Chapter 27 - Chapter 27: Chapter 27 Main Mission

Chapter 27: Chapter 27 Main Mission

Translator: 549690339

In the game, Song Jian had already mastered the [Basic Blade (Dagger)]skill. Even though it was just at level one, his basic understanding of dagger handling was solid, allowing him to pick up what Wang Dan taught quickly. This made Wang Dan mistakenly believe that Song Jian was extraordinarily talented in dagger fighting techniques.

Before leaving the classroom, seeing that Song Jian had no intention of leaving, Wang Dan handed Song Jian a practice dagger, instructing him to place it back on the weapon rack beside the classroom after using it.

Song Jian took the dagger and nodded, not starting practice right away, but closing his eyes and absorbing all the knowledge he was just taught.

A moment later, he opened his eyes, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly, “This gym, it’s quite interesting.”

For the rest of the time, Song Jian was alone in the classroom, continuously practicing the basic moves he just learned.

Soon, an hour passed and someone else needed to use the classroom, forcing Song Jian to leave.

Having signed up for Wang Dan’s dagger fighting class on the second floor and fixed the next class’s time, Song Jian bid farewell to Zhao Yu and left the club alone to go home.

Zhao Yu didn’t mind Song Jian’s departure. He was slowly walking on the treadmill, joking with two beautiful women. Their crisp and pleasant laughter echoed from time to time. It seemed that it wouldn’t be long before Zhao Yu could get their contact information.

On his way home, Song Jian randomly picked a hardware store and bought a kitchen knife as a temporary practice tool, planning to go home and order a real dagger online.

Regardless of weight or shape, the kitchen knife was far from a real dagger, but it would do for temporary use.

This lesson just covered the basics about how to hold a dagger and the right stance to have, and taught only a simple basic move. But this simple basic move could evolve into several methods of attack. All of these required a lot of practice to nail down and develop into instinctual responses on the field of battle.

Song Jian practiced the whole day in his rented room, ordering takeout for lunch and dinner. When he was engrossed in practicing dagger moves, time flew. Soon, the sky started to darken, and it was seven or eight in the evening.

Song Jian exhaled heavily, suddenly feeling a sharp, stabbing pain in his right arm, along with waves of muscle spasms in his waist and thighs.

“I might have overdone the practice.” Song Jian collapsed on the bed, his right hand falling limp, the sound of the kitchen knife hitting the floor echoing through the room.

After a little rest, he pulled out his phone to check, the icon for Doomsday City was no longer gray.

“I can enter the game now but…” Song Jian was a bit torn, unsure about whether to re-enter the game.

“I’ll wait a bit longer. The game is too dangerous, and there’s life-threatening danger at any moment. If you die in the game, you’ll also die in the real world.” Death was still too horrifying for Song Jian.

Lying on the bed, he tossed his phone on the table, resting his head on his arms, staring at the ceiling, undecided on what to do.

Soon, a wave of drowsiness overcame him, and Song Jian closed his eyes, unknowingly drifting off to sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Song Jian suddenly felt an icy chill, as if he had been doused with a bucket of ice water, waking him from his slumber. Opening his eyes, he saw a giant skeletal hand reaching for his collar;

“What’s going on!” Before Song Jian could react, the skeletal hand reaching out of his phone dragged him into the screen;

A moment of dizziness later, Song Jian abruptly sat up, only to find himself back in the game, on the bed in the mansion.

The power ring and protective gear, which disappeared when he left the game, were back on Song Jian.

The place Song Jian was in was the same one he left from. The room was shabby and rundown. The supposedly white bed sheet under him was already yellowed with some unidentifiable stains, looking like dried blood. The furniture was old and shabby, the room pervaded with a rotten, musty smell.

“I’m… back in the game.” Song Jian’s heart sank, although he hadn’t clicked on the game icon on his phone, when the time came, he still ended up in the game, as if the game was rooted in his body.

“Drip, drip-”

Suddenly, a dripping sound echoed throughout the room. Following the sound, the low ceiling was slowly seeping a blood-red substance that ran down the walls, coalescing into blood-red text.

“Game player, Song Jian, welcome to Doomsday City!”

“You’ve successfully completed the trial period of the game, starting today, you will officially enter the game. Each time you enter the game, a main mission will appear. You can only leave the game after completing the main mission.”

“Main mission: Survival.”

“Mission brief: The world has fallen into decay, this is an abandoned city in the apocalypse. You just arrived in Doomsday City, how will you survive in this city, this depends on whether you have a safe and secure base. Gather resources around, construct and fortify the base you choose, make it into your safe house every time you enter and exit the game.”

“Mission target: Construct a safe house that the system recognizes, clear all the monsters within one kilometer radius of the safe house. (This mission must be completed independently)”

“Mission hint: Choosing an existing place can save you a lot of time. Gather as many resources as possible, fortify the base you choose, meet the system requirements, and become a system-recognized safe house. The monsters nearby might damage the base you choose. After constructing the safe house, exterminate the monsters within a one-kilometer radius.”

“Hint: Gathering resources might attract the attention of the nearby monsters;”

“Hint: During the construction of the safe house, you will temporarily unable to hide in the safe house. Only after the construction is completed, can you enter the safe house.”

“Hint: In the process of exterminating monsters, you might encounter Elite Level monsters;”

“Warning: If you die in the game, your identity in the real world will also be erased!”

“You can check this mission in the mission bar at any time!”

The blood-red words filling an entire wall, glowed faintly for several minutes before slowly disappearing, as if they had seeped back into the walls.

“A main mission, if I can’t complete it, I won’t be able to leave the game?” Song Jian frowned slightly, a sense of urgency welled up in his heart.

He had originally thought that even if he entered the game again, if he didn’t want to face those monsters, he could hide somewhere for twelve hours.

But it seemed like he couldn’t afford such a passive approach any longer, unless Song Jian was willing to stay in this game forever.

Thank you, reader “Future Star, Ah Jie”, for the 500 coin donation, thanks for your support!