Nishizawa is an Englishman and belongs to a very old aristocratic family. He has a close relationship with the British royal family.

Han Xu and Nishizawa are good friends, they knew each other when they were young.

Nishizawa has the right and money in his family, and there are elders and sisters on him, so he doesn't need to inherit the family business, and although his family has a large population-his parents have raised five children in total, the family atmosphere is very harmonious.

Parents are childhood sweethearts, married since childhood. After marriage, they are very sweet. Several children are the crystallization of love.

Nishizawa is also the youngest son in the family, so he is very much loved. Compared with Han Xu, he inherits the big family, Nishizawa is just as relaxed as an idler.

But people always have to dream, and Nishizawa has done a lot of work, and I feel uncomfortable.

Finally, he became a performance artist.

He likes to dress up, dancing, painting, singing, and even begging in the streets.

He is very casual, and if he suddenly wants to do something in his head, he will do it immediately, and will never leave it until the next day.

Nishizawa's personality jumped off, and he thought it out. He had been with many girlfriends and had a marriage. The marriage partner was a commoner girl. Only when the two people were in love with the mountain and the world did they dare to join the king.

But later, the girl said to Nishizawa: "Before marriage, I liked your unruly behavior. After marriage, I hope you can take care of your family, but you can't do it, so be it."

The girl wanted to have a child, but Nishizawa thought that after the baby was born, it would disturb the world of both of them, and refused—and this was discussed before they got married.

The point is, Nishizawa particularly likes Jiang Mian.

When it was Han Xu's turn to raise Xiao Jiangmian, sometimes he would not stay at home, but he would go abroad. At this time, Nishizawa who got the news would come over.

After the girl learned of it, it was inevitable to be jealous. The last two married for less than a year and divorced peacefully.

After that, Nishizawa continued to wave and never married again.

In the memory of the original owner, she liked this uncle Nishizawa very much, because Nishizawa would accompany her-when she and Han Xu lived abroad, they were usually taken care of by a nanny.

Nishizawa will often come and take her around to play. After a long time, I naturally like Nishizawa.

But after the original owner moved out to live independently, she never saw Nishizawa again. Once she seldom went abroad, and her temper became worse and worse, her temperament became more and more arrogant, and no one would take care of it.

Secondly-Nishizawa went too far, and was carried back by his family to reform.

In order to try the feeling of being detained, Nishizawa deliberately became a thief, deliberately let people report the crime and be arrested, and then he began to think of ways to escape.

He succeeded.

He felt that exciting.

After breaking out of prison, Nishizawa felt that the police station was too simple, and the security force inside was weak. He easily escaped from prison and felt that it was not challenging.

Want to play a big one.

Fortunately, before he wanted to play the big ticket, he called Han Xu and shared his joy with Han Xu.

Han Xu: "..."

Damn, crazy.

Han Xu cursed at Nishizawa on the phone, and the latter looked aggrieved: sharing his joy with a good brother, why was he scolded?

At that time, Han Xu couldn't get away from the company because of the company, so he went to Nishizawa's elder brother, Nivis Benn, the heir who had already inherited the family.

How can anyone rush to escape as a prisoner!

Nivison Ben almost had a heart attack.

Then Nishizawa was taken back to the family, and he was given a strict education: before he could do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t break the law, he wouldn’t allow a criminal in the family that had been inherited for hundreds of years, and everything else. it is good.

Now that he has such a dangerous idea, he must teach him a lesson and let him know why the flowers are so red.

After this incident, Nishizawa converged quite a bit, although he would still waver, but he would not rub against the edge of danger.

Later, I learned that Han Xu had filed a lawsuit, and the two had a fight when they met Han Xu.

Han Xu can't beat him-it doesn't matter, enter the bodyguard.

Nishizawa was beaten into a pig's head.


King Dan knew that Han Xu and Nishizawa were good friends, so he also sent an invitation letter to Nishizawa. Nishizawa didn't plan to come at first.

He turned to him and asked Han Xu whether Jiang Mian would come. In the past, when Han Xu attended various banquets, some Nishizawa would go there, but he never saw Jiang Mian.

After getting the affirmative answer, Nishizawa promised King Daner without saying a word. The family's property had a branch in Daner. Nishizawa was very bold and asked Han Xu to take people directly to Daner, and he would arrange it.

In this way, Han Xu was lazy.

The reason why he didn't tell Jiang Mian in advance was that Han Xu deliberately.

It is to let Nishizawa feel the feeling that the baby girl has forgotten him.

Sure enough, the baby girl did not disappoint him.


Nishizawa put Jiang Mian on the ground and stretched out his hand to arrange the skirt for Jiang Mian. He smiled with creases: "Baby sweetheart thinks of me, I blame me. I have been busy for the past few years and haven't come to see you."

"I grew up all at once." He put his hand on his waist, "I was still here when I saw you last time."

Without waiting for Jiang Mian to speak, he suddenly slapped his thigh and cried out strangely: "It's done, the gift I prepared for Little Sweetheart doesn't match."

