Since the heavenly master said that he would arrive soon, Jiang Mian talked to the detective father and went downstairs to the hospital door after counting the time.

When she came down, she could see the iconic Taoist robe of Heavenly Master from a distance.

She wanted to laugh a little, but saw that Master Tian didn't see her, and didn't walk into the hospital. She hurriedly went back and forth, as if there was something urgent.

Jiang Mian: "???"

It's all at the entrance of the hospital, what do you mean by the way Tianshida walks?

She looked up at the entrance of the hospital. Didn’t the heavenly master see that this is the entrance of the hospital?

"Dad." Jiang Mian chased after him.

Zuo Xingping heard the sound, stopped, and turned back: "Mianmian."

He glanced ahead, regretful—he wanted to go back and see where his beard was blowing.

Seeing that Master Tian didn't stick his beard, Jiang Mian was surprised.

Master Tian will only take off his beard when he is alone with her. In other times, the beard is baby, so he will stick to it no matter what he does, and he must be a superior person in the eyes of others.

Zuo Xingping scratched his hair and had to give up.

Jiang Mian was not in a hurry to take Tian Shi Dad upstairs. Since Tian Shi Da did not stick his beard, she simply pulled Tian Shi Da to find a clothing store that is still open nearby, and buys normal clothes for Tian Shi Dad. .

"Mianmian, I..." Heavenly Master hesitated and wanted to let his daughter spend money again!

Jiang Mian said: "Dad, the policemen you met before didn't believe you because your dress was a little strange, so people didn't believe it at first sight. You change a new one, and I will hold it for you."

Okay, Master Tian was persuaded.

Regardless of the clerk's strange gaze, Jiang Mian quickly picked a casual outfit for Master Tian. Master Tian didn't pick it, and took the clothes into the fitting room obediently.

She waited outside the fitting room in her arms.

After a while, she felt an inexplicable touch in her hand, raised her eyebrows, Jiang Mian gently lifted the corner of the Taoist robe, and saw a small paper figure tiptoeing on the back of her hand.

As if feeling that he had been discovered, the little paper man quickly lay on the back of Jiang Mian's hand, pretending to be an ordinary little paper man.

It should be one of the "tools" of the Heavenly Master.

Jiang Mian picked up the small paper man, light and fluttering, no different from ordinary paper.

After thinking about it, she packed the little paper man into her little bag.

Little paper man:? ? ?

The door of the fitting room opened, and Tianshida came out.

Jiang Mian's eyes lit up, and his simple shirt and sail pants were worn on Tianshi Father, instantly improving his temperament.

At a glance, it looked like a college student who had not graduated.

Zuo Xingping looked at Jiang Mian nervously, saw that the baby girl was not talking, and pulled the shirt collar: "Doesn't it look good?"

He was not used to wearing a shirt for the first time, but felt awkward everywhere, which restricted his actions.

"Dad," Jiang Mian gave a thumbs up, and she drew the heavenly master to the mirror, "Look, is it so handsome!"

The clerk who came by: "..."

She looked at Jiang Mian, then at Tian Shifu, at Tian Shifu, and then at Jiang Mian. After going back and forth several times, she looked suspicious of life on her face.

Zuo Xingping has always paid no attention to other people's gazes, otherwise he wouldn't run around in a robes and a big beard.

Seeing Jiang Mian so happy, he became happy too.

After checking out, Jiang Mian asked the clerk for a big bag, put the robes in, and the father and daughter quickly returned to the hospital.

Chen Ju and Fu Ju have left, and they have other things to do.

Li Zeliang and He Ming waited in the ward. Li Zeliang was able to sit quietly at first, but after a while, he couldn't sit still.

Especially when Jiang Mian left the ward and said he was going to pick up people, he kept walking around in the ward: "Company, it's been more than ten minutes, why hasn't your kid in your family brought people back?"

I knew it would be so slow. When Jiang Mian left, he should have followed her out to pick him up.

Lian Feng closed his eyes and said nothing, as if he was asleep.

Seeing this, Li Zeliang couldn't speak any more, He Ming patted him on the shoulder: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. I have been waiting for half an hour. It's not bad for a few minutes."

Li Zeliang frowned, knowing that He Ming was right, but he couldn't calm down anyhow. Just as he was about to speak, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and Jiang Mian and Tianshida walked in.

Lian Feng seemed to notice that his eyes that had been closed slowly opened.

Seeing Zuo Xingping, Lian Feng: "..."

If it weren't for Jiang Mian to stand by, he would almost not recognize it.

The impression of Master Tian from the other three fathers has always been sloppy and sloppy costumes, plus he always appears with a big beard, and it is difficult for several fathers to meet each other.

Therefore, the Tianshi father suddenly appeared in a different image, and the detective father could not help but be a little surprised.

Zuo Xingping was also surprised when he saw Lian Feng lying on the bed. Through his baby girl, he knew that Lian Feng was injured, but he did not expect that his injury would be so severe.

