Chapter 167: Another clone (fourth more)

Chu He summoned the humanity among the six reincarnations. Although it was only a ghost, he knew that this ghost of humanity contained a mighty power.

Alas, the Great Emperor in the dark saw the appearance of a humane ghost, and his face was surprised.

And at this moment, the big sky was patted heavily on the human ghost.

Everyone thought that this ghost image would be shot directly, but the next scene surprised them.

I saw at this moment that the big hand covering the sky suddenly stopped in the void and couldn't get in.

Wow, everyone couldn't help screaming at this scene, and their faces were surprised.

Chu He was also a little surprised at this moment. He knew that the human ghost was not simple, but he did not expect that he could completely resist the attack of an emperor. He thought that it was indeed the emperor's weapon, the power contained in it, and it was really terrifying.

"I don't believe it," the emperor roared at this moment: "blast me!"

"Boom boom!"

At that moment, the big hand covering the sky burst open, and a terrifying force burst out, which drowned the Chu River in an instant.

A long distance away, everyone can feel how horrible the power that erupts from the sky.

At this moment, everyone is staring at the explosion to see if Chu River can create a miracle again.

Just then, a laugh came from the explosion: "The power of the emperor, but that's it!"

With the sound of laughter, a figure with a huge light ball flew out of the explosion and stood in the sky.


Everyone saw the Chu River that was unscathed again, and couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning. It was only necessary to resist once. Now it has resisted twice. It is still unscathed, and the six reincarnations are still glorious. This has made many people's world views. They all collapsed, thinking to myself, what about the great emperors are the ants?

"How is this possible?" The Emperor in secret was more shocked than everyone else. He knew better than everyone that the gap between the Great Saint and the Emperor was an insurmountable ditch.

At this moment, a sound of some surprise suddenly resounded through the sky: "It is indeed an emperor's weapon of the immortal, and it actually allows a great saint to resist the attack of the emperor. These six reincarnation disks, the emperor wants it! "

As the voice fell, a large purple hand full of destruction was grabbing at Chuhe.

As you can see, the space where this big purple hand passes is broken every inch.

Worse, Chu He saw the purple hand that was grabbed quickly, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly injected his strength into the six reincarnation disks. He knew that the man who shot was more terrible than the previous emperor.

However, at this time, it was too late. The big purple hand grabbed Chu River, grabbed Chu River with six reincarnation disks, held it tightly, and then quickly retreated. Obviously, I wanted to take Chu River away. Find a way to kill Chu River and seize six reincarnation.

The emperor who was hiding around was not calm at this moment, and all roared, "Leave the six reincarnation disks behind!"

As a roar rang out, a big hand that only covered the sky suddenly appeared and patted to the big purple hand. Obviously, they wanted to slap the big purple hand. As for the life and death of the Chu River, they were too lazy to control it. The six reincarnation disks were not damaged Just fine.

"Boom boom!"

Five or six emperors shot together and attacked on the purple hand, making the purple hand burst instantly, and the big hand of the five or six emperors burst out at this moment, a force of terror swept away, let This starry sky broke instantly.

Most people fell directly under the influence of this horrible force. After all, this force exploded so fast that it was too late to escape.

"Boom boom!"

The explosion, which directly destroyed a starry sky, lasted for a full five or six minutes before slowly ending.

At the end of the explosion, horrible thoughts searched for six reincarnations in this broken starry sky.

After searching for a while, many emperors found that the six reincarnation disks were actually missing. One emperor could not help but growl: "Impossible, the six reincarnation disks are the emperor's weapon, we cannot break them!"

At this moment, in a tall building on a blue planet, Chu's figure appeared.

As you can see, Chu He is covered with blood at this moment, but it looks like nothing happened.

Seeing that the emperors had not been pursued, Chu He secretly relieved.

In that explosion, Chu He directly collected the six reincarnations and let him be killed. He died dozens of times in it, and then was drawn into a space fissure. When it appeared, It's already on the planet.

At this moment, Chu He sent out the spiritual knowledge and instantly enveloped the entire planet to see if the emperors were hidden in the planet to ensure safety.

Alas, after Chu He sent out the spiritual knowledge, his face was surprised, and a spatial fluctuation appeared on his body. The whole person suddenly disappeared in place. When it appeared, he had already reached a hospital on the planet.

Chu He looked at the man lying in the hospital bed with white skin and the same appearance as himself, with a shocked expression on his face, thinking to himself, wouldn't this be his own clone again! Before I was obviously just an ordinary person, where did so many avatars come from?

After a little induction, Chu He felt a touch of intimacy from this person, knowing that this was really likely to be his own clone, and it just happened to hang.

Hesitating for a moment, Chu He swallowed this avatar.

At this moment, the memory and soul that belonged to this avatar blended into the soul of Chuhe.

After absorbing the memory of the avatar, Chu He shook his head. He did not expect that this avatar was actually a licking dog, which made him a little unacceptable.

From the memory of the avatar, Chu He knows that this planet is called the sky blue star. It used to be a science and technology-based planet. Later, Aura recovered, and it became a planet with dual development of technology and martial arts. For ten years, evolutions and awakenings have continued.

And Chu He's identity is just a sad ordinary person. Although he looks handsome, in this era, handsome can no longer be eaten. Evolvers and awakeners are the most beautiful women on the planet.

Because she couldn't catch the beauty, and she also saw her favorite goddess put into the arms of an evolver, Chu He, who was stunned by anger, went directly to the evolver to duel, and was killed alive.

Chu He looked at the tragedy of her own life, shook her head, and thought, you live worse than when I was on the earth, but now I'm here, for your authority! Wash away at least the stain on the dog.

"Da da da!"

Chu He heard the sound of footsteps, hurriedly adjusted the serum on his body, and then changed into the suit of the clone, and his hair was also trimmed.

In less than ten seconds, Chu He got everything right, and then lay in the bed.

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