Ye Fei clutched Yan Xiao and buried his face in the latter’s neck, his eyes slightly red. He had doubted Yan Xiao’s feelings countless times, and merely thought it was just a moment of lust. When time had passed and their hormones dissipated, it would naturally subside.

However, from this moment on, it was plain that Yan Xiao truly loved him. Ye Fei no longer needed to look for evidence otherwise. Because a person who was loved could tell from every ordinary thing in life, from every glance he received. 

“Do your wounds hurt?” Yan Xiao asked Ye Fei in bewilderment. He wanted to hug Ye Fei back, but he reminded himself of the sores and carefully brushed his hair instead. It would be nice, Yan Xiao thought, if he could take some of Ye Fei’s pain on his behalf.

As long as Ye Fei could be more comfortable, Yan Xiao would do anything.

The popsicles started to melt after a while, and Ye Fei made a muffled noise. “It doesn’t hurt.”

He let go of Yan Xiao, took a bite of the softened popsicle, tilted his eyes forward and said with a smile, “I like it very much.” 

Yan Xiao’s worries and anxieties were swept away in an instant. He looked at Ye Fei’s lips that had become rosy from the cold, and exclaimed with a hint of joy and pride, “I remember everything you said.”

Ye Fei responded with a cool, sweet kiss.

The next morning, when Yan Xiao woke up, Ye Fei was still asleep. He was wearing a light gray nightgown, and his long eyelashes drooped naturally, covering those beautiful eyes. He lied in Yan Xiao’s arms as though he was spiritually reliant on Yan Xiao and required his protection.

Yan Xiao looked at him for a while, before he got up to bathe and headed to the office. He had been absent from work for two days, and his work had started to pile up.

Before leaving, Yan Xiao could not restrain himself and returned to the bedroom with his computer bag.

Ye Fei was still sleeping in his original position, his slender limbs sinking into the soft bed, his back arched as it laid on the blanket. His physical presence warmed the once cold and brutal look of the room.

Though Yan Xiao was an orphan, he did not yearn for a family. He was naturally isolated as a child, and a home was just a place for him to sleep, holding no difference from the office he worked in or the canteen he ate at.

Now, the sleeping Ye Fei seems to have given a special meaning to the word “home”. Yan Xiao was beginning to look forward to the moment when he would come back and open the door before he had even left for work. 

Yan Xiao leaned over and kissed Ye Fei’s forehead. Without stopping, he turned around and went out the door.

Ye Fei was awakened by a sudden ringing. He fumbled for his phone, and finally found and picked it up from the bedside table. Seeing that it was Gu Ruijia’s video call, he clicked to accept the call.

“Why the hell haven’t you got up yet?” Gu Ruijia’s angry face was displayed on the screen, “Tell me the truth, do you want to quit again!”

Gu Ruijia was not a small person, it was just that Ye Fei had an existing criminal record. They had agreed to start a business together when they graduated from college, but Ye Fei had turned to pick up the reins at Dingyuan and kicked him to the curb. 

“I’m not feeling well,” Ye Fei rubbed his eyes, picked up a bottle of water from the bedside, unscrewed it and took two sips. “I wanted to wake up and tell you, but I forgot to set the alarm clock.”

“Bah!” Gu Ruijia did not believe his words, and sarcastically exclaimed “I heard all about it from Song Wen. Once you saw Yan Xiao, your soul was hooked and you left together with him.”

“Why,” Ye Fei re-wrapped his nightgown and walked to the bathroom with phone in hand, “Are you envious?”

“Scns ws jrr,” Xe Eelplj mbwqijlcfv, qblcalcu ab atf akb ylu vjgx mlgmifr ecvfg tlr fsfr, “P’w ublcu ab yf abb yers ab atlcx jybea atfrf wfrrs atlcur.” 

