The conditions of the police station in small cities are limited. There is a small office with a few policemen working inside. After a while, an operator received an alarm call. After listening, he hung up and said, "Get out of the police and go to Chengbei Railway Station. ."

Others: "What do you mean???"

The operator said: "Someone called the police, saying that a pair of traffickers abducted a child at Chengbei Railway Station."

This is not a trivial matter. The policemen were shocked. The most qualified policeman hurried to the train station with someone. Then outside the toilet of the train station, he saw a human trafficker kneeling on the ground confessing his mistake. There were many people around. Onlookers.

The child was coaxed by a man in his arms. Judging from his movements, it can be seen that he holds the child very familiarly.

The two traffickers cried and said that they were not husband and wife at all, but were dressed up as husband and wife. The purpose was to cover up the stolen children and pretend to be their own, which is convenient.

The police were a little confused, because the traffickers kept saying they were guilty, and they told them what they did.

This is the first time I met such an honest criminal.

Zuo Xingping handed the sleeping child to the police, while Jiang Mian said to the police: "Uncle Police, please start with them. You can take a good look. You can bring out more traffickers. It's best to catch them all in one go. ."

"One less human trafficker, one less injured family."

The police looked at the girl in front of her. She had a very ordinary face, but her eyes were as bright as stars. He couldn't help but nod her head seriously: "Don't worry, we will follow up."

Jiang Mian and Tianshifu got on the train smoothly. They bought a high-end soft sleeper with a four-seater berth in the carriage. In order not to be disturbed by other people, Jiang Mian bought them all.

The little paper man who had done meritorious service was picked up by Zuo Xingping and flicked the dust in the air. Seeing that it was dingy on his body, he was rather disgusted. The little paper man who felt it hit him and ran under the bed.

Facts proved that Jiang Mian's inference was not wrong. The couple were indeed traffickers. After confirming that they were criminals, she was not merciful.

After arresting two human traffickers and saving a child, Jiang Mian was very happy, and was a little surprised when he found that Master Tian didn't say anything, "Dad, what are you thinking?"

Zuo Xingping touched his chin. Without his beard, he was not used to the stubble on his chin, so he couldn't help but touch it every time.

"I wonder if that little guy will reunite with his family."

"Of course it will." Jiang Mian said, "the police will help him find his parents."

While talking to Master Tian, ​​Jiang Mian told the police officer about the incident via WeChat. The police station has a nationwide network, and the police officer should be able to understand it.

After a while, she received four dry words from the detective father: "Good job."

Found that the heavenly master did not speak, looking up, the heavenly master was looking at her.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Jiang Mian put down the phone.

Zuo Xing shook his head: "I just remember the time you lost when you were a kid..."

Jiang Mian was surprised: "I was lost when I was a kid?"

When he found out that he had missed his mouth, Zuo Xingping had to hesitate and perfunctory-I can't let her know that the baby girl was lost when she was young.

At that time they were very young, suddenly became fathers with no experience at all, and they were clumsy. Everyone had some serious accidents when taking Jiang Mian.

Actor's father: Jiang Mian is because he drank water with sleeping pills.

Tyrant father: Jiang Mian was kidnapped once because of him.

Master Tian: Jiang Mian was separated because of him, and lost once.

Criminal Police Father: Jiang Mian was robbed by a murderer once because of him.

If you don't pay attention to this kind of big accident, Jiang Mian will be gone. The four fathers later discussed that Jiang Mian must be protected and this kind of thing should not happen again.

And when Jiang Mian grows up, don't tell her these things, and maintain the stalwart image of the four fathers in her mind.

Xiao Jiangmian was lost with him because the money he had earned was stolen at the time. If he had stolen it, he could not buy things for the baby. She was in a hurry and asked Xiao Jiangmian to wait for him on the spot, and he went to recover the money .

At that time, Xiao Jiang Mian was only about three years old. Zuo Xingping knew that the baby girl was sensible, and he let her stay where she was. She would definitely not move. He also asked the grandfather of the commissary he knew to help.

However, when Zuo Xingping grabbed the money and ran back, he found that the baby girl was gone!

He asked the grandfather of the canteen, who was holding his head blankly: "The little girl was here just now, where did she go."

Zuo Xingping: "..."

Seeing him in a hurry, the grandfather comforted him: "Don't worry, don't worry, the little girl won't run around, she must be around, you can find it by looking for it."

I searched around and found no one. In the end, Zuo Xingping avoided the people and found Jiang Mian where Jiang Mian last appeared was the district police station.

When he ran to the police station panting, Xiao Jiangmian sat in a small chair holding a bottle of milk obediently, answering questions from the police uncles. When answering, he kept looking at the police uncle's uniform: Lian Dad There are clothes like this too!

It turned out that a middle-aged man wanted to abduct Xiao Jiang Mian, but in the end he was taken to the police station by Xiao Jiang Mian, and the middle-aged man was arrested.

Although he was only lost for an hour, there were too many accidents in this hour. Since then, when it was Zuo Xingping's turn to take Xiao Jiang to sleep, he no longer dared to take it lightly, wishing to take a rope to hold the baby. Daughter tied up.


