I couldn’t think of anything in particular.

Was it because she had a weak presence among the main characters, or maybe she didn’t attend in the first place?

‘Well I’m sure it must’ve been nothing.’

Looking at the lack of memory, it didn’t seem like Leah had an accident or an episode that was unfavorable at that time.

It should be fine. Faking illness to be able to stay in my room is not a bad idea either.

As long as it’s not something that catches everyone’s attention.


My eyes naturally turned to the male protagonists gathered at the round table.

In particular, I stared alternately at Davan and Cadel, who had strangely different feelings like black and white, devil and angel.

Oof, Ollina… You better escape as soon as possible… Shoo, shoo.

Even now, I wanted to yell at the female protagonist to run away.

Cadel, a madman inside with angelic smile.

On the other side, Davan, who is deadly enough to make one think he must’ve been possessed by a devil. Of course, he’s crazy inside out.

“It’s clear that the author is a pervert.’

When viewed as a reader, it was not to this extent. But after I came into this world, all I could think about was this is the paradise of crazy people.

Suddenly I got goosebumps.

To the point where I could not help but shake my head.

‘Is the only way to survive is by becoming an even crazier bastard?’

I thought quietly.

What will happen if I become crazier than these guys…

In this situation, I had only two options: lying flat on my stomach and not doing anything, or becoming the craziest bastard in this area.

Looking at it, the former seemed to be unreasonable.

Leah’s presence was too great for that. No, it wasn’t Leah herself, it was the position of Davan’s fiancee.

I thought she was a simple villainess who was neglected and extravagant…

But I still need to do what a fiancee has to do!

After all, is stepping down from the position of Davan’s fiancee still my first priority?

“Leah, why don’t you eat? Could it be that it doesn’t fit your taste?”

Suddenly, the emperor spoke to me. I reflexively waved my hand.

Please turn your attention away from me! Please! Please!

“Look, your face has thinned almost half its original size.”

The emperor said with a very familiar expression.

I was wondering where I had seen that expression before. Then it hit me. It was the look my grandmother made whenever she tortured me with food.

Such a heartwarming expression was on the face of a beautiful young man.

“Try this. These scallops are also very fresh. This lamb is very tender. Give it a taste.”

“T-this is enough already, Your Majesty.”

I hurriedly stopped the emperor from moving all kinds of food to me.

I couldn’t believe such a young and upright emperor felt like my grandmother, one that was an idiot for the granddaughter too…

“It’s because you’re so thin. What the hell have you been doing, Davan?”

The emperor struck Deivan with an annoyed expression on his face.

‘Stop, please, stop!’

The emperor did not seem to know that he was the one who caused me the most pain at this moment.

Come to think of it. Everyone sees me as Davan’s fiancee, and it feels like only the emperor sees me as Leah Prezis.

Maybe it’s because we’ve known each other since we were little?

“Why is her face so thin? Such a heartache.”

At last Davan looked at me, but as if he had no intention of stopping the emperor’s silly comments, he just slowly turned around the wine glass in his hand.

“I’ve been doing my best.”

It was a gentle expression, but somehow sounded shameless enough.

“Ah, come to think of it…”

For a moment, Davan frowned as if recalling something.

Those lips were soaked in wine and became even redder. I followed their movements without realizing it.

“Did I ever bother you too much every night?”

The corners of Davan’s lips rose at an angle.


Davan’s figure as he sat under the night star looked rather relaxed.

It took a long time for the man’s words to pass through my ears and into my head.


I almost spit out the tea I was holding.

When I finally swallowed it, I regretted it.

Should I have just sprayed it on his face?

“Nowadays, we are together until dinner, so it would not have been easy for her to eat.”

There were deep wrinkles on my forehead as I looked at Davan. My eyes, full of doubt and disbelief, trembled.

‘That man is really…’

I wiped my hands with a towel and threw it over my skirt.

“I haven’t had a good appetite since I was sick.”

In fact, the reason for my poor appetite was complex.

Rather than being sick, the stress after falling into this world because of Davan, the tensed nerves because of Davan, the insomnia because of Davan; In short, it was all because of Davan Khajans!


At that moment, the lips of the emperor, who had only been looking at my face, opened.

“Is it really just because of an illness?”