Qtlif ajixlcu, Xe Eelplj’r rfmgfajgs mjwf lc jcv jrxfv tlw ab rluc j vbmewfca. Xe Eelplj abbx j ofk delmx uijcmfr, ujnf tlr rlucjaegf jcv rfca atf rfmgfajgs bea. “Jjc sbe mbwf yjmx delmxis? Po sbe vbc’a mbwf yjmx, P’ii vlf bo bnfgkbgx.”

“Don’t sell your misery to me,” Ye Fei continued putting on cling wrap on his hands, “ Don’t think I haven’t checked the mailbox these days? I’ll go to work tomorrow.”

After doing the EMG, in order to avoid wound infection, Ye Fei was not allowed to touch water for the next 24 hours.

“What are you doing?” Gu Ruijia frowned and leaned in front of the screen to take a closer look, “What’s wrong with your hand?” 

“I did an EMG.” Ye Fei gave a nonchalant reply.

“What is that? You’re actually unwell.”

Ye Fei gave an “um”, but chose not to tell the truth for fear of Gu Ruijia’s big mouth.  “It’s tenosynovitis.”

“Oh,” Gu Ruijia believed him. “Then rest well, you can come to the company two days later.” After a pause, he continued, “By the way, I’m calling to tell you something.” 

Ye Fei turned on the faucet, rinsed his mouth, and squeezed the toothpaste onto the toothbrush: “Speak.”

“I went out for a drink with Sun Qiong yesterday, and he had a lot to say.” Gu Ruijia adjusted the angle of his phone and leaned back on his chair, “It seems that after Ye Yao paid off his gambling debt, he continued to gamble, and lost a lot. You need to be aware, don’t get dragged down because of him.” Gu Ruijia’s face was unusually serious.

Ye Fei stopped brushing his teeth and sneered. “I know, but it has nothing to do with me. I didn’t give birth to him.”

“Isn’t it because you have a track record?” Gu Ruijia raised his eyebrows and looked at him, “Didn’t you clean up his mess the last time round?” Ye Fei was stunned by his words, before he started to laugh. 

“You think too much.” The two  went on chatting until Ye Fei was called by another person. He surveyed the latest caller, and found that it was Yan Xiao.

“Yan Xiao is calling, there could be something wrong. I’ll hang up first.”

“Okay—” Gu Ruijia deliberately lengthened the last word, gave him an ambiguous smile, and ended the video call.

“Brother Yan, what’s the matter?” Ye Fei asked while moistening the towel and wiping his face. 

“The EMG results are out.” On the other side of the phone, Yan Xiao’s tone was steady and Ye Fei could not detect any emotions. “There is no problem.”

Ye Fei had long guessed that this would be the result. He was silent for a while before asserting, “I’m still sure I will inherit it 100%.”

The room was noiseless. Ye Fei hung up the towel, tore off the plastic wrap on his hands, his lips curling into a bitter grin, “Are you thinking it’s just me being troublesome?”

“No.” The joy Yan Xiao felt at seeing the result was gone. He closed his mailbox and observed, “You must have your reasons.” 

For the last few days, Ye Fei’s heart was tangled up with emotions. He wondered how he would explain to Yan Xiao when the result came out, but his pondering was in vain. Ye Fei could not come up with a suitable explanation.

It was only now did he figure out that Yan Xiao never needed a logical and reasonable explanation. Because whatever Ye Fei said, no matter how ridiculous it was, Yan Xiao would take with the gravity it needed.

Ye Fei suddenly wanted to see Yan Xiao.

For a long time, Yan Xiao was the one taking the initiative. He now needed to be the one going forward, no longer making Yan Xiao do the work. 

“Are you busy today?” Ye Fei walked out of the bathroom without carrying on with the topic.

“I’m not busy.” Yan Xiao was talking nonsense with his eyes wide open. Ye Fei chuckled and did not expose his lies.  “Don’t forget to eat at noon.”

Yan Xiao said “no”, before reminding Ye Fei, “I eat at twelve o’clock every day.”

