Chapter 105: Succubus King

Thousands of abyss demons, under the series of attacks of the Chu River, suffered heavy casualties. Only the abyss demons above the sixth order survived. Those fourth and fifth abyss demons couldn't withstand the attack of the Chu river.

At this moment, those surviving sixth-order abyss demons and seventh-order abyss demons looked at Chu River with an angry look.

Chu He ignored these angry gazes and closed the flames on the ground.

It can be seen that as the flames dissipated, golden demon hearts appeared, densely packed and boundless!

"It's impossible," the people in Tianjian City saw the intact demonic hearts, exclaimed constantly, sounding in disbelief:

"This must be an illusion again. It is impossible for anyone to control the power to this extent, unless it is the emperor!"

"I must not be awake today, this cannot be true."

"Who slapped me and let me wake up!"

Hehe, the three women of Hu Meiren felt the shock of the people around them, and once again showed their pride.

Chu He ignored the shock of these people and flew down to collect all the demonic hearts.

At this time, the three beautiful women of Humei flew out, and gathered the demonic hearts together with Chuhe.

Although the speed of the four people was extremely fast, and it was a large movie, it took almost half an hour to clean up the millions of abyss demonic hearts on the ground.

At this time, the crowd finally came back from shock, looking at Chu River with an expression of disbelief.

Even Ji Shenzi was shocked by Chu River. He took a deep look at Chu River and thought that the person the Confederate looked after was really special.

Bingqian sighed as she watched Hu Meiren's three daughters surround the Chu River.

Chu He did not pay attention to this look, but looked at Shalu. If he did not guess wrong, this Sharu must have used some very special life-saving magical power. He also knows that some special abyss demons and many super Like gods and beasts, they are born with many supernatural powers.

Shalu felt Chuhe's gaze and his face changed slightly. It was not afraid, but it was clear. If he was run away by Chuhe, everything he had done before was wasted, and it absolutely did not allow this to happen, after all This is related to a very important plan in the future.


Shalu took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, looked at Chu River silently, and said in a deep voice, "Chu Guozhu, you have a lot of courage, and you dare to kill the demons of my demons in front of this seat."

As Sharu's voice fell, the remaining abyss demons roared, "Master Sharu, kill him by shooting."

This time, the abyss demons are considered ashamed and almost killed by one person. If they are transmitted, they will definitely affect the fierce names of the abyss demons, so they must destroy the Chu River.

Sha Lu heard the words, frowning, if it has strength, it will certainly destroy the horrible guy Chu Chu. It feels that this person will become a stumbling block to dominate the mixed star field, but its strength at the moment is not enough to kill Chu River , Can barely use magical power to save lives.

Alas, Chu He looked at Shalu with a smile on his face at this time, and said lightly: "Sharu, hear nothing, they let you kill me!"

Talking, Chu He let the three women of Hu Meiren go back to Tianjian City first, after all, after fighting, it was difficult for them to protect themselves.

Shalu looked at Chuhe coldly, and said in a deep voice, "I miss you as a arrogant, let you go, let's go!"

Saying, the purple light flashed on Shalu's body, and the huge body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Shalu knew what Chu River should have seen, otherwise he couldn't be intimidated, so he could only slip away, so that he could retain some prestige.

Everyone did not expect that Sharu ran directly. Originally, they were still worried that Sharu would be as fierce as Chuhe. Taking these people out of gas, after all, Chuhe was not good at teaching, and they would naturally become punching bags.

Seeing that Shalu ran directly, Chu He shook his head and knew his intention, but he also knew that he was unlikely to kill Shalu now. Although the guy was a pretender, he still had strength.

Now that Shalu has run away, Chu River looks at the abyss demons in the sky.

Hum, the ten seventh-tier abyss snorted at this time, saying in unison: "Although Lord Sharu is gone, we can still pack you up!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Chu He looked at the ten seventh-tier abyss demons with a playful expression, and revealed the heavy pupil.


As Chu He revealed the pupil, a very surprised voice came from a distance.

Everyone heard this voice, their faces changed slightly, because it was this simple voice that actually made them lose their mind for more than a second, they knew that the master of this voice must be a peerless master, and still A master of the soul.

Chu He's face also changed slightly at this moment. He also knew that the master was coming, but he did not know whether he was from the Emperor Realm or from the abyss demons.


At this moment, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky, and a beautiful woman emerged from it.

This beautiful woman was wearing a red soft armor, her hair was swollen, her body was very hot, and those slender legs were the most perfect Chu River had ever seen, but it was not worth mentioning compared to her face.

Chu He looked at the beautiful face of this beautiful woman, and couldn't help but sigh, there is such a perfect face in this world.

The perfect figure and that ridiculous face, coupled with some attractive charm of her body, made the men around him look at her involuntarily.

Looking at this beautiful woman, Chu He was so lost for a moment, but soon she turned back and looked at her with a heavy look on her face, because she knew that although this woman was human, she was an abyss demon.

On the side of the abyss demons, those abyss demons saw the appearance of this beauty, and they all shouted with excitement: "Succubus Queen!"

The people in Tianjian City changed their faces greatly when they heard the words of the abyss demons. They originally thought that they were only sacred powers, but they did not expect to be sacred powers.

In the presence of the Great Saint-level strongmen, they have no chance to escape.

The succubus emperor ignored the abyss demons, but stared at Chuhe's eyes. When she saw clearly that the river did have a heavy pupil, her face showed fear. She now regretted her impulse, but she couldn't hold back her heart. Curious, come here.

But the succubus emperor knew that it was not time to panic, and hurriedly began to adjust her emotions, but she couldn't calm down when she thought about the deeds of the person standing not far away from her, and her body shivered involuntarily.


Thanks: "X, Yimeng" The book reward of 500 and the replay of the book reward of 100, what?

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