What's the drama? I'm floating in the sky? How did you get down?

Will I not destroy them?

It's not like high latitude here. Judging from the surrounding environment, it should still be low latitude,

Why are they all ok?

Wang Yu's mind is full of question marks. No, he feels that his body has a different feeling. It feels like a body.

He was suddenly surprised, wasn't he... My soul was worn?

"Shaohan, are you ok?"

People around showed concern.

However, how can a lonely person who has gone through all kinds of hardships not be allowed to be hypocritical?

Except for the white haired old Taoist in the middle, all the others are false. After their concerned eyes, they show their loss. They just want him to have something to do.


It should be the real soul.

"No, it's OK."

The emergence of memories that do not belong to you is enough to prove this.

Well, No.

Why, what I saw as like as two peas in my own mind.

"Is it..."

He suddenly sat up and yelled, "is there a mirror?"

Ning Dao and others are confused.

What's the situation? I want a mirror.

Sure enough, it's a little white face who only needs to look. After walking around the edge of life and death, the first thing to wake up is to ask for a mirror.

"Give him the mirror."

However, Ningdao, an old Taoist, was very cooperative. After all, he was a little Lord.

Soon, the mirror came.

After seeing clearly his own appearance inside, his head exploded and his scalp became numb.

The man in the mirror is him, but not him.

If there is no accident, it should be him in that broken temple.

At the same time line, their age, appearance, no deviation, except hair and clothing.

"What happened to me?"

"My power..."

Originally thought that the loss of the original body, the power will disappear.

But it's not soul wear, it's just two selves of two different latitudes.

There is a superposition of forces. No, it should not be described as superposition.

It's a fusion bonus.

"... am I integrated?"

But Wang Yugen didn't know how he did it.

This power

Wang Yu felt that his power became extremely powerful and arbitrary. The power of Qi in his body was close to the power of the apocalypse, and the power of the Apocalypse seemed to take a step further.

The whole person is obviously advanced.

The five sense organs become extremely sharp, just like looking at the people around them.

Scenery, mountains, a glance away on the panoramic view.

Maybe, this is the so-called heaven and man?

This state is really extraordinary.

But Wang Yu couldn't remember how he was able to achieve integration. He was floating in the sky... The sense of time has passed for several months. What happened in the middle?

Is it caused by the rules of heaven and earth, or by human factors?

"What's wrong?"

Ning Dao asked him with concern that he really wanted to give something. He was a master, and it was really hard for him to explain to the Lord.

He shook his head.

"Since there isn't, go back and have a good rest."


In Yunshen, Feng Shaohan has his own courtyard, which is elegant.

Although he is not talented, he has good taste.

And he is different from what others think of him. People say that he cares about his face, damn white face. But in fact, he doesn't put a mirror in his yard, so it's not the case.

Wang Yu, a real white face, needs to take the mirror just now.

According to what?

Of course, the whole body, the indescribable places.

It's exactly the same.

If it wasn't for the difference between clothes and hair, he suspected that he hadn't changed his body.

So he took the scissors and cut his hair.

As for clothes, they are usually worn by a Yunshen disciple.

"This matter..."

Wang Yu always wanted to integrate, but he didn't want to get the benefits after integration. He wanted to know how to integrate, and he wanted to enhance the strength of Wang's children in an all-round way.

It's just a pity that he doesn't know the process.

However, after the fusion, it's like changing a person and becoming more complete. Both the body and the soul are advanced.

I'm afraid that his Qi sense power can resist the light of apocalypse.

Today, he is undoubtedly more advanced than human beings, and is worthy of the name of heaven, man or God.

And his this kind of phenomenon even rather road didn't see out.

It can be said to be extremely profound. Wang Yu at this time, really want to try, the power of Apocalypse will reach what point. What is the state above the apocalypse“ Well“ What's this? " Take off the clothes, fell out a note“ Letters? " But it simply wrote a few words: want to know, ask the old horse. The font is beautiful. It looks like it was written by a girl“ What does that mean? " Who put it on me. It's not Lao Wang's piece of paper, but it uses Lao Wang's means of transmitting information. Old horse“ Elder martial brother Feng... "Elder martial brother Feng..." someone was shouting outside, but Wang Yu was indifferent“ Is elder martial brother Feng in The man approached slowly and came in through the wooden door“ Elder martial brother Feng is here. Why don't I call you back? " Elder martial brother Feng? Wang Yu suddenly remembered that his name was Feng Shaohan“ Oh, I'm still a little uncomfortable. I didn't hear you Wang Yu looked at the man in front of him, the disciple of the mountain gate. He really didn't know what his name was. If Feng Shaohan didn't remember, he naturally didn't know. He could see that he was an insignificant person“ By the way, younger martial brother, who is the surname MA in our clan? "“ Ma“ Yes, it should be quite old. " Since it's called laoma, it must be old. At least it looks good. The other party thought and shook his head“ I don't think so. Because of Taoist priest Yang, no one's surname is ma. " Although I don't know what happened to Taoist Yang, why don't I take the surname ma? What did this say to Wang Yu“ Elder martial brother Feng, you don't mean the old horse you drive. " The other side said with a smile, a trace of contempt flashed through his eyes, which was a mockery at all. But Wang Yu's eyes flashed. Old horse... He ran out at once. Because in his memory, the old horse was really spiritual. No matter where he went, he would take him back to Yunshen in the end. It's really possible to know something“ Ah, elder martial brother Feng, elder martial brother Feng... What's the matter? There's someone in your family. "“ "Elder martial brother Feng." The man ran after him. He's here to deliver a message. If you don't take him, you'll have to get a lecture from the master. But Wang Yu didn't care about him. The first time I ran to Zong men's gate to find his old horse. In Wang Yu's mind, he vaguely remembered that in the dark sky, he saw an old horse carrying the carriage“ Elder martial brother Feng... "Someone looked at the stable“ Where's my carriage? "“ Eh, it was still there just now... "The original parking place was empty.