The crew next door is a costume crew. Director Zhang only knows that the director is called Zhao Hongyang, who is generally well-known and doesn't know much about the others.

He looked at Jiang Mian and wondered: "What do you ask this for?"

"Just ask." Jiang Mian shook his head, "Do you know Director Zhao?"

"How many times have I met." Director Zhang said, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Mian: "I have something to visit Director Zhao, Director Zhang, can you help me get a line?"

"Do you want to film his scene?" Director Zhang would be wrong, frown, and say unceremoniously, "Zhao Hongyang's scene is not for you"

"Of course not, it's a bit of a private matter." After all, it was a director of a crew who asked Tang An'an to look for it. It is estimated that they would just ignore it.

She is not good to go looking for someone with great fanfare. Since Director Zhang and Zhao Hongyang know each other, she can make an appointment with Director Zhang.

"All right." Since it was not for filming, but for a private matter, Director Zhang was not interested in understanding what a "private matter" was, and he readily agreed.

Jiang Mian liked Director Zhang's refreshing energy. She stood up and said, "Thank you, Director Zhang, you are busy with you. I will go to watch the script."

"Wait." Director Zhang called to her, and looked at her up and down, "Is there anything wrong with your body?"

Since joining the group, Jiang Mian has been very behaving. Even if she changed her body and became the capital's father, but she is the best-tempered and least deceitful investor that Director Zhang has seen so far.

Most investors think that they are an uncle when they invest money, and they always want to point fingers at the play.

Even some wealthy people, in order to live the addiction of acting, because of their identity as investors, they force the director to arrange a role.

This is not bad. The director can just arrange a role for the other party to try.

A less arrogant director who wants to play a major role, or makes random changes to the play, and a lesser-known director, encounters such a thing, and even does not have the capital to confront the management.

In addition to this situation, it is more that investors want to appoint a certain actor to play the leading role.

Such as Shen Shiqing.

However, if the director is not willing, investors will be more or less polite to him.

Therefore, even if Shen Shiqing designated Guan Xin as the heroine, Director Zhang did not immediately agree, but let Guan Xin audition.

Although Shen Shiqing was unhappy, he didn't feel good about putting pressure on it.

If it wasn't for Guan Xin to pretend to be his first love girlfriend, Director Zhang would not be bored with her, but because she was behind Shen Shiqing, even if Director Zhang did not like her, as long as she passed the acting skills, Director Zhang could only use her.

However, Jiang Mian appeared.

Director Zhang knows that Jiang Mian is related to Qin Jingrun, and on this basis, Jiang Mian is more suitable for the role of Li Jingwan than Guan Xin in any respect, and he naturally chose Jiang Mian without hesitation.

In fact, Director Zhang was also a little worried at the beginning. Since Jiang Mian has a relationship with Qin Jingrun, will he also use this relationship as a demon in the crew.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary. Compared with Guan Xin, Jiang Mian was really worrying.

The director naturally likes actors who are obedient, non-demon and aura.

He already admired Jiang Mian, and when Jiang Mian became an investor in one fell swoop, and there was no other investor's bad habits, Director Zhang liked Jiang Mian more sincerely.

Yesterday, Tang Anan asked him to help Jiang Mian on leave, using the excuse that he was unwell. If other actors used this excuse, Director Zhang would be more or less suspicious.

When I arrived at Jiang Mian, it was inevitable that there would be more filters. I was worried that Jiang Mian was afraid of affecting other people in the group and working sick, so I was concerned about asking.

"If you feel unwell, you don't need to support it. Now the funds are sufficient and you don't need to hurry up." Jiang Mian's investment money came quickly - Zhang said that the difference was 100 million, and she also invested 20 million more.

Director Zhang is also the first time he has seen such a casual and generous investor.

Jiang Mian didn't expect Director Zhang to care about her so much, and blinked playfully, "Thank you for the director's concern, I'm fine."

Upon seeing this, Director Zhang was relieved.

Zhao Hongyang learned through his assistant that Zhang Zhixin was looking for him and asked him to have a meal tonight.

He was very surprised. He did meet Zhang Zhixin a few times, but he didn't know him well.

Zhang Zhixin is much more famous than him. Most of the films he has won have won awards. He has never won an award. The gap between the two sides in the director circle is not a little bit.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hongyang would not refuse the dinner invited by Zhang Zhixin.

In the afternoon, the crew finished work, and Zhao Hongyang took his assistant to a nearby restaurant, and the waiter introduced him into the box.

I thought it was Zhang Zhixin who entered the box. Zhao Hongyang was ready to greet him warmly. After seeing the situation inside, he swallowed a "Zhang" character.

There was no one in the box.

