"What's coming back?" Gao Yunjing looked back, slightly suspicious.

Jiang Mian reacted quickly, holding his stomach with one hand and supporting the wall with the other, and said, "The stomach hurts."

She acted too real, even her face became paler than before. Gao Yunjing didn't suspect that he had him, but he and Jiang Mian were not familiar with him. Thinking of her relationship with Lian Feng, he said, "Or go to the company office first, I Let the forensic doctor come over and see for you?"

"No." Jiang Mian shook her head and straightened her waist a little bit, not allowing herself to act too "weak", she said, "I'm old and sick, just take a while. You can go to the high team first."

Gao Yunjing: "..."

A little girl said to him "old problems", how old is she?

It happened that a policeman came to look for Gao Yunjing. There was a policeman outside the detention room. Gao Yunjing couldn't say anything, so he hurriedly told him and left with the policeman who was looking for him.

"Beautiful police officer, if your stomach is uncomfortable, or I will rub it for you." Shen Cong grabbed the iron fence and smiled presumptuously.

Jiang Mian turned his head and looked at Shen Cong with a smile. The latter met her gaze and gave her a shock, but the laughter stopped abruptly.

She took two steps back, and the smaller paper figure got Jiang Mian's instruction to "come back", so she had to give up the goal, float out with great effort, and put on Jiang Mian's shoes.

Jiang Mian who retrieved the little paper man and left.

The urgent task is not to teach these four people, but the detective father.

"What happened to you?" Huang Wenkang pushed Shen Cong, "It's like losing my soul."

The other two also booed.

Shen Cong: "I think she is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere."

Huang Wenkang sneered: "As long as you are beautiful, can you not be familiar with it?!"

Shen Cong's lips pursed, and an irritation flashed through his eyes-he was actually frightened by a woman's eyes just now!

Jiang Mian weighed in his mind, whether to slip away now or go to the detective father's office to stay.

Or-just hide?

It's too scary to hide, this is not her style.

Jiang Mian was a little puzzled: She seemed to be bumped into by the detective father every time she wanted to do something. Why?

Could it be that there is some kind of special telepathy between the father and daughter, which can make the detective dad feel what she is?

After thinking about it, Jiang Mian decided to go to the detective father's office.

The police recognized her, but did not stop her from entering the detective father's office. Jiang Mian pushed the door in. He thought that there was no one inside, but he did not expect that there was a man in his thirties standing inside, wearing a casual jacket.

Seeing Jiang Mian, the man was startled, and immediately said with a smile: "You are looking for the company, he went to the crime scene, he is not there."

Jiang Mian narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the male policeman-when she came in just now, when the male policeman saw her, there was a panic flash in his eyes that someone suddenly came in, and when he saw that it was Jiang Mian, he was panicked. Quietly hide.

The other party knew her.

"I know, what do you want to do with him?" Jiang Mian asked curiously when he saw the man want to leave.

The man paused and pointed to a folder on the desk: "I'm here to send information to the company."

"What information, can I read it?" She reached for the folder on the table.

"Of course you can." The man said, "Then take your time, I have something to do, so let's go ahead."

Jiang Mian picked up the folder and threw it at the back of the man's head without thinking!

Jiang Mian is not an in-service employee, even if she is Lian Feng's niece, no matter what the content of the information sent, the man must at least remind him, rather than readily agree.

When she looked at the files in the detective father's office before, Tang Xiaoshu told her: Don't go out and talk nonsense after reading it.

The man unexpectedly looked normal and didn't have anything unusual Jiang Mian said that he would start with his hands. He was caught off guard and was smashed. Under the pain, he simply stopped hiding and ran away.

Jiang Mian sneered and flashed her body to bully the man. She was self-controlling, and the man was not agile, so she was quickly kicked to the ground by Jiang Mian.

She stepped on the man's back, making him unable to get up. When she was about to speak, the door lock rang slightly, the door opened, and the detective father and Adu appeared at the door.

"Hahaha..." The man suddenly laughed, his teeth were kicked off by Jiang Mian, his mouth was full of blood, and his laughter was particularly grim, "to die together, it's worth it."

He took out a remote control from his pocket and slammed his thumb toward the upper button.

Jiang Mian stepped on his back with one foot, and then divided his attention on the detective father who had just entered. When he found something was wrong, it was too late.

At this moment, a chill appeared, and the man's thumb flew out along with the remote control.

It's a sword from Ado!

The man was stunned for two seconds before screaming, and Adu tapped a few places on him like lightning. The man's veins exploded, big beads of sweat rolled off, his face flushed, but he couldn't utter a word, and then he passed out.

"This is a bomb remote control." A'do picked up the remote control, looked at it, and said, "Generally, this type of remote control bomb can also be timed in addition to remote control."

He looked around and told the fact: "I don't know where the bomb was placed."

Lian Feng's expression did not change, only his eyes became sharp, and he shouted to Zhou Sirui: "Evacuate the crowd immediately."

"Yes!" Zhou Sirui's face was pale, his heartbeat was fierce, his brain buzzed, and he had only one thought: there was a bomb in the police station.

Once it explodes--

Jiang Mian closed his eyes, and just about to feel, Lian Feng pushed her in the direction of Adu, with an unprecedented harsh voice: "Take her away."

He walked straight to the desk, and pushed the desk over.

