Chapter 29: Public "execution"

The subject of the first competition is mathematics.

Gu Xi, Gu Chenyi and Sheng Xiuyan entered the arena.

Before entering the venue, after passing the security check, Gu Xi handed the pen and paper to the invigilator.

The invigilator just went through it very quickly—this kind of competition is different from the exams organized by the school, let alone a cheat sheet, even if you bring in a whole textbook, you won’t be able to.

"Go in." The teacher handed the draft paper to Gu Xi again, and told Gu Xi her seat number.

Gu Xi quickly found her seat.

The layout of the stadium this time is still the same as when Gu Xi participated last year-everyone's position is arranged in an S-shape, and each seat is surrounded by a circle of partitions. Participants answer the questions on their own without any interference.

But the difference is: this time the competition adopts a paperless mode, so there is no competition test paper on the table in front of Gu Xi, only a display device, and a selection device that should be specially used for participants to enter answers.

The operation is very simple. After selecting the corresponding topic, select the ‘ABCD’ option on the button.

The competition started, and after a countdown popped up on the display on the table, the question jumped out.

Although some changes have taken place in the form of answering questions, it did not have much impact on Gu Xi.

After adapting to several questions, Gu Xi's answering speed quickly improved.

Even for some questions, Gu Xi doesn't need to use manuscript paper to calculate at all, and can judge the answer through a simple mental arithmetic process.

Vaguely, Gu Xi felt that her question-making speed seemed to be faster than that of the previous test papers.

One hour later, Gu Xi completed the answer.

However, because there is still time, to be on the safe side, Gu Xi checked all the answers twice, from few to the next.

Towards the end of the game, Gu Xi clicked to hand in the paper.

At this time, there are still many people in the arena who have not completed the test questions and are immersed in scratch paper.

Gu Xi retracted her gaze and was about to leave the arena, but at this moment, she unexpectedly discovered that Gu Chenyi and Sheng Xiuyan were still in position.

Gu Xi raised her eyebrows in surprise: She thought that the two of them should have gone out an hour ago, but they were still there.

Gu Xi walked outside the game and waited for the two to come out.

The two people waited for the system to automatically submit the answer almost when the game time was up, and walked out of it.

"Is it difficult?" Gu Xi asked nervously when looking at the two people who came out.

At the speed of these two people, it is unscientific to come out now.

But Gu Xi did not find the test questions difficult...

"Very simple." Gu Chenyi said lightly.

Gu Xi: "Then you..."

Gu Chenyi: "I checked it twice."

This is definitely the first time he has done an examination in his memory.

It was not easy for him to get a high score without dragging Gu Xi.

Gu Xi looked to the side of Sheng Xiu and said, "So are you?"

"Almost." Sheng Xiuyan said. He simply didn't want to be put in the second place by Gu Xi because he accidentally made a few mistakes.

"Let's go, let's go to dinner, you still have another course in the afternoon." Gu Chenyi pulled Gu Xi and said.

In the first two days of the test, Gu Xi participated in two subjects in total, and both subjects were concentrated on the first day.

The difficulty of one subject in the afternoon was normal, and Gu Xi successfully completed all the test questions.

After finishing the first day of the game, on the second day, Gu Xianxin became a spectator in the rest area.

However, what surprised Gu Xi was that Lin Anxin didn't even participate in four games in two days.

Except for Lin Anxin, Liming's other first-year junior also didn't participate.

This soy sauce is really too soy sauce.

Gu Xi couldn't help but complain.

This arrangement, in the words of Principal Liming, is: the main force of the competition is composed of the second and third graders, and the first graders will come to train as future seed players.

Liming's move is really helpless. Although there is no hard and fast rule on which grade students must participate in the league, it has been the default routine of every school that every grade student must have it.

Compared with the students in the second and third grades, the amount of knowledge in the first grade is...not very good.

Last year there was a "Lin Xi". In the first year of this year, the first grade is still a bit worse than the students in other grades.

The league only stipulates that the team of each school is 8 people, and there is no restriction on the specific arrangement of participants. Therefore, Liming took advantage of this loophole and let two junior students in the first grade train and not participate.

