Chapter 408: Snake King (third more)

Because Ning Daojun's strength was too horrible, he hurt Cangtian, the super big man, so what happened in the original imperial city soon spread, and even spread to the East China Sea.

At this moment, in the gorgeous East King's Hall deep in the East China Sea, there is a peerless power of the sea tribe, each of whom governs the existence of billions of sea creatures.

And above the East King's Hall, there is the supreme existence of the East China Sea, the King of the East China Sea, and two beautiful princesses!

It can be seen that the two princesses are totally extreme, one mature and charming, one cold and noble, and the only thing that is the same is that their tall bodies have a pair of big legs against the sky.

The King of the East Sea in a silver robe saw that the strong sea clan was almost here, and slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of weird black pupils, but soon disappeared, turning into normal blue eyes, but still giving An unfathomable feeling.

Seeing this, many of the powerful sea people below let the busy maids back down, but there was a young boy in a black robe, still pulling two glamorous maids, letting them fill themselves with wine, and even quarreled with them !!

Seeing this, the strong sea tribe all frowned, saying in unison: "Snake King, it's enough, this is the East King's Hall, not your King of the Snake King!"

"Boring," the King of Snakes saw this, waved his hands, and let the two maids back down.

The King of the East China Sea took a deep look at the King of Snakes, and then looked at many of the powerful sea tribe below, and said lightly: "I believe that everyone has also received the news. An adventist from the infinite universe said that we would have a mixed continent Yuanqiang, what do you think? "

With the voice of the King of the East China Sea falling down, a pale-haired, but spirited old man, living on a cane, stood up, and some ancient vicissitudes came from his mouth: "My king, according to the deduction of the prime minister It is true that the recent air transport on our continent is constantly rising, which has exceeded the original dozens of times, and it is still rising. It is estimated that this is true. "

After hearing the words of the strong sea tribe, their complexions became a little complicated. They did not want the birth of a strong hybrid. After all, it was impossible for them.

Mr. Turtle continued to speak at the moment: "My King, the strong Yuanyuan is enough to change the pattern of the entire continent, so be fully prepared!"

The King of the East China Sea groaned for a while, and Shen Sheng said, "Could you tell me how much time is left before the birth of the strong hybrid?"

"No," Xiangxiong shook his head and said, "The mixed Yuan strong is too special, even if the scholar of fate uses the book of destiny, it cannot be deduced, but that Ning Daojun can actually see the infinite universe's energy. All continents are condensed. Maybe he has a solution and not necessarily. "

The powerful sea tribe around said at this moment: "My king, why don't we go and invite Ning Daojun back?"

Invite him back? The King of the East China Sea laughed at himself: "Ning Daojun's prestige in the infinite universe is almost comparable to the Lord of the Chu Realm. The King himself invited him, but he would not even invite him. Just leave it!"

The strong Hai people in the hall heard the words and looked at each other. I did not expect that the King of the East China Sea, who had always been extremely powerful, would actually say such things, but it also showed that Ning Daojun was very strong.

By the way, at this time, a strong sea clan full of gold scales stood up and said to the King of the East China Sea Shen Sheng above the main hall, "My King, we found the trace of the strong man who killed Thunder Shark Emperor. He passed the teleportation all the way, as if he had gone to the city near the wasteland, presumably he wanted to enter the wasteland. "

The king of the East China Sea heard the words and said lightly, "My king is going to retreat now, let the snake king handle it!"

The snake king licked his lips and said with a smile, "If this is the case, then let the king take care of him! I hope he won't be vulnerable, then it will be meaningless."

The Turtle Prime Minister suddenly said at this moment: "Snake King, the strong man who killed Thunder Shark Emperor is just like you. You have a lot of luck on your body. Be careful yourself!"

Hehe, the Snake King heard the words, without any fear, but laughed out: "It's really good, Wang likes this kind of opponent most."

The King of the East China Sea glanced at the Snake King, and Shen Sheng said, "Snake King, don't humiliate me for the East China Sea. Last time, you almost lost my face for a woman. If this accident happens again, this King will tear you "Let's do it!"

Then, the King of the East China Sea left in an instant.

After the King of the Snake saw the King of the East China Sea leave, he gave the two princesses a glance, and then left the East King's Hall, went to a deserted palace, squinted his eyes, as if waiting for someone to come.

Before long, a beautiful figure appeared in this abandoned palace.

Hehe, the snake king saw the arrival of the princess with a strange smile on her face: "Princess, are you looking for the king, is it ...?"

Before the words of the snake king were finished, she was interrupted by this cold and gorgeous princess: "Snake king, take this palace with you!"

Haha, the Snake King heard a word, and then laughed: "Prince, why did I risk offending the King of the East China Sea and take you out? Give me a reason!"

reason? Princess Leng Yan looked at the Snake King and said lightly: "You and Han Yuan are clear about this palace!"

With the voice of the Leng Yanfei's voice falling down, a horrible killing exploded from the snake king, but he was immediately pressed back by him, and said in a cold voice, "Ye Fei, dare you threaten me?"

Ye Fei was expressionless and did not speak.

The snake king groaned for a while and said, "Okay, now that you're leaving, go into the universe in your own king!"

Ye Fei heard the words, and Shen Sheng said, "Snake King, you take the vow first, it will not hurt the palace in the slightest, and take the palace away from the East China Sea. Otherwise, the palace will immediately reveal your affairs!"

"Okay, you're fine," the snake king gave a cold glance at Ye Fei, and immediately vowed.

Seeing this, Ye Fei did not hesitate to enter the universe of the King of the Snake, allowing him to take himself through a number of barriers, leave the East China Sea, and return to land.

Due to the deterrent power of the Snake King, nothing happened along the way. The Snake King and Ye Fei left the East China Sea and went to a city on the land, Linhai City.

In Linhai City, the Snake King released Ye Fei, and said in a cold voice: "Get out, don't let the King meet you again, otherwise don't blame the King for not knowing how to be fragrant and precious."

Ye Fei did not speak, took a deep breath, and left here in a break.

The Snake King watched Ye Fei's departure, and then left here, and went to the original imperial city, because from the original imperial city, he can pass through the teleportation all the way to the vicinity of the wasteland and hunt the Chu River.

The King of Snakes is very eager for the atmospheric luck on the Chu River. He has a special method to grab the luck from others, so he will have a lot of luck.

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