“How surprised I was. Even if there were no soldiers, I still believed because there were two decent men nearby.”

The Emperor clicked his tongue low and shook his head.

“Apparently none of them are of any use.”


“It was you who jumped in for me in that dangerous situation.”

The Emperor grabbed my two hands as if he was thrilled.

“That is only natural, Your Majesty. You are the national capital of this empire.”

I smiled and nodded.

There was nothing wrong with getting points from the Emperor. Even if the day comes when I get caught, wouldn’t he kill me a little less painfully?

The imperious gaze of the Emperor was also a matter of great concern to me.

It wouldn’t matter if I was his ‘our Leah’, but I wasn’t.

“But it’s not easy to take risks.

“Would my body be worth it? Hoho.”

That was close. That was so close.

I wonder if I have to survive to live and die here to go back to my world!

“What can I do for you? Do you want some jewelry? Dress? Or gold?”

“No. I didn’t do it for a reward.”

I refused to do so.

Because the ‘medal’ that I’ve gotten shouldn’t be wasted on things like that.

“Isn’t this from the late emperor?”

The Emperor’s gentle hand touched my headdress.

“The late count and late emperor will be very happy to see you today.”


“Just like me.”

Instead of answering, I bit my lip.

It was a very strange feeling. The feeling I felt when I saw Leah in front of the dressing table.

“You grew up well. I’m proud of you.”

I almost burst into tears. I know it’s not meant for me, and I’m not in a position to receive it, but…

It was strange. To receive love without purpose from someone.

‘Leah could have lived happily ever after.’

She would be happy if she had seen the love she had rather than the love she didn’t have.

Why didn’t Leah see it?

“So, Leah.”

The Emperor covered his lips slightly and whispered to me.

“Would you like to get Davan’s childhood video clips?”


I felt like I was in tears just a moment before.

And when my expression became sour, the Emperor burst out into laughter.

“But which one should I give you? He doesn’t have any facial expressions, so I wonder if there’ll be anything fun.”

The Emperor stroked his chin as if in serious concern.

I wanted to say that I would rather ask for money rather than receive such a thing.

“Oh, how about the war footage when the kingdom of Orpah was destroyed? It is said that it is a very valuable trade among the girls of the capital.”


If it’s war footage, wouldn’t blood splatter and neck cut off? Such a thing is a very valuable trade? What the hell?

“Davan wore blue armor in that war, and that caused the girls to go crazy. Gosh.”

My face suddenly turned black.

“By the way, Leah, there’s a video clip of your childhood birthday party.”

Now that one, at least, was a bit tempting. I was curious about how Leah looked when she was young.

“Or what about the video where Davan is crying? It’s a real gem.”

“No… That’s alright.”

Davan and the term ‘crybaby’. The gap was so far that it made me shudder.

“If you have one, it will come in handy. Especially when he looks at you like that.”

The Emperor whispered, pointing somewhere with the tip of his chin.

I wondered what he meant, and turned my head to follow the Emperor’s gaze.


What, what? I was startled by the figure standing in the dark.


Davan was looking at me with cold eyes.

Blade-like energy blooming around him pierced me.

‘If anyone sees it, they’ll think I’ve committed a sin.’

The saying that you can cut people with just your eyes made me realize.

“We’re going back now.”

Davan, who stood staring at me, said to the emperor.

“Yeah. Leah must have been very surprised that something like this happened all of a sudden. Go ahead and get some rest.”

The Emperor shrugged his shoulders and answered.

“By the way, Leah, make sure you get a glass of lemon tea before going to bed. It is said to be good for insomnia and mental and physical stability.”

The Emperor patted my head again and smiled, then suddenly became serious.

“Oh, the lemons are the best thing I’ve ever received from the Kingdom of Bataro, so take it…”

“Your Majesty.”

Davan called briefly as if telling him to stop. The wrinkles on his smooth forehead became clearer.

“Haha. Right. Go ahead.”

The Emperor took a step back, raising both his hands slightly.

Looking at it, it seemed like it was witty to tease Davan.

Wait a minute, you people…

That’s not the problem right now.

You just saw how Davan stares at me and you want me to come with him? In that narrow carriage?

I’d rather die. Why should I?

“It is still early evening. How about having another cup of tea?”

My eyes fluttered desperately toward the Emperor.