Although Zhang Zhixin is more famous than him, since Zhang Zhixin initiated the invitation, he is the master, and the master should arrive early.

"Director Zhao." The assistant's face changed slightly, and he muttered, "Director Zhang will come."

Could this great director deliberately tease Zhao Hongyang?

"Maybe something has been delayed." Zhao Hongyang said, "Go in first."

After waiting for ten minutes, Zhang Zhixin’s newcomer hadn’t come yet, and the assistant suggested: "Or I should contact Director Zhang’s assistant."

Assistant Zhang Zhixin contacted him for the dinner.

But Zhang Zhixin is famous. For dinners like this, if they don't even have the patience to wait, they will be uncomfortable if they keep urging them.

Sure enough, Zhao Hongyang shook his head: "Wait."

After more than ten minutes, the box door opened.

"I'm sorry, Director Zhao, I've been a few minutes late." Jiang Mian took Tang An'an into the box, his eyes fell on Zhao Hongyang's unsightly complexion, and the smile in his eyes thickened.

She was half an hour late on purpose.

There is a difference in identity between Zhao Hongyang and Zhang Dao. He will not fail to accept the invitation of Zhang Dao.

Director Zhang is not in the box, and he will not leave immediately, at least for a while.

The crew next door asked Heavenly Master to do the clean-up work, and only offered five thousand, which was nothing more than to pick it up, but in the end they didn't divide the money.

Even if the Heavenly Master did not find a solution to the problem, there would be hard work without credit, so I should give a little hard work. In the end, he didn't give it, and he directly let the Tianshida roll out.

Jiang Mian didn't care about those thousands of dollars, she just didn't want the heavenly master to suffer such grievances in vain.

She didn't know it. If she knew, a daughter should always do something for her father.

Furthermore, with the abilities of the Heavenly Master, I could not see the problem with the crew next door. Either "that thing" was hidden too well, or that thing was too tight.

Jiang Mian prefers the former.

If that thing is very powerful, on the contrary, you won't hide in hiding, just face the Tianshi Daddy directly.

As long as you give the celestial master enough time, you will find out sooner or later, but they will send the celestial master away.

Jiang Mian can only say that the person in charge is blind.

And the person in charge of a crew is naturally the director.

She looked at Zhao Hongyang, who was blind.

About fifty years old, short and fat, with a beer belly. The hair is sparse, the Mediterranean is faintly visible, the corners of the eyes are drooping, and when there is no expression on the face, it looks very gloomy.

The refined photos that Tang Anan showed her on the Internet were almost two people.

Seeing Jiang Mian, Zhao Hongyang's eyes flashed with surprise, and immediately frowned, isn't Zhang Zhixin the one who asked him.

He looked at Jiang Mian suspiciously.

Jiang Mian pulled the chair away and sat down slowly opposite Zhao Hongyang: "Don't be confused, Director Zhao, it's not Director Zhang who asked you. I have something to do with you. Let Director Zhang help you to make an appointment, hoping that it will not delay Director Zhao's time. "

She said apologetic words, but her tone and actions were not as apologetic.

Zhao Hongyang's eyes flashed unpleasantly, he was a director anyway, and he had practiced his eyes. Through Jiang Mian's movements and expressions, I naturally felt Jiang Mian's unkind attitude.

He didn't know Jiang Mian, so amid his unhappiness, he wondered why this beautiful girl was so hostile to him.

Why did she ask him to ask for help? What was her intention?

Zhao Hongyang's assistant looked at Jiang Mian, his eyes were thinking, and he always felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere... and soon he remembered.

He attached to Zhao Hongyang's ear and whispered: "She is the number one female director of Zhang's new play, named Jiang Mian."

Zhao Hongyang frowned even more tightly. A newcomer could say that Zhang Zhixin took the initiative to ask him.

Although his position in the circle is not as high as Zhang Zhixin's, he has also filmed several TV series with good reputation, and ordinary newcomers are not qualified to make his films.

What is her relationship with Zhang Zhixin, can Zhang Zhixin help her like this.

Zhao Hongyang's thoughts turned, watching Jiang Mian not speaking.

He didn't speak, and Jiang Mian didn't know much, only smiled and looked at him.

The room was quiet and weird. In the end, anger rose in Zhao Hongyang's eyes, his face flashed unnaturally, and he said, "I wonder if Miss Jiang is looking for me?"

"Small things." Jiang Mian said indifferently, "I heard that your group's recent filming was not going well and something went wrong, so I invited a master to do it."

Without speaking, Zhao Hongyang and his assistant Qi Qi changed their faces. Jiang Mian raised his eyebrows and continued: "I am not interested in knowing what happened to your team. It's just that your team promised to pay the master. , In the end, it’s not that Dan didn’t give anything, and he drove people away...Could it be that your group was poor and couldn’t even spend thousands of dollars?"

