Tong Yue brought a stool and asked Jiang Mian to sit down while she stood there, silently turning a faded red rope on her wrist.

Jiang Mian was playing silent games with her mobile phone, most of her mind was in the room behind her. She glanced at Tongyue and suddenly asked, "Your mom gave it to you?"

Tong Yue said, "I used to be sick when I was a child. My mother went to the temple and asked me for this red rope. After that, I got better every day. Later, my mother said that the air environment in Beishanyuan was good, so she helped me. I bought this villa."

Jiang Mian’s question caused Tong Yue to talk more, or she was upset, and wanted to relieve her by saying: "In other homes, fathers and mothers are usually stern. My father is a very strict person. When I was a child, I I am not in good health. He always trains me in various ways."

"At that time, I hated him so much. Mom took me in her arms and sang nursery rhymes to me. He told me that Dad didn’t love me. He was loving me in another way and wanted to train me. The body becomes healthy so that I don’t feel sick because of illness."

"My mother is a very gentle person. When I was a child, I failed in exams and didn't dare to tell my father that my mother was blocking me. Once I was in school and forgot to bring a very important exercise book, Dad When I was on a business trip, my mother sent it to me when she knew about it. Later I learned that there was a traffic jam on the road. In order to deliver the exercise book to me in time, my mother ran all the way and was hit by a car.

"But she didn't say anything." A tear fell on the back of her hand. "Dad trained me, saying that I don't know how to be considerate of my mother and that I am not sensible. A serious and rigid person like him can train me in this way. I'm very angry about being injured."

"As a result, after my mother knew that I was scolded and crying by my dad, she scolded my dad." Tong Yue wiped away her tears and looked up, "Senior sister, do you know, my mother is really gentle and gentle." "

"After I went abroad, my family told me that my mother was not there and that she had gone to work in another country. After some friends knew, they said whether my mother had changed her heart and was with other men, so my father decided to move the whole family. foreign."

"Impossible." She shook her head. "My mother told me that the person she loves the most is me, how can she leave me to be with other men? Besides, I know that my mother loves my father, and my father loves me very much. Mom, it’s just that they don’t like to put these nasty words on their lips."

She smiled, and suddenly she didn't speak, but the tears flowed more urgently.

She remembered that the morning many years ago, she overslept, opened her eyes and realized that she was going to be late for school. She rolled over and got up, complaining in her heart why her mother didn't wake her up.

She never used an alarm clock, because every day her mother would call her regularly and never stopped. After cleaning up, she found that there was no one at home. Although she was surprised, she had to rush to school because she was late for school.

When I returned home from school in the afternoon, I found that my father who was on a business trip was back, and even my grandparents who lived elsewhere were here. Everyone was there, except for my mother.

She asked her mother, and her father told her that her mother had been notified to go abroad for a business trip and had already left, and their family was going to live abroad.

She was surprised and felt it was too sudden, she hadn't said goodbye to her classmates yet.


From that day on, she never saw her mother again. Later she found out that from that day on, her father seemed to like drinking.

Jiang Mian is not good at comforting people, nor used to comforting people. The appearance of the little girl bowing her head and crying silently is more unpleasant than crying loudly.

She put down the phone, pulled out the little paper man who was jumping around in her hair, and poked its head.

The little paper man hugged her fingers, nodded reluctantly, then let go of Jiang Mian's fingers, dropped to the ground, and ran towards Tongyue.

Silver Fox didn't know where he was going. As soon as he arrived at Beishanyuan, he proposed to explore the surrounding area. He swished and ran without a trace. Jiang Mian let him go, maybe he could really discover something.

Now in this situation, I have to let the little paper man who is sitting with the "cute pet" on the side.

The effect was good. The little girl slowly stopped crying and carefully interacted with the little paper man. Jiang Mian breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced at the time on the phone, half an hour had passed, and there was no movement behind her.

A WeChat message popped up on the top of the phone, which was sent by Master.

[Qi Yanshu: How are your preparations for the sports meeting tomorrow? 】

[Jiang Mian: Don't worry, there is no problem at all. 】

[Qi Yanshu: Do what you can. 】

[Jiang Mian: I know. 】

After a while, Jiang Mian received another verification from a friend, remarks: I am Qi Menghan.

Presumably because she was worried that Jiang Mian would not pass, she applied for another article. This time she remarked: Gu Qiwen dropped out of school.

Jiang Mian raised her eyebrows, and after thinking about it, she wanted to see what Qi Menghan said, so she clicked through.

I received a picture from Qi Menghan in an instant. In the picture, Gu Qiwen was lying in the hospital corridor with a blue nose and a swollen face. His right hand was folded back into a twisted arc, which looked miserable.

[Qi Menghan: Don't thank me, I just tell you this news to make you happy and block me. 】

On the other side, Qi Menghan moved his finger and typed out the five words "My brother is discharged", and then slowly deleted it.

Then, she sent a point to show that the sending was successful, indicating that Jiang Mian did not block her.

Gu Qiwen's miserable behavior really made Jiang Mian feel happy, and then there was news that made her happier. Tang Anan sent her a message: "Mianmian, you go to Weibo, big news! 】

Almost every time there is a big news on Weibo, it is sent through Tang An'an. Jiang Mian clicked on Weibo with the mentality of "I'm on the hot search again" and found that it was not she who was on the hot search, but Shen Shiqing. She was fast. Forget this person.

Before, Shen Shiqing would call her from time to time and send some messages. After being ignored by her, she didn't know whether it was a **** change or something, and she lost her voice.