I had chills down my spine.

The emperor’s tone made the question feel unusual.

It was very strange. No, it was meaningful.

You’ve been acting like you have a granddaughter complex until now, so why are you making me scared now!?

I wondered if he had really noticed something.

But I couldn’t say anything other than lick my lips.

“You’ve changed a lot to simply say it’s because of an illness. Personality, way of dressing, speech, behavior…”


The emperor stared at me with his chin on both hands.

“I don’t see you just for a day or two. Leah.”


When I couldn’t say anything, my gaze flew towards Davan.

Actually, it wasn’t such an embarrassing question. I’ve heard that I’ve changed so many times since that day.

The problem was that it was the first time someone had asked me straightforwardly.

‘Is it really just because of an illness?’

Those words sounded very disturbing.

Above all, the emperor was someone who had been watching Leah longer than Davan.

The only person who treated her not as Davan’s fiancee, but as Leah Prezis.

“Yes. Because of the illness.”


The emperor asked again.

If he really knew something, the correct answer was to be honest right now.

He seemed to know how to freely use magic anyway… If he could notice, he would have already noticed.

I pondered for a moment whether I should lie flat or go out more confidently.

“Yes, it was the first time I had been so sick.”

But there was nothing I could do about it.

‘Actually, my soul has changed with the younger sister you adore.’ What if I get burned at the stake after saying things like that?

So that was it.

Besides, saying that in the place where the three male characters are gathered? Do I have to decide with whose sword I will die?

“After getting seriously ill, my beliefs have definitely changed a lot.”

I said more proudly.

Looking back, I felt that I was holding on so desperately.

As expected, I was the crazy bastard in this area.

“…Oh dear.”

The emperor, who had been listening quietly, clicked his tongue.

“Sometimes people change completely.”


The emperor looked away from me and murmured in the air.

It was a very strange tone. Even the gazes of Davan and Cadel stopped on me.


Suddenly, the emperor summoned Belson.

“All the specialties brought in from the North will be sent to Khajans Duchy. Especially seafood.”

‘What? So suddenly?’

The change of topic was too sudden.

When our eyes met, the emperor just smiled and didn’t say anything else.

My mind went into a mess with that fleeting smile.

No wonder that person was the boss mob. Yes, how scary was he in the original story?

Are you pretending you don’t know even though you know everything? No, that’s not possible. Why would he?

“Well, I haven’t heard from you lately. I used to hear at least twice a week.”

The emperor turned his gaze away, and the end of his strange words were as if to ask me or to inform me.

It felt like he was left alone behind a blackout curtain after the play was over.

He became uncontrollably lonely.

“You don’t have to make such a fuss, she’s doing well enough.”

Davan’s voice broke the silence.

“She’s doing so well on her own that she doesn’t need me anymore.”

Davan, whose tone became strong at the end of the speech, frowned.


I looked at Davan quietly.

What a strange thing to do.

The human being who I thought was the biggest obstacle in my life became so reliable that I couldn’t understand it at this moment.

‘It’s a big problem.’

Between the mysterious Cadel and the emperor who made me feel uneasy, only Davan gave me a sense of security.

In the end, he was still the one who would betray me.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

In the meantime, he seemed to be dissatisfied with me, who ran away after eating alone that night.

I shrugged and said.

“You didn’t come even after I waited.”

“I guess you did wait. What an honor.”

What? Why is this happening again?

When I looked up with my eyes narrowed, I felt as if Davan was smiling at first glance.

Aiyo, let’s not talk about it anymore, okay?

“You two seem to be much closer than I’ve heard.”

While I was shaking my head, Cadel’s voice was clearly heard in my ears.

‘What? Closer? This?’

I looked at him as if wondering what nonsense it was, but my mouth twitched.

‘Wait, why am I smiling?’

Apparently, the corners of my mouth were slightly raised. Was there still something left that made me laugh out of absurdity?

Feeling frustrated, I immediately hardened my expression.

“I envy it when I see you two. I wish I could find a good partner soon.”

Cadel had a very bitter expression on his face.

“It won’t be easy.”

At that, Davan let out a vile laugh out loud.

“Duke Vernon’s eyesight was quite unique.”

Davan’s gaze fell on me as if he was pointing at me.