes for other people. At least, he will not take action until the cause of the death of the gods emerges. Will do it!


On the other side, the Lord of the Spirit Palace communicated with Mo Sibei again.

After a while, the two of them flew to the edge of the starry sky battlefield, and then one took out a controller, and together made a gap in the space in front of them.

As this gap appeared, the six people outside of the Spirit Palace Master and Moss North instantly cast their sights beyond the gap.

There, a huge shining golden "robot" is flying towards here...

"God, live!"

There was an inexplicable feeling in Su's centrifugation. He had seen the corpse of the gods, and he had also seen the descendants of the eternal gods, but this was really the first time for a living god.

He had seen the image of the deity in the first article, and the deity that appeared in his eyes, although a little different from the image of the deity he had seen before, but overall, it is still very similar!

brush! brush!

While Su Li was thinking about it, the figures of Mormodo and Great Sage Hefeng suddenly disappeared, and in the next second, they came to the Spirit Palace Master and Mo Sibei one after another.

Su Li didn't hesitate, as soon as he moved, he instantly teleported to fly past.

At this time, the three A+s of Human Race also arrived at the same time.


Soon, the gods passed through the gap and came into the starry sky battlefield.

Ling Hall Master glanced at the people who came here and Mo Sibei, the next second, he took the initiative to greet him, and he smiled and said, "Lajaga, welcome!"

"Holy Hall Master, hello!" There is a special texture in the voice of the god, he nodded to the Hall Master, and at the same time looked at other people

"Hello, too!"

Mormodo, who had planned for a long time, did not hesitate at this moment. A gentle smile appeared on his human female face. "Haha, is your name Rajaga? I am Mormodo. I am glad to meet you!"

"La Gaga is the name I got from the Celestial Spirit Star, Mormodo, I am also very happy to know you!" The Celestial God responded.

"This is great, to know each other with a god, this is something I've been looking forward to..." Moulmodo continued to "lick" the **** with the same expression on his face, his scale was so big that Su I was speechless for a while.

This guy can really bend and stretch, and his face is thick enough, even if the target is a god, but the opponent's current strength is not B-level, needn't it? What's more, now it is not only you and the gods, there are still seven A-level beings watching you!

Su Li turned his head and glanced at the others. Sure enough, they were also disgusted with Moldo’s current behavior. The only thing that was still normal was the Great Sage of the Wind. After all, his face was a big whirlpool, and it was difficult to dislike him. Emotions.

. . .

After Mormodo "licked", in addition to the Great Sage Hefeng, others also went up to say hello to the gods. Naturally, Su Li would not learn to be a maverick like the Great Sage Hefeng, and he also flew there with the flow. Before, I'm going to have a few words with the gods.

In other words, He Feng Dasheng’s behavior is really confusing. If he really wants to do things, then it’s the best thing to do things like him in a low-key manner, right? As a result, this guy showed the appearance that Lao Tzu is not a good person from the beginning, no wonder the Spirit Palace Master has been worried about him!


"La Jaga, I am the **** of virtuality, you can call me virtual!" Su Li said a standard opening remark, as the previous few people said.

"Death!" A golden light flashed in the eyes of the god, and he whispered.


"Ah, I'm sorry, virtual, I just thought of some other things." Tianshen shook his head, and then he returned to normal, and then chatted with Su Li.

The content of the chat between the two was unremarkable, not much different from others. Soon, Su Li ended the communication with the gods, and flew behind the crowd in a low-key manner.

However, compared with just now, Su Qi is very unstable now, and the word "death" keeps flashing in his heart.

He was sure that he had not misheard it, the gods did say these two words just now!

If it were put on someone else, after the **** explained that he had thought of other things, then he would probably not think too much, but Su Li would be different...

Su was a little surprised in his centrifugation. He was convinced that the future would change. If the gods really foresee this, then it’s really hard to say what will happen...

However, didn’t the Spirit Palace Master say that the rule represented by this deity is "life"? Does this rule of life still have the ability to predict? Furthermore, even though ‘life’ has the ability to predict, can the newborn gods really predict such precise things by it?

You must know The "ultimate wisdom" that is more reliable than "life" is the predictive ability that only appears after reaching the A level, and in most cases it is difficult to make such accurate predictions.

An aura suddenly flashed in Su Qi, and at the same time, the words'life' and'death' appeared in his heart continuously.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Su Qizhong was suddenly startled!

If the rule represented by this living **** is life, what about after he dies? You know, he used his bloodline transformation to swallow almost all the body of this guy after he died!

Can the bloodline transformation still inherit the rules of the gods? And is the rule from "life" to "death"?

This guess is much more reliable and reasonable than the one just now. The only problem is that Su Li has never felt any rules in himself, even in the state of God Transformation.

After he used Celestial Transformation, he was actually not a real Celestial power at all.

In addition to the strong basic physical attributes, various energy attacks are released at will, and they are immune to various energy attacks, their most powerful attack method should be gradually using the rules, and his change of the gods does not have any such aspects. ability.


Su Li looked at the golden figure in the distance, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

This sudden change really caught him off guard. The only good news is that the gods had no other reaction besides the two words that were suddenly spoken just now.

In this case, he still has the opportunity to continue to observe the situation, and he won't be forced to do it now.

PS: One more.