"Who is talking about you as a gift." Han Xu rolled his eyes, pushed Xize away, and led the baby girl to his side, "Is the dress ready?"

——The three sets of dresses he ordered were made by a high-end brand under the Nishizawa family.

A young foreign man got off the car again. Nishizawa asked him in a low voice, and quickly replied to Han Xu: "Of course it's done. Sweetheart, sweetheart, must be beautiful in dress."

Nishizawa's Chinese was taught by Han Xu, very pure, without any accent.

Although Nishizawa's character is free and unrestrained, he is a real scholar and a language expert, with a total of more than 20 languages.

In addition to his native English, Chinese is the best language he learns.

Soon everyone got in the car, Jiang Mian and Han Xu naturally followed Nishizawa in his car, and the assistants and bodyguards took the others.

Seeing Jiang Mian about to get in the car, Xing Ran subconsciously followed two steps, and then he realized something was wrong, and stopped again: Even Hansuke people can't sit, he is not qualified to sit in.

Nishizawa finally noticed him and looked back at Xingran. He looked up and down Xingran, and immediately said to Jiang Mian with heartache, "My sweetheart, is this your boyfriend?"

He clutched his heart: "I haven't seen you for a few years now, you have a boyfriend."

Then he stretched out **** to pinch Xingran's arm, and shook his head: "No, it's too soft."

Xing Ran: "..."

Before Han Xu could speak, he took the initiative to explain, stepped back, bent over to Nishizawa, and said without humility, "Mr. Nishizawa, I am the servant of the young lady."

Han Xu glanced at Xing Ran, and swallowed the unpleasant explanation-this kid was also acquainted.

Jiang Mian frowned slightly and glanced at Xing Ran: He is not practical to be so humble.

However, thinking about Xingran's identity, it is not easy to explain it-her servant sounds better than the male model in the club.

Obviously, this luxury car was specially made according to Nishizawa's height. There is a lot of space inside, and Jiang Mian can even stand upright inside.

Jiang Mian sits between Han Xu and Nishizawa. The latter has not seen Jiang Mian in recent years, and Han Xu will not reveal to the outside what happened during his daughter's rebellious period.

So in Nishizawa's heart, Jiang Mian was no different from the original, except that he grew up. He was still so cute, like a doll, wishing to hold it in his hand and love it.

The only regret that makes him sad is that Sweetheart is so strange to him.

No matter how he teased, Little Sweetheart just smiled sweetly at him and didn't say anything.

Nishizawa had to say desperately about the things he played with Jiang Mian before, such as—

"Baby sweetheart, do you remember that when you were eight years old, we sneaked into a castle and ruined the statue of the saint inside with paint."

Jiang Mian blinked and searched through memory.

If Nishizawa didn't mention it, she couldn't find this memory at all, but when Nishizawa mentioned it, such a paragraph appeared in her mind.

At that time, Xiao Jiang Mian was only eight years old. Because of his company, the local tyrant went to the UK and brought Jiang Mian with him. He lived in the UK for two months.

For a long time, Han Xu asked Han Jiayuan to contact a British private aristocratic elementary school, and Xiao Jiang Mian studied in this school for two months.

Usually, a special nanny picks up the school to and from school, and then Nishizawa came and grabbed the job of a nanny.

However, he didn't do his duty to send Xiao Jiangmian to school, but took Xiao Jiangmian to skip class, and took Xiao Jiangmian to play crazy.

In the process of playing, Nishizawa heard that the owner of a castle had specially carved a statue of a saint to satirize women. He was very upset and decided to show him a good look.

When Xiao Jiang Mian heard this, she was very supportive, and Nishizawa did not dislike her as a child. The two of them buried their heads together and quickly figured out a way-to destroy the statue of the saint.

How to destroy it is a problem.

If you use explosives to blow it up, it's too dangerous and can't be destroyed by other methods.

Xiao Jiangmian thought and thought, took out the watercolor pen from his schoolbag, and said, "Write on it, scold him!"

This method inspired Nishizawa. It was useless to write. He decided to use paint. Two people, one large and one small, whispered and discussed, and finally took advantage of the night to complete this feat.

The result was discovered by security.

Nishizawa hugged Jiang Mian in his arms and ran wildly. Later, he changed his posture and asked Jiang Mian to ride on his shoulders-pulling the wind in this way, and then ran home against the wind.


Through Nishizawa's narrative, Jiang Mian slowly remembered more scenes of getting along with Nishizawa as a child, and finally got a sense of familiarity with Nishizawa.

Every time the original owner followed Han Xu to live abroad, Nishizawa brought a lot of happiness to her, and it was no wonder that the original owner liked him very much.

Nishizawa was very happy and felt that he had used the right method. He was about to make persistent efforts and wanted to say more to make Sweetheart remember more.

Suddenly was interrupted by Han Xu's gloomy voice: "Nishizawa Ben, I count three times, and you can honestly confess, how many times have you abducted Sleep when I was away?"