love or deception (3)

Translated by Wook

Edited by Wook

‘Wow, what the hell is all this?’

I stopped in every step I took down the stairs. Apart from the balustrade posts and luxurious things, my eyes widened at the central hall that was revealed slowly.

Golden chandeliers and crystal beads flashed wherever my eyes could reach. The high ceilings with fresco painting gave a sense of intimidation.

‘I can’t be discouraged already…’

I bit my lips hard.

I hated encountering him more than dying, but still, I tried to hold on somehow.

‘Don’t be silly.’

That one sentence stimulated my self-esteem. I couldn’t ignore the fact that that great person had told me to come down ‘himself’.

Therefore, I made a plan.

How I would survive in this world, and perhaps even by the side of Davan Khajans.

First of all, there was nothing urgent because Ollina had not appeared yet.

The full-scale plan will have to start when Ollina appears…

Until then, I planned to make my relationship with Davan as flexible as possible.

In the future, when I—inevitably—run into Ollina or when a problem arises, I don’t want to be the only one getting beaten up.

If Davan could say “She’s grown up these days,” the plan would have been a success.

‘Great. So I have to throw away everything about Leah that Davan hates.”

As I came down organizing my thoughts, it was already the last step.

I held onto the railing pillar tightly and gave strength to my feet that had not taken that last step.

“My lady, you have to stop by the imperial palace after breakfast. How can you be tired already?”

Lindy, who was walking next to me at my pace, whispered.

My face must have turned pale and looked tired.

I’m not tired, I’m just…

“I told you I’m going. I’m so tired today. I’m not feeling well either.”

“That won’t work, my lady. Not to mention if it’s the usual you, you would’ve already asked to be taken to him personally.”

Who is this ‘him’?

I had no idea who Lindy was talking about, so I hurriedly recalled the original work.

But the only person that came to mind was the emperor.

‘Ayy, how could it be? There’s no way it’s the emperor.’

I got goosebumps when I thought about how scary the emperor in the original work was.

The scene where he tramples on the aristocrats with a smiling face had left quite an impression for a long time.

‘That person was also of the same Khajans bloodline as Davan.’

Above all else, he was the one who treated the female protagonist Ollina like a stone until the end. That was all I could say.

“My lady, we don’t have time for this. His Excellency is waiting for you.”

Lindy gently pulled the back of my hand.

As I stood on the stairs and lost in thought, I suddenly came down to the lobby.

The eyes of the servants who were standing in a line flew towards me. The end of their gaze was strangely stinging.

“Haha, nice to meet you.”

I smiled affectionately with my eyes bent. However, Lindy’s and the servants’ expressions towards me became strange.

Why? Should I not do this?

The moment I entered the room with guidance, a halo suddenly flashed.


The sight in front of me took my breath away. The sunlight pouring in from the skylight on the ceiling flashed only around him.

Yes, that man sitting at the table looking down at the documents.

‘I-Is that a person?’

I was so startled that I reflexively stepped back.

In this world, he was handsome enough to draw the attention of even the coachman and the gardener passing by.

In any case…

That man could make anyone defenseless in an instant.

You know that scene that comes out in dramas and cartoons? Yup, I was so surprised that my eyes were sticking out.

Black hair, piercing blue eyes, cool curved eyes and red lips.

He was a cool yet gorgeous man. Just looking at it is enough to captivate anyone.

‘Wow, genetics sure are selfish.’

In admiration, Lindy whispered urgently in my ear.

“My lady, you have to say hello to His Excellency.”

Alas, that human being is the great Davan Khajans. No wonder…

I finally fully understood Leah’s feelings.

I was convinced at once why she was so clingy even when she was treated like that.

‘Leah also had an outrageously beautiful face.’

I felt a strong sense of sympathy for Leah.

Her appearance should’ve been second to none.

As expected, being pretty is the best regardless of age. It’s the most fun.

When I was still pondering happily without knowing—

“In your eyes, do I look like I have a lot of time to spend?”

Davan said as he turned the papers over.

I could feel how cold his voice was, and the trembling of the servants right up to where I was.

‘What was that about? Did he just talk to me?’

As my eyes widened, Butler Heins beckoned to me.

“My lady, please sit here.”

Heins said politely, giving me the chair opposite Davan.

Contrary to his polite tone, it seemed he wanted me to sit down quickly without bothering him more.

“Alright, thank you.”

As I hurried to my seat and sat down, I could barely hear the sound of breathing.

Davan, who had just put down the paperwork, stared at me silently.

‘Whoa— It feels like I’d have a heart attack the second I let my guard down.’

