Due to the geographical environment, Daner is windy and sandy, and rainy, but there is no hot summer and cold winter here, so it is very suitable for traveling or vacationing here.

If the weather is good, the sky is clear and blue, and there are no clouds in the sky. In such good weather, balloons are released in many places, which is also a major feature.

The manor is no exception.

The weather is fine today, and the housekeeper of the manor invited Jiang Mian to let the prepared balloon fly.

Jiang Mian readily agreed. She checked the time and it was eleven.

A few minutes ago, Jiang Mian received a call from the rich father. He and Uncle Nishizawa were already on their way back.

It’s okay to play with balloons during this time.

The housekeeper led a group of Filipino servants, surrounded Jiang Mian to the lawn behind the manor, Xing Ran naturally followed.

Halfway through, Jiang Mian saw a huge smiling balloon floating in the distant sky with a striking smile written on it.

It is said that when someone releases a balloon, they will write their name and contact information on it to make friends in this way.

Many couples of King Daner met and fell in love in this way. It was a very romantic acquaintance.

The balloon was specially prepared by Nishizawa for Jiang Mian last night. It is similar to the Kongming Lantern that was released in China. Xize just wanted Jiang Mian to have fun.

The balloon is a cute cat head, about three meters in diameter.

The butler introduced that it was filled with many small balloons. When the balloon flies to a certain height, it will burst open, and the small balloons inside will fly away, very beautiful.

Because of this characteristic of the Daner country, many places have specially set up balloon recycling stations, advocating that if the Chinese people pick up the remains of balloons on the road, collect them and throw them into the recycling station.

"Miss, you can leave your handwriting on the balloon." The butler handed Jiang Mian a special pen, indicating that Jiang Mian could write on the sphere.

The housekeeper respected Nishizawa's instructions and completely coaxed Jiang Mian as a child.

Jiang Mian turned around and handed the pen to Xingran: "You can write it, and I will be responsible for it."

Xing Ran took the pen and wrote a sentence on it. After finishing writing, he turned around and expected Jiang Mian to see what he was writing.

——She's right, it's not guilty to let yourself live badly for the sake of something inferior to livestock.

But after he turned around, Jiang Mian was not behind him, but followed the housekeeper to see how to fly the balloon.

Xing Ran looked back in silence, looking at the line on the balloon: May her life be safe and worry-free.

Jiang Mian didn't expect to let go of a balloon. There is so much attention to it, just let it go.

The butler was also concerned about the wind, direction, etc., saying that if you don't choose a good one, the balloon won't fly far.

The Daner people also have a special feature when they release balloons. Some people will tie cameras to the balloons and compare them to see who releases the balloon to fly farther and higher.


However, there are still many people playing this way.

Sometimes, it is just simple and boring games that can bring simple happiness.

After releasing the balloon, Jiang Mian clapped her hands and watched the cat's head balloon rise and drift away. She asked Xing Ran beside her: "What did you write?"

Xingran smiled and said, "I wish myself, get rid of troubles, and welcome the new life."

"Not bad." Jiang Mian glanced at him, and suddenly said, "Is your mood much better now?"

Xingran was taken aback for a moment, what he wanted to say, a Filipino servant came to report, Han Xu and Nishizawa returned.

"Dad." Seeing Han Xu, Jiang Mian trot over, shocked Han Xu quickly shouted, "Don't run, don't run."

But the doctor said that there are still poisons in the baby girl's body, so she should not walk around.

He strode up to meet him, Jiang Mian stopped his movements obediently, let the local tyrant father approach, and took her right hand: "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Mian shook his head. Seeing that there were two obvious blue hues under the tyrant father, he pursed his lips: "Dad, haven't you slept all night?"

Tyrant father ignored her problem and touched the little white face of her baby daughter. He always felt that her face was very ugly, there was no blood.

Nishizawa watched eagerly. Seeing the father and daughter chattering and talking, Jiang Mian didn’t pay attention to him. He coughed hard to show his existence: "My sweetheart, you only have your daddy in your eyes. , Without me."

"Thank you Uncle Nishizawa." Jiang Mian hurriedly stretched out a hand to hold Nishizawa.

Nishizawa took an inch and pulled Jiang Mian to his side: "Wait I will take you to church."

"Little sweetheart, do you remember what you said in the church before." Nishizawa looked mysterious and looked at Han Xu with triumphant eyes.

Jiang Mian: "..."

She shouldn't say anything... right?

"Sweetheart, you forgot again." Nishizawa said heartily. "You said in the church that you will marry Uncle Nishizawa when you grow up. Alas, I see Uncle Nishizawa waiting for you for so many years... …"

Before he finished speaking, he received another pound on his head, and Han Xu said coldly: "Come on, listen to Dad Scream."

Nishizawa: "..."

