In the crowd's urging sound, the huge ring arena, from both sides came two people.

One is Qin Yang, the other is a middle-aged man.

Qin Yang's hands are empty, but Liu Yidao is carrying a big knife as wide as a door plank.

"That boy So young? " Some people wonder, "are you here to die?"

Someone recognized Liu Yidao and his face was full of excitement.

After all, that big knife is too ostentatious.

However, the one who recognized Liu Yidao did not say so. If we directly say that Liu Yidao may be a star mercenary with the strength of God Emperor, how can the game go on?

However, it is disappointing that everyone is not optimistic about Qin Yang.

"The two sides have time to prepare for each other. After sealing the plate, the war can begin." Said the maid.

A huge light screen floats over the arena, with odds on it.

Liu Yidao's odds ratio is quite low, even if all the family's assets are pressed up, he can't earn much.

However, whether Liu Yidao can kill Qin Yang with one knife, the odds are one to two.

As for Qin Yang, the odds make Qin Yang's own eyes red. And there's a growing trend.

Some people don't want to play when they see the odds. If you bet some to Qin Yang, you should take part in it.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity!" Liang Baichuan's face was red and his ears were red. It was like a golden mountain in front of him, but he didn't dig with a hoe.

In the field, Liu Yidao drags the big knife lazily, and holds an unknown elixir in his mouth.

Looking at Qin Yang contemptuously, Liu Yidao said with a smile: "boy, you are so young that you are going to die. What can't you think of? Let me be happy. Maybe I will give you a good time. "

Qin Yang stood quietly, some bored, even dozing.

Liu Yidao frowned slightly and said, "I think you want money crazy. This arena 10 is not the place you can come to."

Qin Yang remained unmoved.

Liu Yidao felt out the ring of heaven and earth in his hand and said, "see? I have bought all the millions of crystal coins. I can kill you with one knife. There are still some pills and magic weapons worth millions of crystal coins. Just kill me, and it's all yours. "

Mention Lingjing coin, Qin Yang's eyes light up.

He is suffering from the slow coming of money. After all, he has no capital.

The audience doesn't know Qin Yang's strength and what level of mercenary he is, but the arena knows.

Because the duel is paid according to the rank of mercenary.

Level 1 mercenary, the reward for participating in the duel is equal to that of level 1 task. Only 10000 crystal coins.

Qin Yang has already put all the 10000 under his control, which is a must to kill.

But even if the odds are so high, it's still too low.

Qin Yang has inquired about the price of a six level pill, all in 10000 Lingjing coins.

The sixth level is just the garbage elixir taken by shenwangjing

Looking at Qin Yang, Liu Yidao burst out laughing, "you don't really think you can kill me?"

"Maybe, maybe." Qin Yang laughed.

With the heaven and earth ring in the opponent's hand and the elixir and magic weapon in the ring, you can mortgage it to the arena directly in exchange for crystal coins, and make a bet again

After the second scene, I really set foot on the road of sudden wealth!

In fact, Liu Yidao has been exploring Qin Yang's strength. Unfortunately, he can't find out.

Qin Yang's strength, just like an abyss, let Liu Yidao dare not despise.

Such performance, just want to let Qin Yang relax, unfortunately, but still no harvest.

If you dare to mix in the duel field, you will not be careless. It is not uncommon for a boat to capsize in the gutter.

Turning his eyes, Liu Yidao took off the ring of heaven and earth, threw it from a distance, and said, "why don't I make you happy first? Give you the ring first

Qin Yang was surprised and reached for a fish. He couldn't believe it, "this It's so funny... "

This move, the audience is more aware of what, the odds changed again.

However, Qin Yang's odds are higher, but Liu Yidao's odds are even more daunting.

"How boring! Throw out the ring ahead of time to disturb the other party's mood. Is there anyone else who is fooled by this trick? "

"Look at that Qin Yang has never seen the world, but he doesn't feel that he has been defeated."

All the people are talking about it, and the distance from the closure is about to end.

Qin Yang said to the maid waiting for the announcement: "this ring, as well as all the resources in the ring, will be changed into crystal coins at a price. I will win by pressing myself."

When the maid was stunned, Liu Yidao was furious.

All of these were his. It was just a trick to throw them to Qin Yang first.

But now, Qin Yang has changed his hand and pressed himself. According to this gambling fight, Liu Yidao is equivalent to directly losing several million Lingjing coins!No, including the heaven and earth ring, at least one million crystal coin loss!

Even if you win with a knife, you can't earn back!

Not only that, but also all the profits from the duels that we secretly took part in before!

Ten million crystal coins, enough to buy a low-level seven level magic weapon!

"What are you doing? He gave it to me. This is mine. Can't I press myself? " Qin Yang looked at the maid in a daze and said.

"But Yes. " The maid did it in a hurry.

In the audience of the duel arena, people looked at each other.

Someone eyes a bright, hastily add, pressure Qin Yang. My heart suddenly excited, if this is really a black horse You're going to be rich!

Looking at his 10 million bet, Qin Yang completely laughed.

At this time, the maid also announced the closure, the duel began.

Qin Yang looked at his odds on the light screen above his head. He won by 10 and won by 30 with one move. The smile on his face could not stop.

"Boy, you're infuriating me!" Liu Yidao gasped and said, "I really want to cut you alive with one knife and one knife. You should be happy. This is life and death, and you will win or lose. You should be more fortunate that I killed you with a knife! It's too cheap to let you die so happily

"You don't have a brain. Who's to blame?" Qin Yang took out his ears and said with a smile, "you don't think about it. Anyway, it's life and death that will win or lose. Is there any difference between holding the ring in your hand and wagering? Die is nothing, and win Ha ha ha

Qin Yang couldn't help laughing again.

Liu Yidao was stunned. He didn't even think about it!

It was just because he couldn't find out the strength of Qin Yang, he had an idea, but he didn't think he was lifting a stone to hit his own feet!

"Ah, ah! I'm angry too! I'm angry, too Liu Yidao rushed directly with a knife the size of a door plank.

It turns into a sharp cold light, and the sabre Qi is vertical and horizontal.

All the audience suddenly became lively and cheered, but then, the sudden change made all life hold back their shouts.

Qin Yang stood still. When the knife came to his body, he suddenly disappeared.

Once again, he went directly in front of Liu Yidao. He hit his knee and pushed it out. The big knife in Liu Yidao's hand flew out of his hand. The whole person was faster than the speed of rushing forward and flew backward.


With a loud noise, Liu Yidao's figure hit the shield of the arena, breaking his muscles and bones.

Big eyes, is still just the beginning of anger, but at this time die not in peace!

A move! seckill!

The entire arena 10, fell into a long dead silence.

A moment later, the whole arena was like a battlefield for fighting. The roar and grief seemed to overturn the secret of the arena!

"Darkness! The black curtain of red fruits! I don't accept it! " Some people blushed and glared at Qin Yang.

"All my wealth, all my wealth! Poof Someone vomited blood and fainted on the spot.

With a faint smile on his face, Qin Yang looked at the maid who had just passed by. Before he stopped, the battle ended here.

With a look of shock, the maid turned back.

"Check it out, thank you." Qin Yang showed his eight white teeth, and his smile was brilliant.

Ten million Lingjing coins, 30 for one, this is 300 million Lingjing coins!

This is enough to buy an eight level magic weapon ship!