At this time, the domestic time is two in the morning.

Qi Yanshu stood by the window, holding a mobile phone in his hand. After he finished speaking the second sentence, he stopped speaking and waited silently for Jiang Mian's answer.

He suddenly woke up from his deep sleep--

Since being cursed, Qi Yanshu has rarely been able to sleep well.

Successfully solved half of the curse, the eyes can see again, but the power of the curse lurking in his body will come out to haunt him from time to time.

The advantage is that with each episode, those vague memory images will be clearer, but until now, it is still not clear to restore one.

Tonight, he rarely slept deeply, and vaguely seemed to have some dreams. At first he was vague, but at the end, Jiang Mian appeared.

Her hand hanging beside her was overflowing with blood, and it fell to the ground, and a small pool of blood had already gathered on the ground.

Red glare.

With a palpitation, Qi Yanshu woke up and opened his eyes at two o'clock in the morning.

Mianmian was injured--

The five words rose from the bottom of my heart, very sure.


"Uncle Qi, how did you know that I was injured?" After a few seconds, Jiang Mian's somewhat puzzled voice came from the receiver.

She was really puzzled.

The crew took two days off, and she followed the local tyrant father to Dan'er. It took only two days to go back and forth. Except for the local tyrant father, the other fathers did not know that she was going abroad.

Furthermore, only the local tyrant father and other people knew about her being bitten by a snake. How could Qi Yanshu be so sure that she was injured?

Qi Yanshu’s eyes were darker than the dark night outside the window, and Jiang Mian’s **** hands flashed back and forth. He did not answer any questions, his voice was low, with an irresistible force: "You are here. where?"

"Dan Er." Jiang Mian was shocked by the two words that he blurted out. How could she subconsciously answer Qi Yanshu?

"I know."

After the four words fell, there was a beep, Jiang Mian blinked: "...Uncle Qi?"

After a second, Jiang Mian reacted, Qi Yanshu will not come to Daner, right? !

She didn't say anything.

Jiang Mian pinched his eyebrows-and worried about whether he would be passionate, Qi Yanshu did not reveal the meaning of coming to Dan Er.

After thinking about it, she still dialed the phone back, whether it was or not, confirm it.

Jiang Mian didn't think wrong. Qi Yanshu did move to the idea of ​​going to Daner immediately. After hanging up the phone, he started to check where Daner was.

Don't want Jiang Mian to call him back quickly.

He had already guessed what Jiang Mian's call back meant, and after hesitating for a second, he refused.

Maybe she would not like his approach.

But he must rush to her as quickly as possible, and he needs to confirm her safety.

Need to confirm-who hurt her.

The cold chill quickly passed through Qi Yanshu's eyes.

Jiang Mian: "..."

Actually hung up her phone==

"Miss." Xingran, who has always regarded herself as an invisible person, frowned when Jiang Mian frowned. He thought of her "Uncle Qi" and guessed that she was talking to relatives.

Maybe something went wrong, he made a suggestion: "Over-ocean calls are likely to cause problems due to signal problems. You can send messages."

Xingran's words reminded Jiang Mian that she was also anxious for a while, and instead quickly sent a WeChat message to Qi Yanshu.

Qi Yanshu just finished checking Dan's basic information and was about to contact Luo Jiale. Jiang Mian's WeChat slid down from the top of the screen:

[Uncle Qi, my dad and I went to Dan'er to attend a banquet. We accidentally got hurt and there was no problem. We will return to China today. Don’t worry, I will contact you after I return. 】

On the most side, there was a smiley emoticon, cute and cute.

Like her.

Qi Yanshu's fingers paused on the screen, staring at the emoji for a long time, and a thought flashed in his mind: Before sleeping...I don't like to laugh.

He turned around, leaned back against the window rail, stared at the screen, and typed: [OK. 】

After sending it successfully, he returned to the search page again. He searched for Daner before, and now he added the word banquet at the back.

The first one that appeared was [Dan Erguo Double Happiness].

After reading it, Qi Yanshu had the answer in his mind.

Mianmian went to Dan'er Kingdom's palace banquet with Han Xu—only Han Xu could take her to this state banquet.

If you want to know the causes and consequences of Jiang Mian's injury, you have to ask her after she returns to China, but she is so sure that Jiǔ will not disclose it to him.


Qi Yanshu dropped his long eyelashes, changed hands, and dialed the number of Mr. Qi's special assistant.


Jiang Mian, who received Qi Yanshu's reply, was relieved. As long as Qi Yanshu didn't really come to Dan'er, she left the matter behind.

To Xingran said, "Didn't you say that you made breakfast? Let's go."

The corners of Xingran's lips and eyes were smiling.

Xingran has made several kinds of Chinese breakfast, soy milk fried dough tiao Xiaolongbao, pumpkin porridge and corn cakes.

These breakfasts are placed on the table. They look a little shabby, but they are fragrant.

Especially corn cakes.

There is fresh corn in the manor. Xingran peels off all the corn kernels, grinds them, adds some flour and milk, spreads them into palm-sized cakes, and fry them in a frying pan until they become golden brown with rich aroma.

A few Filipino servants couldn't help but cast their curious eyes on the corn cakes. They didn't even know that corn could be made like this.