No, not now. I don’t want to go right now.

“Or, well, sorbet?”

“Shall we? I’d love to.”

The Emperor nodded and smile.

“I think it’d be better to go get the lemon first. I saved it for you, but you haven’t been able to come these days.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was so indifferent. I didn’t know that.”

“Davan, go back alone. I’ll send Leah safely on my own.”

“Yes, yes. That’s wise of you.”

I responded to the emperor’s words like a clapping seal.

It was scary that he was suspicious of me, but we were like a secret match at times like this.

“Then I’ll go in—”

“Be quiet and follow me.”

My words were cut off at once.

Davan, who uttered a warning, turned his back first.

The black jacket fluttered in the wind.

‘What? Be quiet and follow me?’

My eyebrows twitched.

I merely stared at the back of the man who was moving away.

“He’s cute.”

I heard a soft voice next to me. Even without looking, I knew it was the Emperor.

Because in this empire, on this continent, the only person who can say that Davan is cute is his family.

What’s cute about him, really?

“Certainly the youngest is the youngest.”

“The youngest?”

[T/N: Leah isn’t asking for confirmation if Davan is really the youngest. This sentence is more like sarcasm. Just imagine her scoffing while saying ‘The youngest?’]

The mere mention of it made me feel bitter.

“Aren’t you coming?”

Feeling that no one was following him, Davan turned back. The black hair shook.

“…Fine, fine.”

I nodded in a voice of abandonment.

What can I do? Whether I die here or in the carriage is the same.

As I was about to move, I suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

‘Heh heh, really. I’ll be dead before Ollina shows up. I’m dying already.’

Should I shave my head in the face of a disastrous future?


Davan, who had reached out his hand as if to open the passage of the barrier, looked back at me.

It was like he was asking, “What are you doing instead of following me quickly?”

‘Can’t you mind your own business?’

Suddenly I didn’t understand.

Why are you taking care of Leah Prezis so much when you’re sick of her?

Isn’t it better to just leave me alone?

“That… I don’t have shoes.”

Contrary to my inner feelings, my voice came out soft.

I’m smart, too, so I knew I had to keep quiet for now.

“I can’t walk barefoot.”

The only problem was the lack of shoes.

Running on one foot was impossible because the heels were high.

[T/N: Oh, apparently she only threw one heel. I’m sorry if I made y’all confused in the previous chapters…]

There was no way to move.

“You’re all over the place.”

Davan looked at me like that and clicked his tongue low.

To receive pathetic glances from the youngest crybaby, my pride was seriously hurt.

‘Wh-wh-what?! What are you going to do?”

Davan walked toward me as if he couldn’t help himself.

His shoulders were lowered naturally as his figure enveloped me.


My vision brightened in an instant.

I opened my eyes and saw my bare feet dangling in the air.

It was because Davan picked me up by the waist.

‘What’s with this guy?’

I reflexively put my hand around Davan’s neck and squeaked.

“What are you doing!?”

Davan frowned slightly as if he found me noisy.

“One more word.”

It was a cold voice that made the back of my neck feel cold.

My instinct, which developed radar only to survive, whispered quietly.

If you want to live, keep your mouth shut…


So I closed my mouth tightly.

I was thinking that if I made a fuss here, he would throw me away.

Damn this wretched life.

‘Who is that? Is it Cadel?’

I stretched out my neck to keep his body temperature away as much as possible and saw a familiar figure.

The distance was quite far, so I was unsure, but looking at that blonde or red jacket, it was clear that it was Cadel.

He was leaning against a wooden lighthouse with his arms crossed.


Cadel was staring at me and Davan.

I couldn’t see what kind of eyes it was.

It was already a dark evening, and the tree hanging over his head was too large.

‘A pinky promise?’

I frowned involuntarily.

When our eyes met, Cadel lifted his little finger.

It was a finger that meant promise.

Promise? What’s there to mean between Cadel and me?

‘Five fingers?’

This time, Cadel showed all five fingers out.

What else does that mean?

Five? Five seconds? Five things? Are you saying you’ll let it slide five times? Or are you going to slap me in the face?

There seemed to be a clear sign of meaning, so I tried thinking.


Then a laugh broke out.

In fact, Cadel was just waving his hand and greeting me. Goodbye.