What the gun owner said about the scientific and technological civilization made Wang Yu fall into a long thinking.

He realized that the altar might be more important than he thought.

Although mechanical life does not need to eat every day like human beings, it needs energy to maintain its operation. Wang Yu believes that no matter how high the mechanical wisdom is, it is impossible to get out of this circle.

Therefore, the ore hidden under the heaven altar may not be the general strong infectious ore.

It's probably the material for the advanced energy they're running.

In other words, that's what they eat, the source of their lives.

That explains why they're constantly gathering.

"Maybe we should take the initiative."

Before, Wang Yu was afraid of being found by the other party. Now, he felt it necessary to take the initiative.

If the other party is really mechanical civilization, it should be that the other party is more afraid of being discovered.

But there's a lot of movement about UFOs.

It's like being afraid of being found out?

Historically, mechanical civilization should be very afraid of being discovered, but its behavior is not like being afraid of being discovered.

It's a bit of a contradiction.

That night, he was resting in the attic of the palace city, which was too close to Tianji.

Then he sent the most trusted Wang family children to watch.


In the middle of the night, Wang Yu was awakened.


Wang Yu suddenly sleepless, rushed to the window, far away to see the strange light on the lake.

It's a bit like a plane at night.

In fact, such a little light is a bit strange, but in the sky who will go to look.

The reason why Wang Yu felt obvious was that he was just under the lake.

It's right below.

"Don't disturb others..."

With that, Wang Yu left immediately.

It's in the lake again.

He saw it all again.

This time it's more real.

The UFO showed the light. There was a figure standing on a suspended board in the light.

The man on the floating board sank into the water.

According to what we have seen before, at this time, the flying saucer of the mine under the water will slowly open the door.

Wang Yu has reason to believe that the inlet and outlet switch of underwater flying saucer is in the flying saucer in the sky.

There is some kind of remote control relationship.

In the spaceship, there may be people, or artificial intelligence in the control.

Wang Yu had an idea in his mind. If he entered the UFO, could he control it?

This idea just flashed by. The civilization of science and technology was much more advanced than he could imagine. If he could not control it, he might be controlled.

Or focus on the target is not very strong control of the other side of the mine flying saucer.

Time, rhythm, exactly the same as before.

The other party collected ore from it.

Wang Yu worried that the body would be destroyed by the ore, so he used the Apocalypse again to enter it with the light of Apocalypse before the door of the flying saucer was closed.

Everything is fast, but this time it seems faster.

Wang Yu got a little bit of ore radiation and came out again.

And after he came out, the UFO on his head left him one step earlier.


Wang Yu didn't think much about it either. He just felt that the other party left in a hurry.



Wang Yu yelled softly at the bottom of the water. Sure enough, the tortoise didn't know where it came from and swayed towards Wang Yu.

From his eyes, Wang Yu could see the joy.

Wang Yu stretched out his hands contaminated with the ore, and the tortoise's tentacles stretched out to absorb the radiation of the infection.

How can tortoise like the radiation of ore? He is not a machine and needs energy?


The turtle gave a cry.

"Not enough?"

"That's all. I gave you my life for that."

The tortoise called out again: "Ow!"

The cry is a little strange. It seems to point to the lake.

"You mean I was found?"

Wang Yu felt that it was possible for him to leave in a hurry.

"I'm careless."

Wang Yulai's world is not very developed in science and technology, and has already been monitored. The other party is very likely to have installed monitoring in the flying saucer of Tibet mine. If he enters it, he should be seen.

However, the other party is in a hurry to go, the feeling or they are afraid of Wang Yu a little more ah.

Indeed, Wang Yu guessed right.

Among the flying UFOs, the situation inside the flying saucer is playing. Wang Yu is entering because of the light of the weather, which makes people of mechanical civilization very nervous. You know, when the mechanical civilization developed to the top, it was Tianwaitian's apocalypse. Hit them with high latitude. Apocalypse appears again, ask them to be afraid“ The apocalypse. " There was a mechanical, icy sound in the UFO. Although the light of the weather is very strong and eye-catching, the outline of Wang Yu can still be seen clearly. It's like a person becomes a luminous body“ Master, here comes the emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty. " The next day, the emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty came to greet Wang Yu“ Let him in. " When the emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty came in, his face was full of smiles, just like the slave meeting the master. Wang Yu wondered if he had been given special training by the palace people“ Good morning, young Lord Wang Yu waved his hand: "come on, follow me to the prison."“ Go to jail? " The emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty said, "what do you do in the prison?"“ Zhang Qinghuan is still in prison. " He was jailed by the emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty for being suspected of trespassing on the sacrificial altar“ Why don't you let him out? " Wang Yu nodded. The emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty did not dare to say more. The glory of the royal family was already yesterday's yellow flower. They should put away all their pride in front of Wang Yu“ Yes The emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty took Wang Yu to his cell to meet him“ What's the matter? What's the matter? " When they arrived, there was some disturbance in the prison“ Where is Zhang Qinghuan? "“ In return to the emperor, Zhang Qinghuan was fine yesterday. Today, he suddenly felt uncomfortable, holding his head and shouting in pain all the time. " The prison head is scared out of his wits. He never thought he would meet the emperor in his life“ What about people? " Wang Yu asked coldly“ It's still in there. "“ Not yet When Wang Yu and others arrived, Zhang Qinghuan fell on the stone bed and didn't move much“ Come on, call the doctor. " Wang Yu rushed over and touched Zhang Qinghuan's forehead, but it was hot“ Elder martial brother Zhang, elder martial brother Zhang... "Zhang Qinghuan said:" it hurts so much. My head hurts so much... "The imperial doctor arrived soon. He examined Zhang Qinghuan's head and whole body," go back to the holy place... The patient is not in any serious trouble. As for the reason, I haven't been able to figure it out yet. " The emperor of the Western Zhou Dynasty was also relieved to hear that it was OK“ There are bloodstains here... "The imperial doctor said," I think I hit my head. "“ There's a little damage on the head. It's not in the way