Jiang Mian glanced at Master Tian with a slightly guilty look, and didn't ask much.

First take the train to city m, and then transfer from city m to Kyoto. It took a day to get to Kyoto until the next day. When he got off the plane and walked out with Master Tian, ​​Jiang Mian was surprised to find that there were fans. Pick her up at the airport with a sign!

Fans can come to pick up the plane, it seems that her flight information has been leaked out.

Fortunately, she used hermit amulet. People who saw her would subconsciously ignore her. Even if they saw her, they would think they were seeing an ordinary and strange face.

After waiting for a few hours, Jiang Mian went on hot search again because of the incident. The reason was that the fans did not pick her up at the airport. They came to pick up the plane after knowing the exact flight. They waited for one trip after another, all the exits Didn't wait for Jiang Mian.

Some fans posted this to Weibo. She has been very popular recently, so she made it into the hot search easily.

And the hot search term is still weird: Jiang Mian disappeared magically

Jiang Mian: "..."

In the blink of an eye on the New Year, Jiang Mian was received by the local tyrant's father in advance of the mansion in Carlo Bay. On New Year's Day, most of the servants in the mansion also went home for the New Year holiday, and only a small part remained to decorate the New Year's Eve.

Jiang Mian got up early in the morning and took the local tyrant father and his servants to post some festive Fulian when they went home together. The other three fathers arrived one by one, and the first to arrive was the Tianshi father-because he was the local tyrant who sent the car. Go pick it up.

Then came the detective father, and finally the actor father.

When everyone was there, the local tyrant asked the housekeeper to take the servants back. There were only a few of them in the main house, so there was no need to hesitate to speak.

In previous years, New Years were spent on the island, because Jiang Mian ignored them, so even the New Year atmosphere was not too harmonious.

Isn’t it the same this year? Jiang Mianying’s housekeeper’s grandfather said: New Year’s wear should be a little festive, so from beginning to end, he is dressed in red, like a beautiful walking lantern.

She stood in front of the four fathers, raised her arms, and was quite a heroic gesture of pointing the country: "Listen to my instructions, and father Han will leave father in one group, even father and father Qin in a group."

Four fathers: "..."

Master Tian said the fastest: "Mianmian, I want to be with you."

Han Xu gave him a gloomy look: "The beauty you want."

Jiang Mian wore a red pompom cap on top of her head. She pinched the little pompom hanging beside her and said with a smile, "Dad, are you willing to let me do it?"

So Jiang Mian pointed the country behind, and the four fathers arranged the courtyard in twos by twos, and worked together to make the courtyard of the western-style mansion prosperous, and the style instantly fell several floors. But at first glance, it feels more "home".

The four fathers can be friends, why do you have to look at me and not pleasing to your eyes? I think your eyes are so good.

Jiang Mian put his chin on and looked at the four busy relatives, his eyes bent into crescents.

When she ate the New Year's Eve dinner in the evening, Jiang Mian took out the New Year gifts she had prepared. She had stated to the four fathers very seriously: She was not allowed to give her anything during the New Year, but now she wants to give them gifts.

In response, she prepared a set of sayings: "Dad, my first movie made me a lot of money. This is what I earned by my own hard work, so I use my first money to honor you. Neither of you is allowed to refuse, or I will be angry and bear the consequences."

Put the words on first.

The four fathers looked at the gift box. The gift box Jiang Mian had prepared was the same size, and it was hard to tell whether it was precious or not.

She divided the gifts one by one, sat back in her place, looking expectantly at the fathers opening the gifts.

Lian Feng was the first to take it apart and was stunned when he saw the car key inside. It wasn't a special luxury car, but compared to the one he was driving, it was already a luxury car.

"Dad, your car is too old, it's time to change it."

The second one was taken apart from Zuo Xingping. There was still a key inside, but unlike the car key, this was a door lock key with a wooden sign on it and the address written on it.

"Dad, you can't live in the bridge hole in the park forever. I bought this house and it has nothing to do with you. You just need to live in it. If it breaks by then, you can ask someone to repair it."

The third one was the actor father. There was a photo album lying in the box. It was made by Jiang Mian. She searched for various photos of the actor father on the Internet, and it took several days to make it.

"Dad, you don't need anything, I have to give this."

Han Xu hadn't opened the gift. He waited for the three guys in front to finish opening the gift before he looked at the gift box in front of him and raised his expectations.

"What are you still trying to do? Open it." Seeing Han Xu's delay in opening the gift box, Qin Jingrun couldn't help reaching out to grab it, and Han Xu slapped it open.

Inside is a card.

Han Xu: "???"

The gifts of the other three guys are all carefully chosen by the baby girl, how come to him is a simple card?

The tyrant father looked at Jiang Mian's gaze, which was a resentment.

Jiang Mian was amused by the reaction of the local tyrant father. She said, "Dad, I decided to give you my secondary card. From now on, I can also support Dad."

When the words fell, Han Xu, who received envy, jealousy and hatred from the other three people, took the card into his pocket at an extraordinary speed.

He is very satisfied with this gift from his baby girl~