There was also a Chanel bag designed by Karl Lagerfeld, inspired by ancient Egypt.

While listening to the store manager’s meticulous introduction, Ye Zhi would then look carefully at the bags held by shop assistants.

Finally, Ye Zhi pointed to several latest bags, “I want this one, this one, and this one....”

After Ye Zhi finished her selection, the store manager left with the remaining Chanel bags.

Ye Zhi put these newly purchased bags in the cloakroom that Gu Ren had prepared separately for her. The cloakroom was very large and even with the Chanel bag that she just bought, it still felt empty.

For the first time, Ye Zhi felt that there was still a long way to go. It was not easy to fill such a large cloakroom.

Gu Ren frowned, “What variety show?”

At this time, there were only the two of them in the office. Cheng Qi didn’t want to keep him waiting in suspense and said directly, “It’s the variety show your wife participated in.”

After speaking, Cheng Qi had the look of ‘you had to thank me’ written on his face. When he first heard the breaking news about Gu Ren’s marriage, he was shocked for several days.

However, that matter was a foregone conclusion. Cheng Qi could only be fully prepared so that when something occured, he could try his best to save the show.

Cheng Qi wanted to do Gu Ren a favor at a little cost. According to his observation, the couple seemed to have no chance of being able to work along with each other at all, so he provided Gu Ren with a chance.

Gu Ren didn’t mean to resist at all. He stood up and patted Cheng Qi on the shoulder and said slowly, “Thank you. I’ll invite you to dinner next time.”

As soon as he said those words, Gu Ren walked to the door, ready to go home.

When Cheng Qi saw Gu Ren’s appearance, he couldn’t control the curvature of his lips and a surprised expression unknowing appeared on his face. It seemed that Gu Ren just hadn’t met the right person before. It turned out that he also had such a day.

Ye Zhi didn’t know that next time she would be shooting the variety show, she would meet Gu Ren as a flight guest.