Chapter 97 - Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Morning

Chapter 97: Chapter 97: Morning

Translator: 549690339

“Second day in the labyrinth—

In the morning, everyone packed their things and set off to explore the labyrinth.

As usual, Bai Youwei carried her pen and paper, counting steps as they walked.

Tu Dan’s group still used the push-forward method, but they had made some improvements to it. Bai Youwei didn’t know or care about the specifics. The two groups split in opposite directions and quickly delved into the depths of the labyrinth.

Bai Youwei and Shen MO kept their gear light. As their strategy led them back to the starting point no matter how far they ventured, they didn’t need to carry much luggage. Zhang Tianyang deemed this as the most time-consuming method.

Tu Dan’s group was loaded with bundles big and small, carrying everything from tents to stoves. The nature of their push-forward method necessitated staying in one place with the flag, so they couldn’t afford to retrace their steps.

Along the way, Tan Xiao asked, “They are more in number. Will they find the exit before us?”

“If they find it first, so be it.” Bai Youwei responded indifferently. “It would save us some trouble.”

After thinking for a moment, Tan Xiao felt that Bai Youwei had a point!

So, they continued their journey in a more relaxed state of mind.

Bai Youwei then asked them, “Did you all look into the mirror as I told you to yesterday?”

“Yes, we did.” Tan Xiao replied while walking, “Didn’t notice anything unusual, just a doll that looks just like me.”

Bai Youwei turned to Chang Weicai: “What about you, Professor Chang?” “Well…” Professor Chang reminisced for a moment, then slowly stated, “it was a bit odd, my doll… it seemed quite aged…”

Everyone looked at him.

Professor Chang: “Why are you all looking at me? I meant that it appeared older than my current age, like maybe… maybe eighty or ninety years old.”

“Really?” Tan Xiao asked, curious, “The dolls reflected in the mirror can differ from us, then?”

Conveniently, there was a mirror in front of them. Bai Youwei said: “Go on, reflect in it. Just don’t stand too close.”

Tan Xiao and Chang Weicai stopped about ten steps from the mirror. The mirror revealed two dolls: Tan Xiao’s doll looked just like him, but Professor Chang’s appeared two to three decades older!

His face was marked with wrinkles and age spots, his hair was completely white, his sparse teeth were nearly all missing, and even his height seemed to have shrunk. He appeared hunched over, half a head shorter than the current Professor Chang.

Professor Chang couldn’t bear to look at it for long, and he shifted his gaze with a sigh.

Tan Xiao was in extreme shock, scrutinizing it from all sides. “What’s the principle behind this? Is it a distorting mirror or something spooky? …How can it make people look so old? Why haven’t I changed? Why? Why?

He rambled on without end.

Bai Youwei turned to Shen MO, who was pushing the wheelchair behind her,

“Do you want to give it a try?”

Shen MO was silent for a moment, then said, “I’m the same as Tan Xiao. There’s no change.”

Despite his words, he walked up to the mirror— The mirror revealed his doll.

It must be said, he was greatly favored by nature. His good looks reflected in his exquisite doll. Standing there, tall and long-legged, the figure looked like a model in a display window, invoking admiration and yearning, while also seeming distant and unreachable.

Shen MO claimed no change, but Bai Youwei sensed otherwise.

Yet, the change was subtle, concealed in intricate details – the curve of his mouth, the wrinkles between his eyebrows, and the indifference in his eyes.

Shen MO always came off as indifferent.

This indifference was embodied in his perennially emotionless face.

It was not that he was devoid of emotions; he was just better at controlling himself, more rational, and calmer than ordinary people. His smile was faint, and he would suppress even intense anger.

But his doll gave off an icy air of apathy.

As if devoid of a heart, indifferent to everything around.