Chapter 563: Admit

At this moment, both the strong of the Protoss and the strong of the various races are scared by the means demonstrated by Chu River.

When Chu He saw his purpose arrived, a smile appeared on his face, and he continued to say, "I know you are very curious about the strength of the Emperor, but you may not believe it, and the Emperor does not know that your own methods have completely erupted. How strong, you just need to know that in your cognition, God is omnipotent, as long as you can think of it, God can do it! "

At this time, the three elders of the Ling tribe suddenly said, "Hey, can you resurrect the soul?"

Chu He glanced at the three elders of the Ling tribe. He didn't speak, his thoughts moved, and a faint light emanating from the sky slowly landed.

With Chu He's current strength, resurrecting the creatures below the God Emperor, just like playing, the laws of heaven and earth can not defeat him at all.

It can be seen that the beautiful woman who was resurrected by the Chu River is almost exactly the same as the three elders of the Ling clan, but with a little more spirit.

this is……? The three elders of the Lingzu group saw this familiar figure and widened their eyes. The whole person was shaking with excitement, and tears could not help flowing: "Mother!"

In the sky, Sheng Yu, the mother of the three elders of the Ling clan, opened his heavy eyelids and heard a pair of beautiful eyes like sapphire.

After feeling the vitality in himself, Shengyu looked around, and finally set his sights on the three elders of the Ling tribe. Some dared not to believe each other: "Daughter?"

Seeing this, the Chu River will restore the power of the three elders of the Ling tribe!

Well, the three elders of the Ling tribe nodded with excitement and then flew directly to hug their mother.

This scene even shocked the creatures that saw it. The resurrection, the legendary resurrection actually exists, is this person too terrible?

Among the spirit clan, the spirit clan leader looked at all this and was shocked, and Shen Sheng said, "Come down and go through the whole heaven and earth continent. You must also find what the adult wants, and the Holy Jade is indeed resurrected!"

The spirit tribe's voice fell, and the whole spirit tribe shook.

The patriarchs of other large clans also did the same, directly instructing their clan members to start actions.

At this moment, in the divine court, the gods all looked at the Lord of the Protoss and waited for his decision. They now wanted to lower their noble head. After all, the temptation given by Chuhe ... is too big, so that they all Excited!

The Lord of the Protoss felt the eyes of the gods and groaned for a while, and said, "Choose your own!"

At this moment, the Lord of the Protoss knows that it is impossible for him to stop them. After all, even his Lord of the Protoss is very excited.

Over Qi city, Chuhe lost his thoughts in an instant, and the whole person disappeared instantly: "If you find it, meditate on the name of the emperor Chuhe, the emperor will find you!"

The Shentian continent is huge, although the Chu River ’s mental strength has been swept away, but it is difficult to guarantee that there is no omission, or the trunk of the world tree just hides in a special place.

Shengyu pushed the three elders of the Ling tribe gently at this time, and said, "Daughter, what is going on? Am I not dead?"

In the memory of Shengyu, she was killed by the Eight-armed Holy King of the Protoss, and she does not know why she was resurrected now.

After hearing the words, the three elders of the Ling clan looked around and said, "Mother, an adult has just raised you, but he is gone now!"

Is it him? The figure of Chu River flashed in Shengyu's head. When she was resurrected, she did see a very powerful figure.

At this moment, the Chu River has left here. After all, there is no special place on this continent. He does not need to stay here.

Of course, when he left, Chu He left a thought here.

Soon after Chuhe left, the entire Shentian continent began to mobilize, and all living creatures were frantically searching for the wood that Chuhe said. After all, this stuff can make them have unimaginable things.

At this moment, the Chu River has found another universe, but this universe seems not very flat.

It can be seen that the flames of war in this universe have swept almost all living beings into this war.

Chu He looked at the initiator of this war, the soul beast.

Soul beasts have a very special existence in this universe. With that powerful soul power, they can easily take away other living beings. That's how they rely on seizing houses to control all living things step by step.

