Chapter 441 - Chapter 441: Chapter 441: The Kill

Chapter 441: Chapter 441: The Kill

“How could this happen? Bloodline’s eruption?” The astonished Zhang Hong, who had been thrown back, struggled to stand amidst the debris and looked at the increasingly crazed lion eagle beast while mumbling to himself.

The Hoplarch Lion Eagle Beast is a magical creature; adult Hoplarch Lion Eagle Beasts can rival Giant Dragons. Their bloodline contains mysterious bloodline power, and once triggered, they can obtain even greater power.

This is why Zhang Hong would rather waste a silver-quality Pet Contract Scroll to capture it.

However, the lion eagle beast’s explosion of power did not originate from its bloodline, but from the level gap between them. The difference of twelve levels made it seem as if there was a chasm between Zhang Hong and the lion eagle beast. Without Song Jian’s help, Zhang Hong wouldn’t stand a chance against the beast, let alone break through its defense.

Moreover, just as Zhang Hong was devoting himself to subduing the lion eagle beast, Song Jian slightly raised his right hand, using a “surgical healing” to heal the broken wing of the lion eagle beast, thus giving it the strength to hurl Zhang Hong away.

Surgical healing can only restore a small amount of Vitality Points but can remove negative effects such as “fracture, bleeding”. Song Jian’s movement was small, and Zhang Hong, who was focused on subduing the lion eagle beast at the time, did not notice his subtle action.

As a martial monk, Zhang Hong could easily employ numerous spells. Although they didn’t cause high damage, their endless negative effects were alarming for Song Jian. If Zhang Hong gained such a magical creature as a battle pet, his last weakness would be patched up, something Song Jian didn’t want to see.


A powerful Mental Strength burst forth, instantly repelling the white light enveloping his eyebrows and the black seal.

A look of defeat appeared on Zhang Hong’s face as he witnessed the Contract Array tremble violently before shattering with a bang.

With the capture attempt failed, the lion eagle beast let out a relaxed and joyful cry, turned around, and stared at Zhang Hong with eyes full of anger, yet tinged with a touch of deep fear.

The loss of a silver-quality Pet Contract Scroll pained Zhang Hong. Although the capture attempt’s failure didn’t cause substantial damage to him, he felt as if a heavy hammer had struck his chest, making him want to vomit blood.

When a pet capture fails, there are certain aftereffects. At this point, the lion eagle beast’s entire hatred had been transferred to Zhang Hong, and this hatred would lock on to him for three minutes, launching relentless attacks.

Seeing the lion eagle beast charging towards him, Zhang Hong’s face turned pale, and he hurriedly ran towards Song Jian.

“Help, help me!” Zhang Hong begged Song Jian with a pleading look on his face.

The lion eagle beast spread its wings and instantly closed the seven or eight meters distance, its sharp beak aimed like a razor at his heart.

Feeling the chill of the wind, Zhang Hong sensed the threat of death quickly approaching and threw a triangular amulet in a panic.

The amulet flew into the air, bursting into dazzling light before turning into a Light Shield protecting Zhang Hong’s back. In the center of the shield, a golden Buddha handprint slowly opened.

“One-time-use defensive amulet?” Song Jian’s eyes lit up, recognizing the triangular amulet, and he looked envious.

This single-use amulet had various effects. Even though they could only be used once, their power was significantly greater than ordinary equipment or even skills. Moreover, they were rare. Even Song Jian hadn’t encountered one yet.

The beak struck the center of the Light Shield, followed by a “crack” sound as the shield shattered into crystal fragments and disappeared in midair.

However, the lion eagle beast’s attack was entirely blocked. Not only that, but part of the beast’s beak cracked, making it cry out in pain.

“Save me, save me! We had an agreement!” Zhang Hong had lost his previous repentant composure, looking disheveled and scared as he grabbed Song Jian’s hand and begged loudly.

“Do you have any more high-quality Pet Contract Scrolls?” Song Jian tightly held his sword and glanced at Zhang Hong, saying, “If not, we’ll have to kill it.”

Zhang Hong’s face showed reluctance. He had suffered considerable losses this time, not only giving Song Jian a sword technique worth tens of thousands of Doomsday Coins but also wasting a silver-quality Pet Contract Scroll and a precious defensive amulet. Even the Soul Bodies he had painstakingly recruited earlier were all consumed, making him feel like he had wasted ten years of hard work.

“I don’t have any more. Kill it!” Zhang Hong said helplessly.

Having a silver-quality Pet Contract Scroll was already incredibly lucky for Zhang Hong, let alone having a second one.

Song Jian nodded, guessing that the likelihood of Zhang Hong having a second one was low.

“Keep using those techniques to trap it. We’ll split the loot from killing it!” Song Jian said.

Hearing Song Jian’s words, Zhang Hong’s face looked slightly better. After all, the level 30 Elite Boss with Tier 1 Combat Power was bound to drop valuable items, at least slightly making up for his loss.

Song Jian leaped forward and slashed at the lion eagle beast with his sword. With his current strength, facing a level 30 Elite Boss with Tier 1 Combat Power was still somewhat difficult. If it weren’t for the Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword’s ability to deal double damage with each strike, Song Jian wouldn’t have been able to hold out for long.

After the lion eagle beast’s Vitality Points dropped, it erupted with even fiercer fighting power, as if having a resurgence of energy before its death. Each strike would deal three to four hundred points of damage. If it weren’t for the Advanced Healing Potion, Song Jian wouldn’t have been able to withstand the attack for long.

Zhang Hong watched as the lion eagle beast’s Vitality Points continued to decrease, his face full of unwillingness. In reality, he had several healing techniques but didn’t use them on Song Jian.

He couldn’t help but have some unusual thoughts in his heart, wanting the lion eagle beast and Song Jian to perish together. That way, he could recover his losses from Song Jian’s corpse and the beast’s drops.

If things went as he planned, he would not only make up for his losses but might even profit from them.

But to his disappointment, even when the lion eagle beast cried its final painful cry and fell, Song Jian still stood firmly in place without showing any weakness.