Chapter 344 - Chapter 344: Chapter 344: Holy Flame Pearl

Chapter 344: Chapter 344: Holy Flame Pearl

Translator: 549690339 |

Song Jian rushed into Dr. Ebsiting’s laboratory where the room was filled with thick smoke and the pungent smell of burning. A dark figure was continually swinging its arms in front of him, all while coughing incessantly.

“Dr. Ebsiting, are you alright?” Song Jian incredulously looked at Dr. Ebsiting, who looked as dark as an African because of the smoke and exclaimed in surprise.

Dr. Ebsiting’s white lab coat was a mess, and all over were traces of burns. The doctor’s face and arms had all turned black and were even giving off the scent of roasted meat.

“Doctor, are you alright?” Not caring whether Dr. Ebsiting had a fracture or was bleeding, Song Jian immediately used a “Surgical Healing” on him.

“Cough, cough, the smoke here is choking, let’s get out…” With his face all black with ash and unrecognizable, Dr. Ebsiting wave towards the door to indicate they should leave.

The two men left the smoky laboratory. As soon as they were outside, Dr. Ebsiting changed back to normal as if nothing had happened. Not only his face and hands returned to their former shade, but even his badly damaged lab coat was replaced with a brand new one.

However, Song Jian didn’t pay much attention to this unique NPC changing skill.

“Doctor, what experiment were you conducting?” Song Jian asked curiously. “High explosives!” Dr. Ebsiting replied, glancing at Song Jian.

“High explosives? But haven’t you already researched them?” Song Jian was puzzled. Regardless of whether it’s the T-11 high-explosive hand-grenade or the more powerful T-X, the core component is high explosives. The stronger the high explosives, the more potent the grenade.

“What do you know, those are just ordinary high explosives. They are nothing. What I am researching this time, is a far superior high explosive.” Dr. Ebsiting looked at Song Jian contemptously and spoke a bit impatiently, as if he doesn’t want to waste time explaining.

“Superior high explosives? What are those?” Song Jian was curious and decided to ignore Dr. Ebsiting’s attitude.

“Ordinary high explosives simply increase the power of the explosion.” Dr. Ebsiting, seemingly a little helpless, had to explain: “Superior high explosives, however, can add effects. Such as bleedings, inflicting burns, corrosion, paralysis, fractures, and even blindness. Only those high explosives that add damage effects are truly superb!”

“Additional effects?” Song Jian fumbled in his bag and handed Dr. Ebsiting a self-destructing robot:

“Doctor, do you mean like this one?”

“What are you saying?” Dr. Ebsiting sneered at Song Jian: “I have been researching for so long, and you, a beginner, think you can create….” But when Dr. Ebsiting noticed the mini self-destructing robot in Song Jian’s hand, an object that can transform into a flexible robot once activated, his words trailed off.

“Corrosion damage? So it really is a superior high explosive?” Dr. Ebsiting looked as if he is frozen stiff, staring in disbelief.

“Where did you buy this?” Dr. Ebsiting asked, raising his head.

“I made it myself.” Song Jian replies grinning, extremely happy with himself. “How is that possible, your understanding of manufacturing techniques is just at a basic level, how could you produce such an advanced high explosive?” Dr. Ebsiting was on the brink of snapping. Even as a doctor skilled in siege manufacturing techniques, he had been researching for quite a while without any success in making superior explosives. He felt a deep sense of hostility from the world when Song Jian, who in his view was merely at an elementary level, claimed to have already created the finished product.

Song Jian just smiles and puts away the robot. Waving his right hand, a black flame appears on his palm, dancing and wavering.

The moment the black flame appeared, room temperature raised up by several degrees instantly, and an eerie aura spread around the room.

“This is, this is…” Aghast, Dr. Ebsiting could not help but lean toward the black flame.


Perceiving a threat, the black flame promptly intensified, with the flames soaring over a foot high.

“Doctor, be careful, this Strange Fire is very dangerous!” Song Jian quickly closed his palm to extinguish the flame. Dr. Ebsiting had an utterly terrified look on his face.

“That’s it… Strange Fire… that must be it.” Dr. Ebsiting’s face fell as he shook his head, letting out a heavy sigh.

“Your luck is really good. In this world, the number of Strange Fires is limited and decreases by one every time one is obtained. Considering you have to pass a test to acquire it and risk losing your own life, you’re truly lucky!” Dr. Ebsiting continues, apparently envious: “Once the Strange Fire is bound to a host and the host later dies, the Strange Fire will vanish forever, and the world will permanently lack that kind of fire.”

“You are truly a fortunate one!” Dr. Ebsiting declared, looking rather envious.

“Well, you will know what real luck actually is once the Abyss curse on me is removed!” Song Jian smiled lightly, shouting out in his mind.

“Oh right, Dr. Ebsiting, 1 heard from George that you were looking for me?” Song Jian asked.

“Yes, your territory has just suffered an invasion, and one of the invaders even broke into the Manor Castle. With the help of Alex, I managed to kill one of them. He dropped quite a few items, most of which were devoured by Alex, and only one remained. 1 found it interesting and thought you might be interested in it!” Ebsiting said seriously.

With that, Dr. Ebsiting pulled a red bead from his pocket and handed it to Song Jian.

“The Holy Flame Pearl? The key to the Frost Cave Secret Realm?” Song Jian was holding this reddish pearl, examining its properties. The pearl was giving off gentle, warm heat, heating up Song Jian’s body in no time.

“Where is the Frost Cave Secret Realm?” Song Jian was somewhat puzzled, because in this world, what players refer to as secret realms, or dungeons, are quite numerous and spread out in different places.

If this Frost Cave is inside the city, that would be the best. But if not, he would have nothing to do with it other than selling it over the radio.

Just as he was pondering this, the Floly Flame Pearl suddenly emitted a red light, and an image of a snowy peak condensed from ice appeared before Song Jian’s eyes.