“Okay.” Ye Fei looked up the time at the upper right corner of the phone. It was past eleven o’clock. “I’ll end the call, I need to head to Tianxi.” 

He wanted to surprise Yan Xiao.

“Aren’t you going to rest today?” Yan Xiao asked.

“Of course I will,” Ye Fei walked into the closet, picked out a set of clothes, and intentionally announced, “But I haven’t seen Gu Ruijia for a few days, I’m starting to miss him a little bit.”

Yan Xiao tightened his lips. “You miss Gu Ruijia.” He echoed Ye Fei. Ye Fei could feel the corners of his lips arching upwards, just a little. 

“Well, then I’ll hang up.” After speaking, he ended the call and started changing his clothes.

Yan Xiao stared at the phone, and could not recover his thoughts until another call arrived.

“Hello President Yan,” the other party’s tone was polite, “I’m Zhang Ningyuan, the director of Hedao Hospital. I just saw your lover’s EMG report.”

Yan Xiao repeated “Hello” and quietly waited for his next words. 

“Everything is fine, there is no possibility of a neural disease.” Zhang Ningyuan opined.

“His mother died of ALS.” Yan Xiao replied.

“Then it won’t come out in the short term,” Zhang Ningyuan explained patiently to him. “ALS won’t come on suddenly without warning. Has he experienced something similar to weakness in his hands and feet?”

Yan Xiao said, “No.” 

“That’s fine. If the genetic test result is negative, the possibility of him developing ALS in the next few years is basically zero.”

“He insists that he will get sick.” Yan Xiao drummed on the table with his fingers.

“This…” Zhang Ningyuan hesitated for a moment before he resumed, “Could it be a psychological problem?”

“Be specific.” 

“Maybe it was his mother’s illness that caused him a certain degree of psychological shadow,” Zhang Ningyuan pondered, “Or something special happened to his mother during her illness.”

“He was only three years old when his mother died.” Yan Xiao did not agree.

“It’s not just personal experience that can cause harm,” Zhang Ningyuan tried to make his words sound more coherent. “The news of the death of his mother due to illness has always accompanied him when he grew up. Coupled with the genetic characteristics of ALS, he would naturally be fearful. As the information is subconsciously imparted to him, he would start to maintain his feelings on the matter. ”

Yan Xiao took a few minutes to digest before asking again, “You mean, the root cause is his mother?” 

“Yes.” Zhang Ningyuan nodded.

“Understood.” Yan Xiao thanked him. After hanging up the phone, he called his assistant. “I need a copy of Ye Fei’s mother’s complete medical and diagnostic records.”

The special assistant was dumbfounded, before he determined the possibility with a professional eye. “President Yan, it may take a little longer.” The special assistant helped Yan Xiao to check Ye Fei’s situation before, and naturally knew that his mother had been dead for many years.

“Yes.” The assistant obediently left Yan Xiao’s office. Yan Xiao thought for a while and planned to continue working. Just as he laid his hand on the keyboard, he suddenly remembered what Ye Fei said. 

Why did Ye Fei miss Gu Ruijia? Ye Fei had also said to Gu Ruijia that he would turn up… when?

Yan Xiao clicked into WeChat, stared blankly at Gu Ruijia’s business card, and his lips gradually pursed.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Yan Xiao hated when others disturbed him while he was contemplating. After a while, he said with a straight face, “Come in.” 

Very unprofessional, Yan Xiao mused. He would need to reassess the person’s on-the-job value.

The door was pushed open from the outside, but there was no sound of footsteps.

Yan Xiao frowned and raised his head. Ye Fei was standing less than five meters away from him, looking at him with a playful beam.

At that moment, it was as if the dark clouds were pushed aside, and the sun had come out, lighting up the entire world. 

Yan Xiao was already in a bad mood, and even found Gu Ruijia’s WeChat displeasing.

But now, it’s different.