He rubbed his head and whispered to Jiang Mian: "Your dad ate dynamite, and he can't afford it."

Jiang Mian couldn't laugh, and took the local tyrant and Uncle Xize to sit down, ready to ask them about the follow-up. The Filipino servant came to report and said that Prince Dan was here.

When Han Xu and Nishizawa left the palace, Prince Dan said that he would come with them. One thanked Jiang Mian face to face again, and the other visited Jiang Mian's situation.

Nishizawa had no objection, and Han Xu refused in a mouthful—whatever, would it be possible for the baby girl to be bitten by a snake because of this club? !

Prince Dan didn't care about it, and didn't force him to follow along, but had someone prepare a car and put it behind.

Han Xu snorted coldly, and Nishizawa rubbed the cyan stubble that emerged from his chin: "Let him not come, he must follow."

He stabbed Han Xu: "Our sweetheart is so cute, and he saved Cassius (Prince Dan). He must be in love with our sweetheart."

Otherwise, they wouldn't have arrived as soon as their front foot arrived, and Prince Dan's back foot would come.

Han Xu patted the sofa and said angrily: "Just like him, how do you deserve to sleep?"

Nishizawa nodded and echoed: "There are only people like me..."

Han Xu handed it over with a look, and Nishizawa shut his mouth to silence, winking at Jiang Mian, meaning: Your father is so stingy, you can't even make jokes.

Jiang Mian was at a loss. Didn't she save the little prince Gene?

As the owner of the manor, Prince Dan came to visit, and he couldn't just let the housekeeper lead him. Xizawa tidied his clothes and went to welcome people.

Jiang Mian seized this opportunity and asked the tyrant father.

At the same time, he signaled Xing Ran to retreat a little further, and what they said next was definitely inseparable from the "snake", so it was better to stand farther.

Han Xu didn’t notice her movements. Knowing that the baby girl was puzzled, he patted Jiang Mian’s hand and said, “Cassius’s efficiency is not bad. The murderer was found out last night. The murderer admitted that the snake was He let it go. But his goal is not the little prince, but Cassius."

As he said, Han Xu's gaze swept across Jiang Mian's right hand again, distressed and fearful, and a little proud: "Mianmian, you saved Dan's two princes."

The snake had been hiding in the stroller, but was drugged and did not wake up.

Although Prince Dan and the little prince are half-parents, they still have half the same blood in their bodies.

The power of blood has a peculiar influence, and the little prince is too small to threaten Prince Dan's status at all. Prince Dan naturally loves this little brother in his heart.

The murderer was very clever. Using this characteristic, he deliberately put the fainted snake in the stroller. He had a good calculation, and quietly sprayed a fragrance that Jin Xianlin liked on Prince Dan.

When Prince Dan approached the little prince and picked him up, the scent on his body would stimulate Jin Xianlin, causing it to wake up from its deep sleep and attack him quickly.

Once bitten by Jin Xianlin, he will soon die.

Unexpectedly, Prince Dan picked up the little prince, and the fragrance on his body was on the little prince. After Jin Xianlin woke up, according to the principle of proximity, the first attacker was the little prince, followed by Prince Dan.

If there is no Jiang Mian, the snake suddenly appears to bite the little prince. With Prince Dan's love for the little prince and the subconscious reaction of people, it will definitely rescue the little prince the first time.

Jin Xianlin logically bit Prince Dan.

The main purpose of the murderer was to make Prince Daner be bitten to death. As for whether the little prince would have an accident, it was not within his consideration.

If the little prince died, it would be bad luck.

If the little prince is not dead, it is God's favor.

What he wanted was Prince Dan's death, so he used a snake like Jin Xianlin.

As for the murderer, he is a subordinate of Prince Daner and protects him personally. Prince Daner trusts him very much-only such a close subordinate can have the opportunity to work around Prince Daner without being discovered.

Why the murderer betrayed Prince Dan and killed him? It is still being investigated.


The local tyrant did not sleep all night, waiting for Prince Dan to confess to him, and finally got the answer without speaking.

After that something else was involved, Han Xu called Nishizawa to rush over, and then dealt with it until now.

On the one hand, Han Xu blamed himself: If he hadn't had to bring Jiang Mian to Dan'er, his daughter would not be bitten by a snake.

On the other hand, Jiang Mian's actions made him proud of his heart-his precious daughter is not afraid of trouble, and can save people, even more powerful than him as a father.

"But..." Han Xu embraced Jiang Mian and said, "Mianmian, you promise Dad, if you encounter this kind of dangerous situation again in the future, don't just save people."

"Dad would rather you be selfish and timid than hurt you."

"Good dad." Jiang Mian promised readily.

The next second, the Tyrant Father stretched out a little finger.

Jiang Mian: "..."