Dog death three years later was not a problem. If I saw that face every morning, I could die of a heart attack within a month.

‘Leah must have been a brave person.’

Besides, being looked at like that, it felt like my heart was being tortured.


He handed his papers to Heins, but did not take his eyes off me.

My whole body stiffened at his leisurely gaze that was like a tenacious wild beast.

“Let’s get started.”

Davan leaned against the chair with his arms folded and said.

“I was curious, what excuses would you give this time?”

The sarcastic voice did not go well with the lips that were as pretty as if they were painted.

In my experience, that wasn’t a way of asking because one is really curious. They’re just going to pretend they’re listening to what you’re talking about.


What kind of excuse should I make?

‘Ah, is he asking why I didn’t come out of the room for a week?’

It did look like some sort of hunger strike. Well, I hardly ate, so maybe that’s why.

“Oh, about that…”

I glanced at the man’s eyes.

I’m from another world, so I needed some time to get used to this place… It’s not like I could just say that!

“I wasn’t feeling well— No, I am still not feeling well. I coughed badly. It’s a big problem if germs splatter on the food.”

There were no excuses that came to mind.

It’s best to be sick at times like this.

“Cough! Cough!”

I forcibly squeezed my throat and even coughed. From what I could see, it was truly a full-fledged performance.

“Cough… Hem. Well, I’m okay now.”

Davan just watched my passionate performance with apathetic eyes.

I felt embarrassed for no reason, so I stopped coughing and cleared my throat.

“Is there anything new?”

He asked with a bored expression.

Damn, what more do you want me to do? Why can’t you just let it slide?

I also got a little frustrated.

I tried to lie flat to get along as much as possible. But the more that happened, the more persistent the man became.

“Leah Prezis.”

Then, the man called my name.

Suddenly, my heart suddenly pounded and jumped at the low-pitched voice.

“I’d rather the usual force you’ve always had.”

Davan looked at me with his chin on his palm, looking indifferent.

“You know what you’re good at.”

He chuckled at me sarcastically. He was cool even when he was ridiculing others.


But at that moment.

My heart, which was getting hot, became cold.

No, what did that jerk say again?

My mind was clearer than ever. I’ve seen this scene somewhere…

‘Oh, that’s right. It was like this in the original.’

When I read the original work, it was such a common scene that I didn’t even think much about it.

However, when I became Leah and experienced it firsthand, it was on a different level.

Aside from his cold, knife-like eyes, I could feel how much he usually ignored Leah and treated her with dog-like manners.


I let out a long sigh. To regain sanity.


Davan frowned slightly when he saw me like that.

The light in his eyes said that he found it unexpected “that” Leah Prezis that he knew would react like this.

“Should I be wasting my time with such a story?”


Davan seemed to doubt his ears, his eyes hardened at my words.

“No matter what I say, you have no intention of believing me anyway.”


The man’s forehead eventually knitted.

‘Unlike Leah.’

Yes, I thought that was it.

The only way I could survive in this world.

It was to not show the Leah that Davan hated.

So, instead of treating the servants coldly like Leah had always done, I greeted them with a smile first.

Without force, I lay flat first to look at the situation.


I seemed to have made a mistake.

He must have expected Leah to make excuses, so I had to be Leah who made no excuses.

“As you know, I can’t think of excuses because my brain is of low-quality.”


“It’s just…”

I took a sip from the cup and put it back down. The warm and fragrant black tea passed over my throat.

“I was just wondering if it was necessary to keep looking at each others’ faces for no reason.”

For a moment, the servants’ gazes stopped. The creaking movements were now hardened like mannequins.


When I looked up, Davan was staring at my face.

Even the dark expression that had been on his face was erased.

“L-Lady Prezis.”

Heins stuttered as if he couldn’t believe it.

The servant who was serving with the butler, also had his eyes widened. The glass, which was being moved from the boy’s hand, trembled anxiously.

He’s going to drop it…

“Ah, seriously.”


As expected, as soon as I moved my lips, the glass fell and shards bounced off it.

When the rupture stopped and the room was completely chilled.

“This is not an excuse, this is the truth.”

I paused for a moment, then opened my lips again. With a slight smile.


Davan still only looked at me quietly.

It was better if he stared or frowned, but to stare at me with cold eyes without any warmth was more frightening.

‘You told me not to make excuses but to tell you the truth!’

Because you hate excuses, I answered sincerely, but now what? What else?! What do you want me to do?

I thought about whether I should get down on my knees, but this damn body didn’t listen.

“Leah Prezis.”

At that moment, Davan quietly called my name.