The huge machines began to kill, and on this side of the fiefdom, they were killed one side at a time.

Under its huge fist, it has no resistance at all.

One punch at a time is the fall of tianyuwei.

Yu Sheng's heart aches like a knife.

In the battlefield, the tianyuwei had never been killed like this.

It hurt him deeply.

But the strength is not enough, no matter how much anger and reluctance are futile.

Yuguang has launched a total, life and death battle, any hesitation and fluke is a crime.

"Go away."

The feather Saint roared angrily, and Feng Shaoping, the chief judge of the saint, did not retreat. If he did not retreat, he would be killed.

The capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty has been in a mess for a long time.

Countless people sold their property and fled outside.

The celestial altar is the eye of the light of the universe. The front line of the battle is nearby. The people in the capital do not want to be destroyed by the war, and those who escape conditionally have fled.

The war above is burning, while the people below are scrambling to flee.


Yusheng knows that Feng Shaoping is still a little Lord no matter what he says. If he dies here, he will be responsible.

Therefore, when it comes to the war, he is not trying to win, not to push back scientific and technological civilization, but to save Feng Shaoping.


Feng Shaoping is still a mother in law, but he doesn't know that if he doesn't leave at this time, he may not be able to leave.

Now there are tianyuwei and Shengcai's people resisting outside. When their resistance breaks through and Feng Shaoping is exposed to each other, it's too late.

"Hoo hoo, Hoo Hoo..."

The constant explosion in their ears has long made their ears think of wisdom in a wide range.

You can only hear your own breathing.

Feather Saint also contacted Wang Yu, at this moment, he inexplicably thought of Wang Yu, just feel that person's ruthlessness and judge the situation.

All of a sudden, Wang Yu is more suitable for the position of Saint magistrate than Feng Shaoping.

He will not hesitate, will make a choice at the first time, regardless of the duel, at least the choice, is better than Feng Shaoping now hesitates on the spot.

The most taboo of a leader is to hesitate at a critical moment.


Yusheng no matter fengshaoping, he ordered tianyuwei to retreat.

He can't manage the young master any more.

As for whether it can be withdrawn, let's say something else.

Of course, this retreat was not just a retreat to the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Western Zhou Dynasty was originally intended to be captured by Yuguang. What he said was a retreat directly to the fiefdoms.

Only the fugitive fiefdoms are safe.

Seeing the retreat of tianyuwei, Feng Shaoping realized that he could not withstand the attack of scientific and technological civilization.

A civilization wants to attack a country, which is totally one-sided.

At this time, you go to resist. In fact, it's against heaven.

At this time, your wisest choice is to retreat together.

Because if you don't retreat, there's no way out.


The mechanical beast roared. The roar can suppress people's momentum and destroy people's resistance.

"Come on, run away."

Without tianyuwei, Shengcai has to face the technological civilization alone, which is tantamount to beating the stone with the egg.

In an instant, they were swallowed up.

In the sea of mechanical animals, hard support.

That is to say, the power of the holy judge is strong enough and the individual ability is enough, otherwise it would have been gone.

"The magistrate."

At this meeting, everyone has been red eyed and seen the form clearly. If they do not retreat, they will die.

Feng Shaoping still wants to abuse Yusheng, but does it work?

It's useless. Yusheng has escaped with tianyuwei.

Knowing that you can't do it, that's to retreat and form a net. If you insist on it, you will only ruin yourself.

"I'm not reconciled. I'm not reconciled."

Feng Shaoping clenched his hands and trembled.

His first mission failed.

Even if the holy judge withdraws now, it is also a heavy loss, not to mention there are many tianyuwei in it.

Can look up at the sky, are all mechanical animals, as well as the mechanical animals into the mosquito size of the huge Yuguang.

Just this Pang ran Dawu, he can't deal with it.

"Is my life a complete tragedy?"

To be honest, if he wants to embody himself, the best choice is to fight to death.

But is he willing?

Willing to die like this, the supreme position is close at hand, he is willing to give up?

No, of course he won't.

I would rather live like a dog than give up living.

But just as he hesitated, he saw that the holy men around him fell from the sky one by one, just like dumplings.

Before long, there were fewer and fewer people around him. When he came back and killed the mechanical beast in front of him, there was no holy judge around“ All dead? " He can't believe it, but that's the reality. He died so fast. The power of mechanical civilization's all-out attack is so great. The front, back, left, right, up and down are all mechanical. Feng Shaoping, he was surrounded by himself“ The magistrate... "The other side looked at him with a look of banter in his eyes“ Ha ha ha... "The leader of the other party looked up and laughed. This is really a fool. Since he didn't escape or fight, he was captured in the end. There's no better result“ Without you, do you still have fighting power? " Feng Shaoping was numb and trembling. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. He looked at the mechanical animals around him and couldn't say a word. But he knew in his heart that he was finished“ Yusheng, it seems that the magistrate is under siege. " The retreating tianyuwei anxiously reported the situation. Yusheng doesn't know that he has just informed Feng Shaoping that he is bent on his own way or indecisive. He won't take tianyuwei to bury Feng Shaoping. He brought back half of the 100000 legions. It can be said that he made great contributions. Even if the seal is bad, it can't say anything about him. Do you really want to die in battle? The bad seal is not enough to bury so many people for the sake of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It's Feng Shaoping. He cares too much about his first mission. It turned out to be bitter“ Are we going to save the abbot? " Yusheng nodded, to save, of course, to save, but the problem is how to save, what they take to save. In front of all the fighting power of Yuguang, all the efforts are in vain. The power difference is too great, the power of Yuguang has not been released completely, and the fiefdom has lost before the real contest. Unless the fiefdom seal bad personally bring people over, depending on the strength of breaking the sky, this still has some chance of winning“ Go away. "“ Let's go back to the fiefdom. " Tianyuwei were very puzzled: "we don't care about the Western Zhou Dynasty?"“ Who cares? What do you care? "“ What Yuguang wants is the Western Zhou Dynasty. If we want to seize the Western Zhou Dynasty, Yuguang will attack us. We don't have enough strength. Don't do stupid things any more. Everything will wait for the supreme ruling. "