Jiang Mian's eyelids twitched.

On the back of the desk, there is a mini-bomb, and there is a timer on the electronic screen next to it, counting down: five minutes.

Lian Feng only needs a glance to know that this kind of bomb is fixed on the table and cannot be removed. Once it is forcibly removed from the table, it will immediately explode.

When it was only ten minutes, it was too late to find a bomb disposal expert.

The city bureau building has ten floors, and five minutes is not enough to evacuate.

"Adu, give me your sword!"

Adu subconsciously handed the soft sword to Jiang Mian. The latter took it and poured his whole body spiritual power into the sword body. With a clatter, the soft sword sound instantly became straight.

Adu's eyes changed slightly, and a flash of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Holding a soft sword, Jiang Mian's aura was wide open, and she said, "Daddy get out of the way."

Lian Feng looked up and saw Jiang Mian holding the sword. Before he could think about it, he moved faster than he thought and backed away quickly.

Jiang Mian directly cut off the table with the bomb-as soon as the sword entered the table, he cut into tofu.

"Dad, where is the police station open, throw this stuff in." Jiang Mian returned the sword to Adu, carrying the bomb attached to the table, and watching the countdown on the electronic screen. The urge to pull off the electronic screen.

At this moment, the little paper man suddenly got out, climbed onto the bomb and made a circle, then swished and got smaller, and went in along the gap of the electronic screen.

Jiang Mian: "......???"

This action made the three of them quiet, the atmosphere was strangely stagnant, and only the ticking of the countdown could be heard.

It was Lian Feng who reacted first, snatching the bomb in Jiang Mian's hand, and said to her: "Leave here first!"

When the words fell, with a beep, the countdown on the electronic screen stopped beating.

"Dad, Xiaobai dismantled the bomb." Jiang Mian's voice broke the silence with some surprises.

In fact, Jiang Mian always regarded the little paper man as a little pet, and occasionally a little help was enough, and he didn't expect it to do anything.

But she didn't expect that the little paper man could actually destroy the bomb.

Suddenly, I remembered that the lock of the shared battery car that Tianshi Dad rode was for the little paper man to unlock.

The normal version of the little paper man can be unlocked, so she, the little paper man transformed by the celestial master, seems to be nothing unusual.

Lian Feng was silent for two seconds, and Zuo Xingping's sloppy image with a big beard appeared in his mind, and he slowly uttered two words: "Very good."

After a few seconds, the little paper man emerged from the gap, and then changed back to being small.

There was a flame on its two tiny feet, probably frightened, the little paper man lowered his head and "looked" at jio in a daze.

Lian Feng quickly pinched it up with his hands and quickly threw it twice in the air. The fire on his feet went out, leaving a black mark.

There was a noisy noise in the corridor outside. When the staff members with bombs were running downstairs, Zhou Sirui ran over with sweat, and his slightly panicked voice broke the silence: "Company, you should evacuate!"

Lian Feng subconsciously rolled the little paper man in his palm, and said to Zhou Sirui: "The danger has been removed, let everyone come back."


More than ten minutes later, the panic inside the police station subsided, and the bombs that had been dismantled and the unconscious man were taken out of the office.

Fu Ju came over and hurriedly asked a few words and then left to check the man's identity.

When he left, he also praised Jiang Mian. If she hadn't come and found out in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

Jiang Mian had no choice but to say that everything was a coincidence. She said that while looking at the detective father, she just met the detective father's gaze and was eager to please.

She should be pretty normal, right?

It is the little paper man's credit that the danger can be eliminated.

After the pay bureau opened, Lian Feng glanced at his face with a smile. Jiang Mian, who was not scared by the bomb at all, told Adu to withdraw, leaving only the father and daughter in the office.

Adu knew that the two of them had something to say, and left the office very witty.

He stood at the door like a door god, his body was straight and he closed his eyes, and Adu touched the software on his waist unconsciously.

After Jiang Mian took the sword flashed before his eyes, the sword body became straight.

Only when the true energy is poured into the sword can the soft sword become a straight sword.

Jiang Mian can martial arts?

This discovery made Adu spontaneously ignore Jiang Mian's calling Lianfeng's father, and his attention was all on this.

He started martial arts in elementary school, and it was rare to meet someone who was also a martial artist-he had also met before, but those people were not very good in martial arts.

Adu's heart is a little bit happy: this bodyguard mission is not in vain.

Lian Feng returned the little paper man to Jiang Mian, who took it, and saw the black spots on the little paper man's calf, feeling a little distressed.

Perhaps it was "injured." The little paper man gently moved the palm of Jiang Mian's palm, and then slowly got into Jiang Mian's sleeve.

Lian Feng sat down beside Jiang Mian.

"Dad, I didn't come to the police station on purpose today." Jiang Mian looked at Interpol's father's expressionless face and said quickly, "But fortunately I'm here, otherwise..."

She lowered her eyes lightly to cover the killing intent flashing past her eyes.

Holding the arm of the detective father, calming the anger rising in his heart, Jiang Mian said seriously: "Dad, you let me participate in this case, we father and daughter will join hands to catch the ghost, so that you will not was in danger."

Lian Feng took Jiang Mian in his arms and was silent for two seconds. He did not directly refuse, but slowly said, "Mianmian, letting you participate is just betting on Dad's life."