Liming was not the first to do this, nor was he the only one.

Therefore, even if someone noticed these soy sauce classmates, they didn't say anything.

The previous two days of the game ended.

Back at the hotel, the three leading teachers from the High School A attached 8 people to a group.

At this time, the three teachers all seemed very happy.

"The scores for the first four games have already been released." The leading teacher said.

Through some personal trails, she probably knew the current score ranking.

"After two days of hard work, our affiliated middle school is currently ranked first, and the overall score is more than 30 points ahead of the second. That's not bad." The leader said with a smile on his face.

This time, their performance in the first four games of the attached middle school was better than ever.

In the past two days, this group of students was like a chicken blood: Not only did they carefully read and prepare, but even Gu Chenyi and Sheng Xiuyan were able to check carefully before coming out.

The three teachers were amazed.

"Tomorrow is the last game, and it's the most critical one, with the largest percentage of points. Do we have to stay steadily and know?" the team leader looked at Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan and said.

Secretly, I look forward to the performance of these two Xueshen.

"Okay." Gu Xi nodded seriously and responded.

Sheng Xiu's words on the side also seldom responded.

After disbanding, on the way back to their respective rooms, these people in the attached middle school still looked happy.

Including Gu Chenyi next to Gu Xi.

"It's 30 points lower, Liming's group can climb." Gu Chenyi said leisurely. He couldn't wait to see those people, especially the dejected expressions of Gao Zifan and Lin Anxin.

As he said, thinking of something, Gu Chenyi looked down at Gu Xi and asked, "What were you going to say when Liming's people were present yesterday morning?"

"Is it a problem with your life experience?" Gu Chenyi asked, considering his words.

He remembered what Gu Xi had said yesterday and was interrupted by Lin Anxin.

Gu Chenyi didn't know much about Lin's family. He only heard that it was not very good, and it was terrible.

It's not difficult to publicize the black history of the Lin family, but if it were so easy, you don't have to wait for Grandpa and Second Uncle to take action. He and Gu Yanlin and Gu Yanxiao would have done it a long time ago.

Hanging out of Lin's affairs will definitely affect Gu Xi, and this is what they don't want the most.

Hearing this, Gu Xi shook her head: "Of course not."

She just scared Lin Anxin.

Compared to her, Lin Anxin and even the entire Lin family are the ones most afraid of those things being exposed.

Gu Xi was not afraid that the Lin family's incidents would have an impact on her after being exposed, and she no longer cared about Lin Yize and Song Kexin. She didn't say that she didn't want Gu Shao to be affected.

How Gu Shao in the novel cares about it, but the Gu Shao she met is a very good person and a very responsible father. Although a bit fierce and serious, it can’t conceal that Gu Shao is an upright person. The fact of people.

In his own heart, Gu Xi didn't want Gu Shao's reputation to be contaminated by the **** strange things of the hero and heroine of the novel.

He raises her, and she must protect him.

Thinking of not reporting safety with Gu Shao today, Gu Xi took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Gu Shao and Aunt Mei at home separately, and also mentioned that they are now the first thing.

On the other side, in a reception room in the teaching experiment area.

After receiving the news, Gu Shao took out his mobile phone and took a quick glance, a soft touch passed through his eyes, after thinking about it, he replied: ‘good’.

"Continue." Putting away the phone, Gu Shao looked at the people in front of him.

At this time, sitting across from Gu Shao was the organizer of the Science League.

"This time the paperless test mode is very successful. At present, the system is running stably, and the feedback from the contestants after adapting is very good..." said Zhou Zong, the main person in charge of the league this time, facing Gu Shao. There is a hint of respect in his attitude.

—Professor Gu has a high reputation in the education circle of City B. He is also one of the initiators of the Chinese National Competition test reform. Moreover, the equipment and systems for their paperless examination this time are also provided by a research institution under NTN. It is reasonable for Mr. Zhou to respect Gu Shao's attitude.

Hearing Mr. Zhou's words, Gu Shao nodded.

