The scientific and technological civilization wants to kill their own people, which is obviously to kill them. If the other party does so at any cost, the things in these two populations must be extraordinary.

"Come on

This mouth must not be destroyed by scientific and technological civilization.

"We don't know how to open it."

Only the royal family can open the cage, and the person in charge is the third prince. He was there just now. This meeting happened to have a rest.

"Come on," he cried

"Oh, oh..."

The bodyguards were scared to answer the promise and ran to find the third prince.

Whether he can catch up or not is beyond his control.


Fengrou flies out and bumps into the cage. Because of the protection of clothes, fengrou and Ning Mengyu are not hurt at all.

But then came the problem.

Jiang Zheng wanted to take off their technology clothes, but he couldn't help it.

Seeing this, fengrou immediately started fighting with him.

Jiang Zheng came around and they fled to the other side.

It's like a kid grabbing an eagle with an obstacle.

No matter how Jiang Zheng goes around, he can't reach fengrou.

The small cage became their umbrella instead.

Tianyuwei people look silly, but also like this, I feel like I'm making a comedy.

You're not going to spend the night like this?


Jiang zhengleng snorted and held the cage railing tightly with his terrible hands.

What does he want?

It's the idea of everyone present.

This cage is the treasure of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Wang Yu was locked in this cage before.

And in their mind, this cage cannot be destroyed.

The only way is to get the key to open it.

It belongs to the level of magic weapon.

”Squeak, squeak“

Jiang Zheng's hands clenching the cage made a strange squeak, which was the sound of metal being twisted.

Is he trying to pull the cage open with force?

It's fantastic.

Fengrou has also tested this cage before and got a result, which is beyond the normal human power to destroy.

The materials used are not affected by water and fire.

And from the color above, it should have a long strength, the years are helpless.



Jiang Zheng's face showed a ferocious color, and his neck was full of blue tendons.

"My God

The guards were stunned, and the railing of the cage was really broken off by Jiang Zheng.

Wang Yu can't break the cage.


With a loud noise, the whole thing was pulled apart, and the air inside burst out and hissed.

Fengrou is stunned. The power is too strong!

In this way, she and Ning Mengyu are completely exposed.

At this time, the third prince rushed to see his cage broken.

be dumbfounded!

I'm so confused!

On the spot are at a loss, only the cold body.

Is the human power of technological civilization so terrible?

How could the Western Zhou Dynasty cope with such a power? I'm afraid the fiefdoms are not enough.

In this situation, if he cherishes his life, he will stop immediately and dare not move forward.

Even for a time, he wanted to turn and run.

But there's no way. The road behind him is blocked by tianyuwei and his own bodyguard.

"Where else do you want to escape?"

Jiang Zheng rushed directly into the cage. He was like a wild animal, roaring angrily.

The cage was destroyed, and Jiang Zheng's destruction was even more irresistible.

Bang Bang

The whole thing collapsed!

"We didn't betray Yuguang. Why did we kill us?" Feng Rou said.

"In case you tell the secret."

Jiang Zheng was very honest and didn't say anything high sounding.

"They can't stop you here. You can get us out of here."

It's perfectly possible.

The premise is that fengrou did not betray Yuguang. So far, Fengdi and Western Zhou did not know the secret of tianjitai.

As Feng Rou said, they are fully capable of saving people.

"Let us save you?"


"Two low-level people, are you worthy?"

The order he received was to kill fengrou and Ning Mengyu, and he didn't look up to them in his own bones.

For a long time, he has been numb to life.

If not, how could he reach the present height.

"You..." Feng Rou's always cold face showed anger for the first time. She is really angry. She can save people, but she has to kill them. Is the heart of Yuguang robot really made of ice? Really not hot? I keep a secret for you, you must kill me. She thinks these robots are ridiculous, and her kindness and morality are worthless to them“ Help Tianyuwei yelled again. All of a sudden, there was a loud noise. Hundreds of tianyuwei's arrows are shot in unison. Tianyuwei's arrows are not only powerful, but also can turn. They can control the direction and strength of shooting, and everyone's strength attributes are different. Some are hot, some are cold, some are sharp, some are carrying amazing weight. A force towards Jiang Zheng attack, the force constantly burst“ Well Powerful fiefdom weapon! If we want to say which is stronger, the mechanical civilization may think that the ancient bow is stronger, while the ancient Xiu will think that the gun is stronger. Both sides can always upgrade on both sides. It depends on whose technology is more advanced. There is no doubt that the power of tianyuwei's crossbow is so powerful that Jiang Zheng is shocked“ Ding Ding Ding... "The sound of metal impact. The arrows all shot at Jiang Zheng's body, shaking him step by step back. Boom! From time to time there will be arrows with explosive effects“ Shoot Wave after wave, Jiang Zheng could not move forward“ Shooting again... "May not be able to kill Jiang Zheng, but it will definitely make him have no power to fight back. Arrows like waves, wave after wave, such as the wind and rain, thousands of heavy mountains... Will be suppressed. Even if Jiang Zheng's defense was strong, he could not support it for a long time“ Poof All of a sudden, a sound, and then, a lot of people subconsciously look. This voice is too abrupt. But I saw that the head of the member of the seventh team who came with Jiang Zheng was pierced by a man with his fist. It's no one else. It's Yusheng who went to the front line“ Lord feather Feather saint's face has no the slightest expression, in the fiefdom he suffered from breaking the sky. I can't deal with it. I can't clean up your robots“ Didn't you go to the front? " One of the seventh team said in dismay“ Is to go to the front line, but I suddenly thought, you robots have no heart... "Feather Saint sneer:" as expected I guessed, you really have no heart, so, will certainly do the dirty business of killing people. "“ So I came back. "