After finishing all my classes I'm now heading to the gate where Rohee and Katia are waiting for me.

I'm walking through the streets of Elgandi, where I see many people walking by over the white cobblestone road.

Looking ahead I see the walls that have protected our lives for many years.

That wall is the second wall that exist here in the Elgandi.

Here in the Kingdom of Elgandi, two walls have been built to protect us from the threat of the dragons.

The first wall is 15 meters high while the second wall is 20 meters high.

And in the center of those walls lies the gatehouse, which is the gateway to this kingdom.

The gatehouses, which are also interception bases, are called gates.

I call it that, too. Because it is easy to call it that.

I arrived at the gate and went inside.

The beautiful Rohee and Katia should be waiting for me at the reception desk.

"It will be me!"

"Don't be silly! It will be me!"

It looks like they are fighting over something.

Rohee and Katia were yelling at each other in the reception hall inside the gate.

The receptionist and the other knights around them had a trouble looks in their faces.

I wonder what are they fighting about.

As their captain, it's my responsibility to stop them.