Unfortunately, the conspiracy of these souls and beasts has always been revealed. It was discovered by the guardian of the universe, a strong man at the level of the emperor, and the war broke out.

Chu River felt a little bit, knowing that this war soul soul beast has a great advantage. After all, the soul beast family has almost lost one tenth of the entire universe. This force unites, which is more than the remaining 90%. Life, too much horror.

Of course, the decisive battle is still between the patriarch of the soul beast family and the master of the universe.

No no no, Chu He seemed to have found something, and when his eyes lighted up, an idea suddenly entered a very ordinary plane of the universe.

This seat surface is also experiencing the flames of war, the souls besieged by souls and beasts are devouring the souls of other creatures, and screams are heard at any time.

After Chu He came to this seat, a thought, all the souls looted by souls and beasts, and those eyes with golden light suddenly faded, apparently directly destroyed by the regiment.

How is this going? A scarred, completely desperate woman in red looked at the person in front of her suddenly, and the whole person was a little aggressive.

This woman in red has killed countless souls killed by souls and beasts these days, knowing that the man in front of him is dead, but he has not been able to kill him at all. How did he die?

At this time, Chu He appeared here instantly, glanced at the beauty, and instantly saw everything through her, knowing that she had a system on her body, but had not yet been activated.

After a little deduction, Chu He knew that this time she would not come, this beauty would die, but after death, the system would awaken, bring her soul to heaven, and start to be a savior.

The beautiful woman in red looked at Chuhe who suddenly appeared, and Shen Sheng said, "You saved my emperor!"

Well, Chu He nodded and walked towards the beauty in red step by step.

"Stop," the beauty in red instinctively felt the danger, staring at Chu River, and constantly backing away.

Seeing this, Chu He shook her head, and an idea, the beautiful woman in red fell asleep.

Before the beauty in red fell to the ground, Chu He held her in the past and inspected it a little. It was found that this system was in her soul, and it was this system that kept her alive, otherwise the soul Already swallowed by soul beasts.

It can be said that although this system has not activated the binding, it has been invisible and has given a lot of help to future hosts.

Since Chu He checked that the system was in the soul of this beautiful woman in red, without any hesitation, he immediately got the system out.

Although this kind of system is special, in front of Chu River, it seems very helpless and can only be left to its mercy.

It can be seen that this system is a colored light group. It is the first time that Chuhe has encountered a system without a real type, but it is not too surprised. It is directly refining and binding this system to see what special features it has.

If nothing special, Chu He will directly consume this system to the super power system, after all, there are already enough systems on him.

"Ding, congratulations to the host successfully binding the savior system."

"Ding, the speciality of the host is detected and the system will liberate all permissions!"

Chu He ignored the sound of the system, and began to check the system mall of the savior's system. When he found that it was just some ordinary gadgets, he shook his head.

These things may have a great effect on the souls below the Taoist, but for Chu River, there is nothing else to do with the waste.

Without hesitation, Chu He directly asked the superpower system to devour this savior system, and then looked at the beauty in red. After all, it takes a little time to swallow, and it is better to deal with this beauty first.

After groaning for a while, Chu He erased part of the memory of this beautiful woman in red, and then awakened her.

When the beautiful woman in red woke up, she remembered the moment when she looked at Chuhe and said, "Did you save me?"

Well, Chu He nodded expressionlessly and said, "It is indeed the emperor who saved you!"

The beautiful woman in red stared at Chuhe, wondering: "Why?"

In this troubled world, the beautiful lady in red did not believe in any righteous person. She believed that Chu He had saved her purpose for sure, and she felt that she was missing something precious.

why? Chu He glanced at the beauty in red and said lightly, "You have a relationship with this emperor, it's that simple!"

The beautiful woman in red heard the words and was silent.

And Chu He said again: "Want to end this troubled world? Bendi can help you, provided you worship Bendi as a teacher!"

Worship you as a teacher? The beauty in red did not expect that Chu He actually wanted to accept herself as an apprentice, and she was an empress, and there was no reason to be an apprentice to others, but the strength of the guy in front of him seemed like a good appearance, and his appearance was OK, and he was almost the same.

