“Alright, I’ll be careful. I’m curious, that’s why I don’t know. It didn’t mean much, don’t get me wrong.”


“Fighting with the Marquis is like fighting against the Valliot, how can I do that? I just wanted to say hello, yet today doesn’t seem like the right day.”

Grandpa Turtle broke out in a cold sweat and left, saying he had to go first because he had something else to do.

He still had a smile on his face, but it was a very awkward smile.

It seemed that he had avoided Uncle’s unusual momentum first.

When Grandpa Turtle disappeared, so did Uncle’s ferocity.

“Uncle, I think I’ve heard that grandfather’s voice somewhere.”

I put my arms around Uncle’s neck and muttered as I dangled.

“Where have you heard that guy’s voice? You never came here.”

“Really. It’s the voice I really have heard… Where did I hear that?”

“You must have mistaken it for the old man’s voice.”

“No, Grandpa’s voice is thicker and cooler! Where did I really hear…”

Although they may sound similar, each person’s voice is different.

Is it really subtly different?

I said it several times, yet Uncle didn’t believe me.

“Uncle, but be careful with snakes and turtles.”


“Does Uncle know? Mom told me.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

I looked around quickly passing by, but my eyes quickly caught on.

Some looked very happy, others terrified.

No matter what Uncle and I did, their eyes gathered.

I decided to hold on as I had a strong shield.


Even though it’s full of strangers, there’s a lot of delicious food and the sound of the music is good.

Come to think of it, none of my peers were there.

“Uncle, are we going home now? Aren’t my friends here?”

“What friend.”

“Isn’t Russphe here?”

“If you don’t listen to me, he won’t come.”

Tch. I pouted.

Uncle didn’t even go to the middle of the banquet hall, yet the older sisters said hello from all over the place.

But Uncle never looked at them face to face and greeted them back.

As if there was nothing in front of us in the first place, he was just going through his own path.

I wanted to say hello instead, but Uncle was too quick for me to do that either.

“OH my, Marquis. hello?”

As we whipped around the corner of her hallway, a pretty older sister with yellow hair curled up appeared in front of us with her fan fluttering.

There were dimples on both cheeks, and the tips of the eyelashes were long like new tails.


Uncle passed that sister.

“Oho, no can do.”

As if she was used to it, the pretty sister quickly bent her body and blocked our way.

It was very fast.

“Today, the young ladies were especially noisy, so I came to see it, and it’s true. It’s been a long time since you took a precious step, but it’s not like you’re already on the way home, right?”


“My goodness, where is there a person who comes only to see business at a banquet held to play? Today, His Grace the Duke even provided expensive alcohol.”

A sigh filled with annoyance escaped through Uncle’s teeth.

“What is it?”

“I was trying not to bother you too much.”

Even when they approached Uncle, the moment his eyes became sharp, they all flinched and left, yet this time, this sister was different.

I looked back and forth at Uncle with curious eyes, but then my eyes met Pretty Sister’s.

Pretty Sister, like she was trying to seduce, smiled softly and held out the fan to me.

I reached out as if I was possessed, but Uncle stopped me.

At the same time, the fan also swept away.

“I came to your spot to give you the information you need. You would probably regret it greatly if you kicked me out today, though?”

Then she winked at me, not at Uncle.

Although I also tried winking in a hurry to reciprocate, my sight only went black.

(fyi fyi she ends up blinking, not winking)

“Pfft. Ah, how cute.”

I was embarrassed and buried my face in the nape of Uncle’s neck.

“Gerard, take good care of her. I’ll quickly be back.”

“Yes, Milord.”

But is Uncle, whom I thought was on my side, handing me over to Gerard?

“Uncle is going?”

Before Uncle went far, I grabbed his clothes and he pressed my head.

“I’ll be back soon, so stay calm.”


At the same time, I took Gerard’s outstretched hand.

Pretty Sister followed Uncle while fluttering the fan once more, as if she was greeting me.

Gerard said Uncle didn’t have a girlfriend, though.

Still, maybe…?


I flicked my hand and asked Gerard to bring his ear closer.

Gerard bowed deeply on his back.


“Is that sister Uncle’s friend? Girlfriend? She’s very pretty. She has yellow hair and is wearing a yellow dress!”

Then Gerard burst into laughter.

“Absolutely not.”


“Yes, she’s not. What they want is the same, they just go in the same direction. Shall we sit at that secluded table over there?”

“Um… The fountain over there!”

Instead of where Gerard pointed, I pointed to the outdoor area connected to the terrace.

Compared to the central hall, it was more secluded and there were many small glowing lanterns, that’s why when I saw it earlier, I wanted to go there.

To be honest, even my gestures drew attention, so I had a desire to avoid them.

“Yes. Now it’s not cold at all at night, so it should be fine.”

“Wow, Gerard! Can I climb the fountain?”

The dripping water glistened from the lanterns hung above it.

“If you do so, Miss’ clothes and hair will be wet, so no can do. How about the table next to it?”

And if you go up to the fountain, I will die by Milord’s hands.

Gerard added, stopping me.

I can’t do that.

I brushed off my dress and sat down on the chair Gerard had brought me to.

It was a place where I could see the fountain from the front.

I looked at the large fountain where the water glistened as if possessed.

It wasn’t wet, but it felt cool enough that I could feel the water splashing on my face.

It would be fun to dive into that water.

I stretched out my hand out of regret and got hit by the water droplets bouncing from the fountain.

Then I turned my head around and suddenly there were many people outside the terrace.

There was also a group of people glancing in this direction.

I think it’s been a while, but Uncle isn’t coming.

Uncle said he’d be back soon, what a liar.

Maybe it’s because I finished eating earlier, I think I’m all digested, and I’ve seen all the fountains. Mmm!

“Uncle must be busy.”

“It seems so. He will be back soon, so can we go to the carriage first?”

“Mmm, no. I’ll wait here, Gerard, can I eat that too?”

People were carrying cakes taller than me into the banquet hall.

I saw a grandfather wearing a chef’s hat like Grandma Sophie.

Everyone’s eyes were drawn to it, and exclamations poured out here and there.

The cake was white, that’s why it looked like a wedding dress was walking into the hall.

“That big cake?”

“Yeah! When I was a kid, I wanted to get buried in a huge cake like that and eat it.”

Then Gerard’s lips twitched.

“Pfft, how young were you?”

“Five years old? No. I must be four years old!”

“…That was a very long time ago. I’ll bring some. Ah, by the way. Mmm, if I had known this was going to happen, I would have brought Zenda.”

Gerard tried to move but hesitated.

“I’ll stay right here!”

Fortunately, a servant attending a banquet was passing nearby.

“Then I will ask that attendant instead. I’m sorry, Miss.”

“Yeah! It’s nothing!”

Gerard was back in less than a minute.

As I swayed my feet next to Gerard, I swelled with anticipation for the sweet cake.

There was a loud exclamation along with the sound of applause from inside.

Seems like they’re cutting the cake!

Laughter broke out again.

Before long, the servant brought a large cake.

“I was a little late because there was a cake cutting ceremony. But you said the Little Princess would eat it, so I asked for the prettiest top.”

The cake was topped with all sorts of fruit.

There were also pastel colored chocolate beads.

It looked like Zenda would scold me for eating it at night, but there was even a candle stuck on the cake.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you!”

I also greeted the servant, following Gerard.

The servant was surprised and smiled.

“No! It’s what I have to do. Have a good time then.”

The servant nodded and walked away, then I quickly grabbed my fork.

“Gerard, here.”