Chapter 237: Flip over Zone 2 (middle)

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Pick up the second district!

Chu Yunfan's words can be said to have stabbed a hornet's nest!

No matter what school, student, or even faction, their interests are different, and even their contradictions are different, but one thing is the same, that is, the pride in their hearts has never been let go.

Those who can come to the training camp are already the best among the thousands of students in Jinghai City, and those who can enter the second district are the best among the best.

Although they didn't say anything, they all regarded entering the second district as an honor.

Most people have not been able to enter the second district, and they entered the second district, this is their power, no doubt, needless to say.

To overturn the second district is to overturn all their honor and pride.

"Too arrogant, who does he think he is? Dongfang Hao? Actually he has to overturn the second district!"

"Okay, let him try, I want to see how much he weighs!"

"He doesn't know how he died, right?"

Suddenly, the faces of these elite students showed anger.

"Isn't he going to overturn the second district? What morality and justice do we still talk to him, go together, teach him well, let him know that he is just wishful thinking!"

Duan Yongchang shouted.

These seven or eight students have all come up.

Compared with the previous ten students in No. 1 Middle School, their movements are more messy and uncooperative, but each of them is much stronger.

Duan Yongchang was the first to charge. He used a long spear and swept it out like a dragon. It has to be said that although Duan Yongchang kept slandering Chu Yunfan with wild words, he still had strength.

Compared with Gao Hongzhi, who uses the same gun, his speed, skill, and strength are far more tyrannical than Gao Hongzhi.

Facing the culled Duan Yongchang, Chu Yunfan didn't panic, but he held a long knife in his hand and shot it like lightning.


The blade light fell down fiercely, and it cut straight to the spear that had been assassinated. It was fast and cruel, and the score was not bad!


Duan Yongchang suddenly felt a huge force swept over, directly acting on his palm through the spear, and the terrifying force almost made his spear inaccurate.

He hurriedly ran his true energy, resisting this huge force, and finally suppressed this huge force.

However, he discovered that Chu Yunfan didn't know when, he had already breached the defense net of his spear and rushed in front of him.

He couldn't help being shocked, Chu Yunfan's movements were too fast, just stepping on the mysterious footwork, he was already culled in front of him.

"How can it be so fast!"

Duan Yongchang was shocked and angry. He just stabilized the gun body for a while. Before he had time to sigh Chu Yunfan's natural supernatural power, Chu Yunfan's figure had already been culled in front of him.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't even tell what kind of posture Chu Yunfan used.


Chu Yunfan kicked out like lightning, and directly tore the air with one kick, twisting his body and blasting Duan Yongchang's body fiercely with his kick like a long whip.

Duan Yongchang screamed, and his whole figure flew out in an instant. When he was flying in the air, he felt completely incredible.

Whether it is speed or strength, Chu Yunfan is almost several times that of him, which means that Chu Yunfan's physical quality is almost several times that of him?

How could this be possible, didn't Chu Yunfan just step into the first stage of the Qi Refining Realm?

And he is also the first stage of the Qi Refining Realm, how can the same realm be so far apart?

But regardless of whether he was willing or unwilling, or could not figure it out, he was kicked out by Chu Yunfan.

That terrifying force slammed into the ground. Although he was protected by battle armor, he still felt that the bones all over his body were falling apart, and there was no pain in his body.

But when he struggled to get up, he saw another figure flying in the sky. It was an elite student who had besieged Chu Yunfan's Qi Refining Realm. He was kicked over by Chu Yunfan and then on the spot. Bumped into him.

He only felt the darkness in front of him, and he fainted completely.

Although the number of these people is several times that of Chu Yunfan, the most that can attack Chu Yunfan at the same time is only one or two people, but Chu Yunfan's strength is too strong, and his physical fitness is several times that of the same realm. This means that Chu Yunfan's combat power is not just as simple as being several times stronger than that of the same realm, it is almost a geometric increase.

During the one-on-one, this terrifying advantage was completely released. When these students, who were at the same level of Qi Refining Realm as Chu Yunfan, faced Chu Yunfan, they could hardly take even a few tricks.

Chu Yunfan was able to tremble their whole body with a single blow, and then shot at full speed, the next move would be able to blast them out.

Because Chu Yunfan's speed was so fast, it would take no more than two tricks to touch him by himself, and he would be bombarded out, and he could not get close to him at all, nor could he get close to Chu Yunfan.

As a result, Chu Yunfan has always faced one to two of them at the same time, and the number of advantages has not been shown. Chu Yunfan has always been fighting one to two people.

And the advantage of his own physical fitness has been perfectly embodied.

And all this is simple to say, but in fact, only Chu Yunfan can do it.

But in a moment, a dozen or so breathing hours, these seven or eight rushing students were blown out on the spot, and fell to the ground fiercely, struggling and screaming, many of them were separated by armor and bones. They were all broken by Chu Yunfan.

Where did they dare to come and block Chu Yunfan's path at this time, it was simply looking for death.

They couldn't understand why, at the same realm, how could Chu Yunfan be so much better than them.

After putting these seven or eight students on the ground Chu Yunfan didn't stop, and hurried directly towards the lair of the first middle school in the second district.

However, he did not go very far, so he was directly blocked by the formation of three students.

"What do you want to do, if you don't let go, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Chu Yunfan said as he walked forward.

Never stay at all!

"It's you who said that it was you who turned over the second district!" The headed student looked at Chu Yunfan coldly and said.

Chu Yunfan suddenly understood that it was Duan Yongchang and others who had spread the news before.

What's the use of an explanation at this time? The three people in front of him are obviously not here to listen to the explanation. Since they can't explain it, they have to fight out, and there are not many choices for him.

"Yes, I said it!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"In that case, that's right! Come on!" (To be continued.)