Xing Ran paid attention to Jiang Mian nervously, opened the dining chair and let Jiang Mian sit down. The latter glanced at the dining table and praised: "The cooking skills are good, the color, fragrance and flavor are good."

A heart hanging in the air fell back, Xingran quietly let out a sigh of relief: "I don't know what the lady likes to eat, so I just made some simple ones."

"I'm not picky." Jiang Mian took a sip of soy milk and asked Xingran standing beside him, "Have you eaten?"

Xingran hesitated for a second, just about to say eat.

Through his expression, Jiang Mian pointed to the chair next to him, "Sit down and eat together."

Xingran didn't move.

Jiang Mian's right hand should not be moved, and she used her left hand skillfully. She said indifferently: "My father paid for you and signed a contract. The relationship between you and me is just an employment relationship, and there is no such thing as a servant."

"Of course, if you really think you are a servant, that's fine."

When the words fell, Xing Ran was startled, and immediately understood what Jiang Mian meant.

If he considers himself a servant, don't expect others to treat him as a normal person.

Xingran's eyes flickered, lowered his head to hide the flash of emotion in his eyes.

A male model in heaven and earth, this is an elegant title.

The rich lady waits to come to the clubhouse to have fun, and it is more elegant to order a male model to serve than to bluntly say a duck to serve.

They are commodities, and customers are God when they pay. In the eyes of customers, they are no different from "servants".

What you spend money to buy is enjoyment and happiness. In addition to personal safety, it is naturally what you want to do.

In other words, they are not respected.

Respect is sometimes more valuable to them than money.

Now that Xingran has been here, many people like him, and there are many rich people who offer to entrust him for a long time, and some even want to "redempt themselves" for him.

But it's just a play on the spot.

No matter how clean his appearance is, he is already in the quagmire, and no matter how clean he is, no one will really care about him.

He was just fascinated by his skin, temporarily upset.

For Xingran, it is enough to give him respect and make him feel warm.

Not much, just a little.

"I really didn't eat." Xingran swallowed the original words, smiled and pulled away the chair next to him, "but I'm not very hungry, but seeing the lady eating so delicious, I feel hungry immediately."

After hearing his answer, Jiang Mian smiled and said in a pun: "I have heard a sentence before, if a person and no one loves him, then he should love himself the most."

"Miss is right." Xing Ran lowered his head, his voice a little dumb.

Jiang Mian glanced at him, and swallowed the sentence "Is your dad the director Wan Qiankun".

She's unfamiliar, so there's no need to ask more. Maybe her random sentence is to poke someone's scar.

After eating breakfast, the Filipino maid took the tableware, Xingran looked around Jiang Mian's hand, then took the wound medicine, and said, "Miss, it's time to change the medicine for the injury on your hand."

In the middle of the night last night, Nishizawa changed her injury once, and Nishizawa stayed all night-Xingran did not sleep all night.

It's just that no one will pay attention to him.

Before Xize left, he told him to change Jiang Mian's dressing.

Jiang Mian stretched out his hand and Xing Ran carefully removed the gauze for her. He was there when Xizawa changed Jiang Mian's dressing in the middle of the night. Even though he had seen the wound at that time, his eyelids still jumped when he looked at it now.

The bruise around the wound was shrinking, a circle smaller than it was in the middle of the night, but perhaps because of the gathering, the wound looked more cramped than before.

Faced with Nishizawa yesterday, he was not easy to ask. At this moment, he carefully applied medicine to the wound while saying: "The wound looks like poisoned."

When Xing Ran changed Jiang Mian's dressing, she used her mobile phone to check the scales on the Internet. There are not many articles about this kind of snake on the Internet, except that this kind of snake is mostly found in the tropical jungles of southern Europe.

Compared with other venomous snakes, the number of golden thread scales is scarce.

The whole body of a snake is a treasure, and snake venom is a precious medicinal medicinal material. Many big snake farmers will breed all kinds of venomous snakes, but no one dares to raise golden thread scales privately.

The main reason is that the golden thread scale is too dangerous. Once it is hit by the venom of the golden thread scale, it can be killed in just three minutes, which is still the slowest speed.

The fastest, it only takes about a minute.

The speed is too fast, no one dares to risk his life.

In the palace, it is not easy to bring the golden thread scales in. There are many ways to make a baby die. Even if you use a poisonous snake, you can't use such a poisonous snake.

The baby's resistance is poor, and a slight bump will cause trouble, even if it is bitten by an ordinary poisonous snake, there is no possibility of survival.

How much did the murderer want the little prince to die—there was no chance to let him live.

Hearing Xingran's words, she casually said: "How do you know it is poisoned?"

"Guess." Xing Ran replied, "It's just a knife wound, it won't make the wound around this worse."

This is the result that is easy to observe. Jiang Mian turned the screen of the phone to him: "I was bitten by it."

Xingran looked up and saw the snake in the photo. His hands shook violently, and then his face turned pale, and big cold sweat burst out of his forehead.

Jiang Mian was taken aback and put down the phone: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, Xingran softened to the ground with a plop.

He knew that his appearance scared Jiang Mian, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, knocking his teeth together, trying to make himself clear: "'s okay...just wait, wait."