Dan'er Palace is located in the east of Dan'er Seoul Church. There are five palaces in total. Banquets are held in the main hall.

Today is the day when Prince Daner becomes the Rén ceremony and the little prince is full of the moon. This is a big happy event. In addition to high-ranking officials, there are also royal media in the palace.

The intention is to shoot some beautiful moments, and then post some positive manuscripts, which will be posted on Dan's news channel.

On the square outside the palace stood royal guards, one to guide the guests and the other to guard the safety.

On such a big day, there are so many people, if you get into the wrong minds, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, guests can bring bodyguards, but not weapons.

One after another luxury cars drove in, and the guards opened the doors and greeted them personally.

In addition to the guards, some royal reporters were scattered in the square and patted the crowd.

When Jiang Mian got out of the car, various shutters clicked in front of him, and the ground was covered with a thousand-meter-long red carpet. People who didn't know thought it was a large-scale red carpet show.

Han Xu bent his elbows, Jiang Mian stretched out his arms and put his eyes around the guard.

They were wearing specific costumes, holding guns in their hands, stabbing swords on their backs, and watching their surroundings vigilantly.

Han Xu patted his baby girl's little hand lightly, and subconsciously said: "Mianmian, those guns are also scary, but they are not powerful."

Jiang Mian: "..."

She really can't answer this.

In order not to make her afraid, the local tyrant father also fights.

Xize walked to the other side of Jiang Mian. Originally, he wanted Jiang Mian to lead him. After seeing Jiang Mian holding Han Xu, he had to withdraw his hand silently.

Who made him just an uncle?

Nishizawa dressed in a customized suit is completely different from the previous refugee-like outfit. His hair is brilliant golden, rolled into an instant noodle head, and then fixed with hair spray——

Coupled with his height of two meters, the whole body exudes a wild smell.

As for Han Xu, he was dressed in a simple black high-definition suit, and every trace of his outfit revealed nobleness, which was completely different from the wild sect of Xiye.

The two of them were guarding Jiang Mian, especially Nishizawa. Taking advantage of his height, he took a little slower half a step, almost covering Jiang Mian in front of him.

In this way, even the already low-key Jiang Mian still stood out.

The shutter sound fell on Jiang Mian more.

After taking the photo, a royal reporter glanced subconsciously, and then said to a colleague next to him: "My God, look, this is a fairy."

The colleague couldn't help but said: "The first time I saw it, the skin was whiter than Snow White. Is this Snow White?"


Although Jiang Mian's hearing was sharp, he heard someone discussing him in a vaguely mixed voice, but the voice was too mixed to distinguish him.

Following the red carpet all the way to the entrance of the main hall, Jiang Mian saw that the invitations presented by a couple in front were white in color. When it was their turn, the invitations presented by the local tyrant and Uncle Nishizawa were bronzing color.

When the person in charge of welcoming the guests saw these two invitations, his expression was stunned, and he respectfully said to Han Xu and Nishizawa: "Two nobles, please here."

As he said, he glanced around Jiang Mian without leaving a trace, and being able to be led by the two nobles to the banquet deserved his attention.

As soon as they entered the main hall, the four bodyguards who followed were searched and confirmed that there were no dangerous weapons on the bodyguards before they were released and let them follow.

Xingran and Han Jiayuan also followed, but they didn't come in and waited in the car.

Han Jiayuan sat in the car with a computer on his lap. Han Xu attended the banquet while he handled some company affairs for Han Xu.

Xing Ran was sitting next to him with a mobile phone in his hand-when he was called over, he not only charged a high extra fee, but also signed a confidentiality agreement.

Everything he experienced with Jiang Mian in the past two days cannot be said to the outside world.

He looked at Han Jiayuan without leaving a trace, and found that he was working hard and did not notice his side, he quietly clicked into the phone album and clicked on the latest photo.

That was the scene of Jiang Mian walking out of the sixth queen when he was wearing a light blue dress. He was standing in the distance like a servant, shocked, and took such a picture with his mobile phone.

Later, because of the problem of the hem of the long skirt, he silently stepped forward to pull the hem of Jiang Mian, but no one noticed him.

The pair of shoes he recommended on Jiang Mian's feet was Xingran asked a Filipino servant in the manor to help him find them.

In his opinion, Nishizawa loves Jiang Mian so much, the manor will definitely prepare Jiang Mian's clothes to change, and it can't be just three sets of dresses.

It is not difficult for the Filipino maid to find a pair of Jiang Mian-sized shallow heel sandals.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the Filipino servant nodded—she knew that Xing Ran was the one who came with Jiang Mian, so she would naturally listen to his words.

In fact, Xingran didn't have much hope for whether Jiang Mian would agree to his request for a shoe change.

Maybe he thinks it is good, but the lady doesn't necessarily think so-after all, girls all want to be beautiful.

But she agreed.

Thinking of this, the corner of Xingran's mouth couldn't help but lifted up again, looking down at the photo on the screen, and watching, the light in his eyes dimmed.

She is so beautiful and so good.

And he is too dirty.

Entering the banquet hall of the main hall, the crowd suddenly increased.

The guard led them directly to the other side and entered a special passageway. Jiang Mian heard a few words—it was to take them to see King Daner.