The corners of her mouth were raised, and there was a strong sense of mockery. Zhao Hongyang's eyelids twitched, and she denied: "I don't know what you are talking about...Since there is nothing wrong with Ms. Jiang, I have something to do, please do it yourself."

He stood up and prepared to go out.

Jiang Mian didn't stop him, but said slowly: "Then I have to spend some money to buy a few hot searches, and send out the incident that your group is suspected of being haunted, which caused three consecutive actresses who played the female number one to be injured during filming. I believe that the eyes of netizens are discerning, and they should be able to distinguish between true and false."

Zhao Hongyang turned his head fiercely, his eyes uncertain.

Meeting Zhao Hongyang's gaze, Jiang Mian smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes.

What Jiang Mian said was naturally the news he got through the heavenly master.

She didn't ask before, but she asked lazily, anyway, just follow Tianyu father to pick up the leak.

The crew next door changed three leading female actors in a row, and all three actresses were inexplicably injured during filming.

Zhao Hongyang gave the order that no one can let the matter go out, otherwise the leak of the news would think it was a problem with the crew.

At that time, no actress dared to come to film, the play could only be shelved and the loss would be great.

Zhao Hongyang didn't believe this at first, but because the actress was injured too strangely, the deputy director thought there might be something unclean in the group and suggested that the master should be asked to deal with it.

Zhao Hongyang was persuaded and handed over the matter to the deputy director, who was transferred to Tianshi Daddy.

After Tianshida came to the crew, he went everywhere. The assistant director thought he was "working" at first and was very happy. Zhao Hongyang was also relieved.

However, the day before yesterday afternoon, the new female number one was almost injured again.

The deputy director thought that the master of heaven had no real material at all, and that he had come to cheat to eat and drink. He told Zhao Hongyang about this, so the master of heaven was expelled and he didn't give him a cent.

Did not solve the problem, what is the money!

"Guide Zhao, don't worry, I don't get involved with your team. But I know this master, and I can't see him busy for a while. He was driven away by you without a penny, but he didn't do anything. My conscience Very uneasy." Jiang Mian put his fingers on the table and tapped rhythmically, "Since your team is not a poor jingle, the reward should be given as much as possible."

Zhao Hongyang understood Jiang Mian's purpose of looking for himself. He couldn't believe it: "You found me through Director Zhang, just to get back five thousand yuan for that magic stick?"

Don't say he can't believe it, even the assistant doesn't believe it.

Only five thousand yuan, as for such a big fanfare? !

As soon as the word "sacred stick" came out, Jiang Mian stopped tapping her fingers on the tabletop, and her eyes became cold as she watched Zhao Hongyang.

"Five thousand is the price just now." Jiang Mian said, "I thought about it, and Director Zhao's response told me that five thousand is too little for your team."

"Let's do it, a price of 500,000 yuan." She said lightly, as if 500,000 yuan was in her mouth, no different from five yuan.


Tang Anan just picked up the juice on the table, and it sprayed instantly after hearing the words.

Before Jiang Mian brought her here, he told her the purpose of coming here-to ask for salary for Mr. Zuo.

Tang An'an was embarrassed when he heard it, but because Jiang Mian would always do something unexpected, she didn't think much about it.

It's just that I'm becoming more and more curious about the relationship between the little boss and Mr. Zuo.

Wasn't Mr. Zuo still there last night? If he wants a salary, he can ask for it himself. Why should the little boss help him ask for it?

Doubts turned to doubts, Tang An'an excitedly followed Jiang Mian to ask for his salary.

Intuition tells her that watching Jiang Mian ask the director of the crew next door for a salary must be a great thing.

In the end, Jiang Mian said it was 500,000, which instantly increased a hundred times the original price. This is not for asking for wages, this is obviously for blackmail.

If she knew that Jiang Mian easily knocked five million back from Shen Shiqing, she would understand that the five hundred thousand would be merciful to Jiang Mian.

Zhao Hongyang smiled, and his beer belly almost didn't unbutton his suit. He said, "Jiang Mian, you are a newcomer, where would you dare to speak to me like this?"

"Don't think that there is a guide behind you, so you can talk nonsense. Since you are a newcomer and young, I won't hold you accountable."

"Give her five thousand." Zhao Hongyang raised his head slightly, and the assistant took out his wallet, counted five thousand cash from it, and placed it on the table with contempt.

The assistant said: "Ms. Jiang, you are a newcomer, and you probably don’t understand some of the rules in the circle. You have to understand that the case of artists blackmailing the director is spread, but it is a kind of scandal. Who else would dare to ask An actor like you."

"As an actor, you can't just have a beautiful face, you have to have a smart mind."