"There will be parents to watch the game tomorrow?" Gu Shao asked. He remembered that Gu Xi seemed to have said it before.

Hearing this, Mr. Zhou nodded: "Yes, to be precise, I came to watch the awards ceremony in the afternoon."

After a pause, Mr. Zhou explained to Gu Shao in detail-the league is open to the outside world, so every year many parents come to watch or pick up their children. Many of them will arrive early, and their organizers are simply teaching. The experimental area has prepared waiting areas for the parents in advance.

Not only parents, but also people from some universities or training institutions will also come, the main purpose is to find some potential students among these students.

After listening to the explanation, Gu Shao looked down and thought for a moment.

"In this case, install an interconnected device in the rest area and waiting area to announce the game situation in real time." Gu Shao said his plan.

Mr. Zhou was slightly taken aback.

It is of course no problem to install a real-time announcement device.


"What's the effect of pretending this?" Mr. Zhou asked. They are just a science competition of various schools. It seems that there is no need to announce the competition in real time?

Gu Shao glanced at Mr. Zhou indifferently, without giving an explanation, but said solemnly: "Equipment testing."

Mr. Zhou suddenly realized it and Dang even agreed: "It turned out to be a test, no problem, Professor Gu, what test you are going to do, we will definitely cooperate."

Gu Shao nodded, and then asked as if concerned: "How many years is this science league?"

Mr. Zhou recalled, and said: "It has been more than 30 years since it was launched. At first, it was only academic exchanges between a few schools. Later, the league system gradually formed, and the current competition scale was officially formed. It's been a year or two."

"The league results are not public?"

"This, really not," paused, and Mr. Zhou said again: "After all, it is only a league for junior high school students. The social attention is definitely not as high as that of the international and national Olympiads, so generally the term for each school's score is only Bulletin within the school."

"No personal results?" Gu Shao asked again.

"Yes, but we have a special league. The purpose of the competition is also based on team competition. Therefore, generally only the total score of each team is announced. Individual results are only archived."

"Can you find the previous results?"

"Yes, this can be checked at any time." Mr. Zhou said, and immediately let people connect to the internal network, and quickly called out the scores of each school and individual in the past.

Gu Shao's sight quickly fell on the score of'Liming Middle School-Lin Xi': The score is very beautiful, especially in the final game, which is much higher than the others.

"Not bad." Gu Shao commented.

Mr. Zhou on the side didn’t notice the inconspicuous pride flashing in Gu Shao’s eyes, thinking that Gu Shao’s affirmation of their work, they nodded quickly, and said modestly: “There is still a lot to continue. Learning and continuous improvement. Professor Gu, you have more suggestions."

"It's okay to publicize the results of previous competitions, including personal results," Gu Shao said.

Hearing this, Mr. Zhou was stunned: Is this really good?

However, several people also put Gu Shao's suggestion into the category of serious consideration.

In the last game, according to the competition system, only two people from each school participated.

In the High School A attached, Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan played, and the others went to the waiting area to wait for the end of the game and the awards afterwards.

In the waiting area, people who came in were surprised to find that there were two more large display screens on the front wall of the waiting area today. On the two display screens, one of them was marked with the name of the contest, and the other was displayed on it. The countdown time until the start of the game and some data information.

"I haven't come for one night, this staging area has become more advanced." Someone sighed with emotion.

"It really is."

"What's that?" Someone asked, pointing to the data at the bottom of the screen on the left.

"It seems to be the number of each school, you can see that the corresponding a-002 in the back of our 6 is the number that was drawn this time." Another person pondered, and he was a little puzzled: "But, what do you do with this? "


"I don't know..." The person next to him was also puzzled.

At this time, Gu Shao went directly to the back-end monitoring office.

Director Li of the organizer was a little surprised when he saw Gu Shao appear, but he soon thought of the NTN test that Mr. Zhou said on the phone yesterday.

"Professor Gu," Director Li greeted him politely, facing Gu Shao with a smile on his face: "Are you here to check the equipment and system testing conditions?"