At a glance, he could see that Lian Feng's vitality was greatly deprived. Besides, there was a trace of black mist between his brows and feathers.

The two looked at each other, and they staggered.

"This is Captain Li, this is Professor He." Jiang Mian pointed to the two and introduced them to Master Tian, ​​so that he could recognize them clearly.

Master Tian took many orders, and understood the basic etiquette. He stretched out his hand and shook hands with the two and reported his name.

Li Zeliang couldn't wait to ask: "I take the liberty to ask, what does Mr. Zuo do? How are you going to find the murderer?"

"Freelance." Tianshi Dad said in a very high manner.

Li Zeliang: "...?"

He began to wonder why he believed what Jiang Mian said.

Heavenly Master looked at this questioning gaze too much, and didn't care. He just said: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you catch the murderer."

After thinking about it, I added: "If you can't catch it, I don't want your money."

Li Zeliang: "..."

Is this a question of money or not?


Li Zeliang looked at Zuo Xingping carefully. Although this person looked younger and didn't look like an "expert" at all, he was inexplicably relieved by the momentum and feeling revealed by the other party.

It is also strange that if the Tianshi Dad wears a Taoist robe with a beard and a professional look, few people believe what he said.

And he changed into normal clothes, without that professional outfit, it would make people more convinced of his words.

To sum it up: still look at the face.

"We will leave now, catch the murderer sooner, and return the party to peace sooner." Li Zeliang said.

Heavenly Master nodded, didn't procrastinate, took money to do things, he has always been very serious.

Jiang Mian handed him the bag containing the Taoist robe and whispered, "Go on, Dad."

Soon, Jiang Mian and Lian Feng were the only ones left in the ward. The latter patted her on the shoulder: "You have been busy all night, and you will be filming tomorrow. Go back."

Seeing the faint tiredness on the detective father's face, thinking about his injury, Jiang Mian frowned without leaving a trace: "Dad, then you have a good rest, I will go now."

After leaving the hospital, Jiang Mian did not take a taxi back to the hotel, but took a taxi back home.

Before last night, she planned to go back to refining some wound medicines tonight-she had purchased a batch of raw materials when refining Mixiang, and there were still a lot of them left. From these raw materials, some wound medicines could be refined.

This can speed up the healing of Interpol's wound.

If her strength reaches the base-building period, she can find medicinal materials to refine the pill, but now she can only refine the wound medicine that is the second best.

After returning to the long-lost home, Jiang Mian saw the door opposite and thought of Qi Yanshu who hadn't seen him for a long time. Now that he is back, let's say hello.

Just about to ring the doorbell, I suddenly remembered that it was early in the morning, Qi Yanshu must have been asleep, so he returned to his home.

After a busy night, at seven o'clock in the morning, Jiang Mian successfully refined a box of wound medicine.

She tried the effect of the wound medicine-took a knife and cut a small cut in her finger, and then put the wound medicine on it. After a while, the little cut was almost healed.

Jiang Mian was quite satisfied.

She didn't have a scene this morning, so there was no need to rush to the crew. Mother Liu came to clean up the room and saw Jiang Mian at home. She was startled at first, and then surprised: "Miss, when did you come back?"

"last night."

Liu Ma sniffed, she smelled a very special scent, like a scent of flowers and a certain kind of medicine... She rubbed her hands: "I'll go to the kitchen to make breakfast for you."

"No, I'll go out to eat later, you can clean up the kitchen." Jiang Mian finished speaking and went back to the room to take a shower.

When Liu Ma came to the kitchen, she was not surprised to see the mess. She had cleaned it several times before.

Although she didn't know what Jiang Mian did in the kitchen to make the kitchen mess, the smell in the kitchen was not unpleasant at all. On the contrary, the special scent she smelled after entering the house became stronger.

She is getting more and more confused about this young lady.

After the shower, Jiang Mian was about to go to the hospital to hand over the wound medicine to the detective father. She said that she had thought about it, so she said that she bought it in a beauty salon and had a miraculous effect on speeding up wound healing and reducing scars.

I didn't sleep all night and focused on refining wound medicine. Jiang Mian was a little tired, rubbed his temples, and put the medicine box into the small bag.

Suddenly saw the little paper man in the small bag, and remembered that she was in the clothing store last night from the robes of the heavenly master. She squeezed the little paper man and poked its flat body: "Take a look? "

The little paper man remained motionless.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Do you still recognize people?

She didn't know that the little paper man could be considered "living" only if he stayed with the heavenly master. Without the maintenance of the heavenly master's breath, after a long time, the little paper man is the real paper man.

Jiang Mian stuffed the little paper man back into his bag, said hello to Mother Liu, and went to the opposite side to ring the doorbell.

As a result, there was no one in a while, but Liu Ma heard the voice and walked out and said, "Miss, that Mr. Qi hasn't come back for a long time. I guess he moved away."

As soon as the voice fell, the elevator opened with a tink, and Qi Yanshu walked out slowly.

Liu Ma: "..."