Chu He didn't snoop on the beauty in red. If he knew what the beauty thought, she would definitely run away and give her a hard lesson.

Isn't this guy abandoning the emperor? Seeing that the beauty in red hadn't responded for so long, Chu He frowned and was about to speak, and the beauty in red rushed to speak:

"Handsome guy, what can you teach me?"

Chu He took a deep look at this beautiful woman in red. She always felt that her eyes were a little weird, but she didn't think about it. Shen Sheng said, "The Emperor is omnipotent. Whatever you want to learn, what the Emperor can teach. ! "

"Oh, is that it?" The beauty in red said with a disbelief and said with a smile: "My emperor wants to learn ..., will you?"

Chu He heard that she really wanted to give her a hard lesson, even dare to tune it ...

"Carefully," Chu He frowned, and the breath on her body came out invisibly, making the smile of the beauty in red gradually disappear.

"Stop it," the beautiful woman in red felt her own head.

Seeing this, Chu He gathered his breath and said lightly, "Hundreds of universes are dissatisfied if you want to worship the Emperor as a teacher. I will give you another chance to worship the Emperor as a teacher!"

The beautiful lady in red saw Chuhe breathed away her breath, and then fell into a deep sigh of relief, and said: "Handsome guy, you can also worship the emperor as a teacher, but you must defeat me first, of course not allowed With the weird method you just used, the Emperor wants you to really defeat the Emperor! "

"Yo, kind of arrogant," Chu He picked the chin of the beautiful woman in red, and shook her head, "Unfortunately your strength is too weak!"

how can that be? The beautiful woman in red looked at Chu He in front of her, and she was shocked by her beautiful face, thinking, When did he come to himself?

"You lost," Chu He locked the beauty's throat with her hands and looked at her with a smile on her face.

The beautiful woman in red heard the words and came back from the shock, she said helplessly: "The emperor is willing to gamble and lose, I wish you to worship you as a teacher!"

"Good," Chu He nodded, a smile on his face, and said, "What strength do you like?"

Liu Yan didn't hesitate, Shen said, "Flame!"

Flame? Chu He groaned for a while, and slapped her hands on Liu Yan's shoulder. The extremely special fire power poured into her frantically. Of course, Chu He did not improve her strength too much, mainly to change her physique. That's it.

Chu He knows that this universe is so chaotic. This is a good place for her apprentice to experience. She suddenly raised her strength too high. Although it will not cause instability, it will reduce her many opportunities for actual combat. The control of one's own power may not be so good.

After changing Liu Yan's constitution, Chu He poured the exercises she just created into her head.

The information of this exercise is too huge. After Liu Yan absorbed some of it, he could only temporarily seal it up and wait for his family's soul to grow before absorbing it.

At this time, Chu He took out a bead and handed it to Liu Yan, and said lightly, "Apprentice, this bead is called Wanhuozhu. There are countless flames in it that you can devour. Remember to cooperate with the emperor to give you Use the recipes, you know? "

Um, Liu Yan took Wan Huozhu in Chu He's hands, and her face was excited. She knew that she was terribly strong, and she suddenly improved her strength by several times.

Liu Yan is now very confident. If she was confronted with the guy just now, she would be able to annihilate the other party at once.

Chu He gave Liu Yan a glance, and said faintly, "Apprentice, Bendi will only teach you for ten days. After ten days, Bendi will leave, so during this time, if you have any questions, ask them!"

Liu Yan heard the words and said, "Master, how can you do that to Master? Ten days is enough, at least 100,000 years!"

"Impossible," Chu He shook his head, and said, "Now you can digest the 10,000 fire tactics given to you by the Emperor, and see if you can devour the flames of the 10,000 fire beads. The Emperor will come back to you later. Take you to some places to practice! "

Liu Yan found at this time that Chu He had left instantly, with helpless expression on her face, and then hurriedly began to study Wan Huo Jue. She knew that the ten days were very important, so she couldn't waste it.

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