Chapter 279 Mu Qinglian's Feelings

Chapter 279 Mu Qinglian's Feelings

" Young Lady... Young Lady Mu..."

" What is it, Ling'er?"

" Someone wishes to meet you, Young Lady." The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

" Didn't I say? I am not going to meet anyone today." Mu Qinglian spoke in an annoyed voice. " Tell them I am cultivating."

" Ara~ I didn't know Saintess Mu could blatantly tell a lie like this."

Mu Qinglian's body shivered when she heard the familiar voice. " Elder Meng, I am not in a good mood right now. So, it would be better if you leave right away."

Meng Zhi chuckled when she heard that. " Ah, Such a cold tone. You learned that from Elder Sister Xia, didn't you."

Mu Qinglian sighed, realizing this seductress wasn't going anytime soon. " I...Haah...Big Sister Meng, You know I am angry right now, no?"

" You are angry? For what?" Meng Zhi sat before Mu Qinglian sigh a small smile. " Angry because I slept with Long Ming?"

" Yes."

" But why?" Meng Zhi rubbed her chin, becoming thoughtful. " I mean, Why would you? You are simply his senior sister, No?"

" I... No! I am not!" Mu Qinglian couldn't help but get chided.

" Anyone knows?" Meng Zhi looked at Mu Qinglian. " Anyone knows that you love Long Ming romantically?"

" I...I told him about that though..." Mu Qinglian's voice turned small. But then she gazed at MenG Zhi. " But, Isn't that inappropriate? For an elder like you to...engage...with such things...with a disciple?"

" Who made such rules. I don't think there are any rules like that here?" Meng Zhi pursed her lips. " Not to mention, Long Ming's title of True Disciple is similar to the positions of Elders."

" But just why?"

" Why not?" Meng Zhi shrugged. " He already helped me a lot. So, In return, I gave him a gift. It's not like I forced him to sleep with me? Both of us consented."

" Let me ask you again, Qingqing, Why are you angry?" Meng Zhi looked at her. " Ah, So you are thinking him as your prophesied husband, hum?"

Mu Qinglian bit her lips when she heard that. " Yes! I thought so! So what?!"

" Well, The problem is.." Meng Zhi chuckled. " You didn't tell Long Ming about that, did you?"

" Qingqing, You always tries to suppress your feeling, appearing cold to outside. Due to that, you didn't conveyed the feelings of your heart to Long Ming."

" How could he know about your feelings if you don't tell him? He isn't a roundworm in your stomach."

" I... I just felt..."

" You felt he naturally belongs to you, no?" Meng Zhi shook her head. " Just because you heard that men chases after women, you thought making Long Ming confess to you first."

" However, you forgot one thing. Long Ming isn't just any ordinary man. His charm, his capabilities, his talent, everything he possess was simply too high."

" With a flick of his finger, any woman would fall for him. For such a perfect man, it would be women who compete with each other."

" Now, If you remain cold towards him, why wouldn't he go after others, rather than coming to you?"





Meanwhile, Long Ming was looking at the black orb with curiosity. ' Perhaps, the superior ingridients, the aura of Nether Dragon Void Devouring Physique, and my luck, turned my natal weapon into something unexpected.'

' Does that mean I can easily feed it Imperial Weapons? Won't it make it more powerful?'

' Not to mention, I wonder what else it can absorb? Can it absorb people and extract their skills too? No...I don't think it eats living things...For now at least.'

" Alright, Dear...I shall give you a new name then." Long Ming held the black orb as he nodded.

" World Devouring Seal....You shall be called my World Devouring Seal."

Suddenly, the black orb shone with a dim radiance as it turned into a golden seal. With various intricate patterns embedded, in the middle, there was a black dragon whose mouth was open.

Turning into a ray, it entered Long Ming's body, resting in his divine sea.

' Now, Let's see my physique.'

Taking out the Sky Lightning Crown, Long Ming thought about starting his Minor Physique Tribulation.

However, at that moment, something unexpected happened.

[ Ding! Constellation Great Crow of Dark Mystery is suggesting Host to not use it during the Minor Tribulation]

" Huh? Why?" Long Ming was baffled. " I believe it's going to be ten times stronger than an Imperial Physique Tribulation. How can I not use it if it guarantees my safety?"

[ Ding! Constellation Great Crow of Dark Mystery is shaking his head. He is saying that although it's very dangerous to cross the tribulation without the crown, it was worth it]

[ A tribulation is not only a punishment but also a way to temper the body, molding it according to the heavenly physique. If shortcuts are used, it's the same as having cracks in the foundation of a building]

[ Also, facing the tribulation will give you a deep insight, making the Supreme Scripture of Myriad Physique more understandable]

" But I can't just risk my life like that?" Long Ming clenched his fist. " I don't have to take the harder path every time, do I?"

[ Ding! Great Crow of Dark Mystery is chuckling. He is saying it's not like there is no way to cheat a bit]

[ He gives you a hint! If you can't bear the tribulation alone, then drag others into it. Sharing is caring after all]

" What bullshit are you..."

Long Ming was annoyed at first. However, his expression changed as he understood the hidden meaning behind the words.

" Hahaha! What a fucking evil idea...Yes, Why can't I do that?" Long Ming rubbed his chin with a devilish smile.

" Yeah...I believe the Sky Fountain Palace is going to be very troublesome. So...I can try ascending my tribulation there."

" Then, I guess I need to focus on my qi cultivation for now, yeah?"

[ Ding! Host finished the daily quest! Host gets 10,000 Credits!]