Before Director Li's words fell, he just wanted to tell Gu Shao that everything was working normally so far, but he heard Gu Shao say: "No."

"I came to watch my daughter play."

"?!" Director Li almost dropped his chin when he heard this: She didn't hear the hallucinations, right? People like Gu Shao make a special trip to watch children's games?

No, the point is, Gu Shao actually has a daughter? !

Director Li finally found his expression, and was about to say something more, only to see that Gu Shao had already walked to the large monitoring screen and stared at one area intently.

Here, Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan entered the competition arena together and found their seats in the High School Affiliated to them. Because this game was completed by two people in cooperation, the seats of the two students in each school were arranged together.

Coincidentally, Gao Zifan and Liming had the seats next to them.

Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan immersed themselves in sorting out the draft paper and pen, and didn't pay attention to Gao Zifan next to them.

But before taking the seat, Gao Zifan stared at Gu Xi firmly, and gritted his teeth secretly-yesterday there were rumors in the group that the first four games of A High School was not only the first place, but also more than 30 points higher than the second place. , This makes Gao Zifan really unacceptable.

But he still has one last chance-in the last game, as long as his personal score exceeds Gu Xi, then it doesn't matter how many places Liming gets. After all, the total score is not as good as others, and it is not his own problem. You can only talk about teammates. Not to force.

Thinking this way, Gao Zifan felt a little relieved, returned to his position, and began to prepare nervously.

But here, after making preparations, Gu Xi looked at Sheng Xiuyan and asked: "How do we divide the questions for a while?" After all, it is a set of test questions that two people do, and the division of labor is necessary.

Sheng Xiuyan hardly considered authentically: "You are right, I am backward." Gu Xi is working from the front to the back, while Sheng Xiuyan is working backwards from the last topic.

"This way we won't influence each other." Sheng Xiu said again.

He wasn't sure how many questions Gu Xi could answer, so this was the best way, it wouldn't affect him, and he could leave enough questions for Gu Xi to answer.

Hearing this, Gu Xi was taken aback: "But, it's not convenient for you..."

In terms of habit, it is normal to go from the front to the back, but it is uncomfortable to do how much from the back to the top.

Sheng Xiuyan waved his hand to indicate that it didn't matter.

"For me, it has no effect." The dragging tone was like a master of God.

"And don't you compare scores with the one who is studying next door?" Sheng Xiuyan said.

"..." There is such a thing, but Gu Xi wanted to say that the person next door really didn't feel much competitive.

"Okay," Gu Xi nodded, and said again: "Then, after a while, we will try to swipe down as fast as possible. If we are uncertain, we will leave it empty, and we will exchange it later."

Sheng Xiuyan glanced at Gu Xi and nodded, "Okay."

The time limit began to answer questions, and Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan soon entered a state of quiet answering questions, one from front to back, the other from back to front, without interfering with each other.

At the same time, in the waiting area and the rest area, the original pages on the two huge screens were removed and suddenly switched to two lists.

The numbers of the 26 participating schools are listed in the leftmost column, followed by the two numbers numbered 1 and 2.

"What is this going to do?" Many people asked curiously.

"Every school is on the top. It shouldn't be a moment to announce the score directly." After all, after switching to a paperless game this time, the scoring speed is more than a little bit faster.

"So the corresponding numbers 1 and 2 are the two people who participated in this round?"

"What's the empty part behind?"

Everyone talked in a rush.

At this moment, a green light spot appeared behind each row of numbers, and this light spot also corresponds to the number marked 1/2/3.

"Fuck! This shouldn't be the case for everyone answering questions on the spot!" Someone exclaimed.

Every time a dot is lit, it proves that a question has been answered, and the number above should be the number of the corresponding question.

"My god, isn't this a live game broadcast?!" They can see everyone's answers at any time, which is more exciting than the text broadcast of a basketball league!

Not only wonderful, but also scary.

Not only did there appear green on the screen, but also red dots began to appear.

If the answer is correct, it will be bright green, and if the answer is wrong, it will be bright red.

Not only can you see the number and speed of each person's answers, but you can also know what is right or wrong.


It's just a public'execution'.