As for what happened between Shen Shiqing and Guan Xin that caused Guan Xin and Gu Qiwen to break up, she was even more uninterested in knowing.

The most searched entry about Shen Shiqing is: Shen Shiqing car accident

Jiang Mian clicked in and browsed roughly. Shen Jinqing suddenly ran into the car in front. The man fell out of the windshield and hit the guardrail. After being sent to the hospital for rescue, he was out of danger.

Clicking on an animated picture, you can see that when Shen Shiqing was thrown out, he was sober and seemed to want to stand up, but he didn't succeed.

Jiang Mian watched the animation several times in a row. After a while, his eyebrows frowned-in the animation, Shen Shiqing fell out and hit the guardrail, but his lower body hit him.

According to this speed and strength, his two legs are absolutely impossible to be intact.

In the original book, Shen Shiqing finally competed with Gu Qiwen for Guan Xin. Although he did not fight for the latter, he still had to live until the end of the full text.

Gu Qiwen was not only beaten, but also suddenly dropped out of school. Shen Shiqing had a car accident and had problems with both legs... It seemed a bit too coincidental.

Jiang Mian frowned in thought, a vague thought was about to surface, and the door behind him clicked and pressed the thought down.

Regardless of these, Jiang Mian turned around.

"Master Wuzhen." Tong Yue, who teased the little paper man, immediately rushed forward, "My mother..."

Zuo Xing's eyebrows were a bit tired, but when he saw his baby girl, he immediately became energetic, and he said to Tongyue: "You go in."

Tong Yue didn't know what he thought of, and his face turned pale: " mother is in it?"

Zuo Xingping said: "Your mother has been here, go in, she is waiting for you."

Tong Yue entered the bedroom in a daze, and the little paper man also followed in.

"Dad." Seeing the tiredness of Master Tian, ​​Jiang Mian sat down on the stool and massaged him intimately.

Zuo Xingping took the baby girl's hand and blinked the same eyes as her baby girl: "Mianmian, let's not charge money this time, we should do good deeds, okay?"

"Listen to Dad."

Zuo Xingping pulled Jiang Mian downstairs, went to the courtyard outside, and pointed to a withered old ginkgo outside the courtyard: "The girl's mother is there."

It was quite a waste of Zuo Xingping's efforts to find Tong Yue's mother. After finding it, even he himself was surprised.

Mother Tong has always been here and never left.

Mother Tong is a ginkgo demon, and the withered ginkgo tree is her real body. She didn't know when she became conscious or when she became a person. Later, she met a pair of well-wishers who were adopted by Tongyue's grandparents.

Later, I met Tong's father, the two fell in love and gave birth to Tong Yue.

Tong's mother and Tong's father confessed their identity when they were together. Tong's father did not flinch, nor was he afraid, and never treated her as a stranger.

It is very difficult for a demon transformed into a Rén shape to give birth to a human child. She must abandon her long lifespan and her own cultivation to be able to become pregnant, and there is no guarantee that the child born will survive 100%. .

Tong's father refused and even wanted to separate from Tong's mother for this, but Tong's mother insisted on giving birth.

She has a long lifespan, and will watch the people he loves die one by one, and will be alone in the end, she doesn't want to. She would rather be like a real human being with someone she loves and live a limited life.

Mother Tong told Dad Tong what she was thinking, and finally said: "If you love me, then make me perfect."

So Tong's mother succeeded in giving birth to Tongyue. After that, she was no different from ordinary human beings. She would get sick and weak, and age with age.

Tong Yue was in poor health when he was a child, and the couple tried various ways to finally make Tong Yue alive and healthy.

Later, Tong's mother planted her real body outside the villa. She discussed with Tong's father. After a hundred years, she will get old and bury their ashes under this ginkgo tree.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The fire that swept across the entire Beishan Garden a few years ago, and all other villas suffered, and Tong's mother protected the villa.

It was also at that time, apart from Tong Yue, the family knew that Tong's mother was a demon, and the old man was not afraid at all.

But they didn't tell Tong Yue, because she was still young and knew nothing, and because... Tong's mother was about to leave.

The real body protected the villa, but also burned the root system.

After Tong's mother is transformed, a primary and secondary relationship is formed with the real body.

An accident on her own will not affect her real body in any way, but an accident in her real body will directly affect her.

Father Tong tried every means to raise ginkgo trees, but all failed.

She saw him sitting under the withered ginkgo in the middle of the night, crying like a helpless child.

He travels a lot, saying that he is going to earn money, but she knows that he is looking for a way to keep her alive.

So Tong's mother makes the next decision. Even if this decision makes Tong's father sad, she must make it.

She and Tong's father signed an agreement that after she leaves, their family must move abroad.

The far away, the long away, those pains will slowly settle over time with the distance, time is the best cure.

She doesn't want the people she loves, because she is sad, and she wants them to live well and happy, even without her presence, she is satisfied.

Tong's father did what she wanted, one by one.

Sometimes love is not about possessing, but letting go. If he loves her, then it will fulfill her.

Mother Tong disappeared, the withered ginkgo tree is still there, it stands here quietly, like an invisible guard, guarding the villa.

That's why the name of the haunted house will spread online.

Those who come to live broadcast and encounter accidents, most of them deliberately pose according to the script, but the accidents that happened are real, that is Tong's mother's ubiquitous consciousness.

This is her home, even if she is gone, she must protect it.

But she didn't expect that one day, she could still gather consciousness and see her daughter again.