King Dan had ordered that if Han Xu and Xize arrived, they should enter the apse first.

Halfway through, a young man in a white suit walked around the corner. When the guard saw him, he respectfully bent over: "His Royal Highness."

Prince Dan put his hand on his left chest and bowed to the two of them: "Mr. Han, long time no see."

He speaks fluent Chinese.

Prince Dan and Han Xu had met several times, they were acquaintances, but they had never met Nishizawa, so they only nodded politely to Nishizawa.

Finally, his gaze fell on Jiang Mian, revealing just the right surprise and doubt.

Prince Dan himself is exactly the same as in the photo, perhaps because it is a real person, it looks better than the photo.

Especially those azure blue eyes like sapphires, clear and deep, charming and dangerous.

"Mianmian, this is the prince Daner that my father told you." Han Xu lowered his head and whispered, "Long one is fine."

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh, and signaled the local tyrant father to be more serious. Prince Daner is still waiting for an introduction.

"This is my daughter." Han Xu briefly introduced.

A flash of surprise flashed across Prince Dan's eyes. He didn't seem to expect that Han Xu had such a big daughter. He had never heard of it before.

Even more unexpectedly, this daughter did not take her father's surname.

When Prince Daner was studying, he had studied Chinese as an elective and learned about Eastern culture. He had a high IQ. Even if he didn't understand some things, as long as he could understand the words, he could chew it up and understand it slowly.

He knows that Easterners are very particular about surnames, and that children should follow their father's surname, which is a traditional custom.

"Miss Jiang, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." His gentleman took Jiang Mian's hand and pressed a kiss according to etiquette.

His voice is clearer and more textured, and it sounds like jade hitting the disc, which is very pleasant to the ear.

"Thank you." Jiang Mianli said, "You are the most elegant and noble one among the young men I have ever met."

Business blows, she will too.

Han Xu pulled Xize back to the side and gave the position to the two young men.

Nishizawa was confused: "???"

"What are you doing?"

Han Xu ignored him and looked carefully. Prince Dan and his baby daughter were standing together, and they really fit her daughter.

Prince Dan laughed and praised Jiang Mian again. Jiang Mian didn't say insults. She praised Jiang Mian for another reason.

Finally, Prince Dan looked at Jiang Mian earnestly, and ended this fancy exaggeration, and immediately said to the guard: "I will take them to see his father."

"please follow me."

Entering the apse, the first thing Jiang Mian heard was a baby laugh.

Then, she saw an old man with white beard and hair, with a ruddy complexion, hugging a small baby, walking around the room.

If you don't know, he still holds his grandson.

"Father." Prince Daner said, attracting the attention of King Daner who was holding the baby.

In the face of many gazes, King Dan's face blushed, hoping that the appearance of his old father who had just coaxed his baby would not be seen by the guests.

The next thing is a greeting. Jiang Mian only needs to smile and let the local tyrant father proudly introduce her. When King Dan heard that Jiang Mian was Han Xu's daughter, he hurried to make people prepare for the meeting.

——The gifts prepared by Han Xu and Xizawa were already handed in when they entered the hall of the main hall.

"Miss Jiang, this way." Prince Dan suddenly said, leading Jiang Mian to the other side.

The three "adults" were talking fiercely now, they couldn't intervene and stood in place, strangely boring.

Jiang Mian didn't know that this was deliberately done by the local tyrant father, so she made room for her to try to get along with Prince Daner. By the way, you can also observe Prince Daner's attitude towards the baby girl.

Seeing Prince Dan's initiative to invite Jiang Mian, Han Xu was a bit proud, and he knew: His baby girl is loved by everyone, who doesn't like it.

Dan led Jiang Mian to the inner room to see the little prince who had been put in the stroller.

The little prince raised white and fat, smiled whenever he met, very cute.

Prince Dan seemed to like this little brother very much, his mouth raised, and he clung to the little prince skillfully.

Jiang Mian noticed that when the two Filipino servants saw Prince Dan picking up the little prince, their faces were extremely nervous, as if they wanted to stop it, but didn't dare.

Reminiscent of Han Jiayuan's royal family love, she shook her head secretly.

The little prince was picked up by his elder brother, grinning with toothless mouth, giggling very happily, the gentleness in Prince Dan's eyes opened: "Miss Jiang, do you want to hold it?"

Jiang Mian: "..."

She began to reflect, where did she show the expression that she wanted to hug?

Jiang Mian showed an awkward but polite smile, shook her head and declined-this little dumpling is a golden lump, she doesn't want to touch her hands, if something unexpected happens, it will be bad.

Prince Dan also knew this, and did not force it. After teasing the little prince for a while, he put the little prince back in the stroller and prepared to take Jiang Mian to other places.

However, something unexpected happened when a colorful snake suddenly swam out of the stroller, exposing its hideous fangs and biting towards the little prince's neck.

"Ah!!" The two Filipino servants screamed.

Prince Dan's face suddenly changed, Jiang Mian frowned, and before he could think about it, he stretched out his hand like lightning to pinch the snake's head.

The next second, she twisted her eyebrows-the snake's two fangs bit her tiger's mouth.