Chapter 434 - Chapter 434: Chapter 434: Soul-shattering Sting

Chapter 434: Chapter 434: Soul-shattering Sting


A surge of black flame rose from the surface of Song Jian’s body. With the appearance of the flame, it seemed like someone was softly chanting an unknown language around him, compelling people to completely relax, not wanting to think or do anything, then continuously sink deeper…

The black flame converged into a black armor appearing on the surface of Song Jian’s body. This armor had no weight, but its properties were far stronger than typical equipment.

At this moment, the Master of Evil Spirits stood three meters away from Song Jian, its hands swinging incessantly. Each swing drew forth a grey current that, like a sharp blade, flew towards Song Jian.

Song Jian attempted to strike a current with his longsword. The moment the sword collided with the current, his entire body trembled.

The impact of the current was just like a full-force strike from him. For Song

Jian, he wouldn’t be able to withstand it after a few times.

When the second current rushed towards him, Song Jian could only dodge to the side.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh-

The attack speed of the Master of Evil Spirits was getting faster with the passage of time. The currents it released were like artillery shells, shattering surrounding rocks into pieces and causing utter chaos.

“I can’t let it continue attacking like this!”, Song Jian thought darkly. Grinding his teeth, he displays the Sword Shadow Step, his body forms into a shadow and charges towards the Master of Evil Spirits.

Broken Wing Dance!

Boom, boom, boom-

A series of damage numbers floated above the head of the Master of Evil Spirits. Each attack caused it twice the damage. When the skill, Broken Wing Dance, ended, the Vitality Points of the Master of Evil Spirits decreased by nearly a thousand.

But the third move of the Broken Wing Dance, the airborne state, did not come out. It only made the Master of Evil Spirits move back a little.

The airborne state is affected by the strengths of both sides, and also has a significant relation to the target’s size. Although the Master of Evil Spirits was a Soul Body, its size was already close to three meters. The airborne state effect of the Broken Wing Dance was too poor.

Spiritual Sword Control Technique!

Song Jian raised his longsword high, slashing it vigorously forward. Two transparent longswords condensed above his head, one normal size and the other half as small, looking like a small version of the Spirit Sword.

“The Master of Evil Spirits is a Soul Body, its resistance to spiritual damage should be low!”, Song Jian thought to himself.

Bang, bang!

The two Spirit Swords nearly simultaneously stabbed into the Master of Evil Spirits. The giant body of the boss trembled violently, cracks appearing on its surface like a damaged glass cup. Even the red light on the surface of its body also trembled violently as if it were to extinguish at any moment.

But this situation only lasted for less than a second, and the Master of Evil Spirits then quickly recovered.

“Ah!” With a mad roar, the Master of Evil Spirits became even more ferocious. The Spiritual Sword Control Technique seemed to have enraged it, gusts of yin wind kept blowing up around it, causing Song Jian to lose his balance and retreat backwards.

Gulu, gulu-

Giant rocks over one person tall were whipped up by the strong wind and scattered all over the place. The Master of Evil Spirits directly grabbed a rock with a diameter of more than 5 meters and smashed it towards Song Jian.

Seeing the massive rock like a small mountain smashing down and himself being completely engulfed in the shadow of the rock, Song Jian was scared and immediately dodged aside.


The rock smashed heavily onto where Song Jian had just been standing, shattering like a bomb. Numerous fragments flew towards Song Jian like a rainstorm.

This time, Song Jian could no longer dodge, he could only cover his head with his hands, and crawl on the ground, the power of these debris was not weak, damage points of fifty or sixty floated above Song Jian’s head.

Once the debris finished spraying, Song Jian’s vitality points had lost over three hundred points;

After unleashing this move, the Master of Evil Spirits seemed to have expended a lot, standing still at the original place. A trace of fatigue began to show on his twisted face.

Song Jian’s eyes lit up, and he directly activated the Immortal Sword Body;

A dazzling golden light burst forth from his body, and eight long sword phantoms slowly circled around his body. Song Jian felt a powerful force surging within him;

Sweeping Sword Style!

Sword Silk!

Broken Wing Dance!

For a moment, Song Jian went all out, displaying all his sword techniques, and a series of damage numbers floated above the BOSS’S head. Each move was able to inflict double damage, as if there were two Song Jians full force attacking it.

The Master of Evil Spirits’ vitality points rapidly decreased and half an hour later, the vitality points of the Master of Evil Spirits dropped to below 30%. The Master of Evil Spirits, who was already enraged, his pair of blood-red eyes emitted a malicious glow, staring at Song Jian unblinkingly.

“I curse you, I curse you, I curse you…” The Master of Evil Spirits gnashed his teeth, throwing the most vicious curses, its body also began to slowly shrink, after a short while, it transformed into the size of a normal human;

Meanwhile, the original bloody red glow around it turned into a deep black color as if ink was splashed on it, with the curses one after another.

“Soul-shattering Sting!”

The Master of Evil Spirits suddenly let out a sharp roar, the black lights all over his body all concentrated on one point between his eyebrows, looking like a third black eye had grown on him.

An instant later, Song Jian’s body was covered with goosebumps, feeling as if he was naked standing in the cold Siberian snowstorm, the threat of death, like a giant beast, was already opening its mouth to pounce on him;

“I’m going to die!” A lightning bolt seemed to flash through Song Jian’s mind, he cried out unconsciously and instinctively posed the “Sacred Parry” stance;

A dark black light as dense as ink shot out from the Master of Evil Spirits’ eyebrows, forming a cone in mid-air, shooting towards Song Jian;

After releasing this attack, the Master of Evil Spirits let out a scream, its body collapsed on the ground, panting heavily, obviously, this move was its last resort, and it absolutely would not use it under normal circumstances.

The ink-like arrow shot towards Song Jian, he only felt a numbness in his arms, almost couldn’t hold his long sword, his body involuntarily retreated several steps backwards, stumbled against a stone stele, and finally came to a stop.


Song Jian felt a sharp pain at his back, as if his chest was severely shocked, his throat was itchy, and he couldn’t help but coughed out a mouthful of blood, only then he felt slightly better.

The right arm holding the long sword was involuntarily twitching slightly, Song Jian felt he couldn’t even muster the strength to lift his little finger.

On the dark red long sword, a streak of black fluid, like a small snake, twisted its way into the sword blade, only to be blocked by a flame. At the same time, streaks of golden light shot out from the long sword into the black snake.

Each time it was stabbed, the black liquid snake would thrash its body violently and let out a piercing shriek. Several dozen seconds later, when Song Jian’s right arm regained sensation, the black liquid snake on the sword blade also gradually turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.