Chapter 10 – The uncouth daughter changes her appearance

In my groggy vision, a little girl is complaining about something.

That was me as a little girl.

"Father, mother, why don't you understand? None of the other children in the other houses live like the Evantails. Why is it that all I wear are my grandmother's hand-me-downs? Why can't I eat sweets? Why do I have to go to......"

"Goodness, Agnes. Don't talk such nonsense! Your dress and shoes are so much better than the cheap, tacky attire of today! Consider yourself lucky that you had a similar body shape to your grandmother."

"But the other children make fun of my dress, saying it is old and poor. We don't have a lot of money, do we?"

"Don't listen to them. It's vulgar and vile that they don't understand the value of tradition."

"Agnes, don't play with fools. Don't be a fool like them, Agnes. Don't whine about every little thing. Don't be shy about it, it's not very nice."

Yes. My conversations with my parents were always pointless. They only listened to my complaints and never really consulted with me.

As I felt sad, the scenery in front of my eyes gradually blurred.

Strangely, I understood that I was waking up from a dream.

The next morning, Kelly came to me, having trouble sleeping.

"Good morning, Lady Agnes. Today we are going to get ready and have breakfast with Lord Nazelbert."

She dexterously takes care of me and gets me dressed.

"Kelly, what in the world is this lovely outfit......?"

"The clothes were ordered on short notice for Lady Agnes. Since it was urgent, we had them ready-made, but of...... decent quality."

"You went out of your way to prepare it for me? And in such cute clothes! Is this heaven ......?"

I couldn't help but voice my thoughts out loud.

Because it's the cutest thing I've ever worn! These clothes!!

And they're light as a feather! These clothes!!

I can't help but be excited about this.

It's a far cry from the clothes chosen by the Evantail family's ludicrous criteria. I frankly don't care if they are ready-made or whatever.

"Ah, Lady Agnes, please don't move. I haven't finished putting on my makeup yet."

After quickly dressing me, Kelly led me to the dresser.

She set my hair and began to apply my makeup with a familiar hand.

She looked as if she was enjoying herself as if the blank expression on her face was a lie.

"Hmmm, just as I thought. The material is great ......! This makes my arms rumble."


"The right amount of blush, and eye makeup in a color that blends well with your skin. How about lipstick, such as pink-brown? Reject blush that is too wildly red, and go for a thinner finish......"

Quickly, Kelly applied makeup to my face.

Then, in no time at all, my face was transformed. For the better.

"Wow, I look like a different person."

I used to have a pure white face, bright blue eyeshadow, bright red cheeks, and lipstick. My trademark hairstyle was a croissant-like drills hairstyle with a tight iron.

I wonder what that would look like.

Pale silver hair in loose, soft waves, makeup that is not too flashy, and fashionable brown clothes that are in style today! Even the shoes are flat-soled, non-slip, and easy to walk in.

The woman on the other side of the mirror is so pretty that you would think she was someone else.

Behind her, Kelly is nodding her head, her mouth agape with satisfaction.

"I knew I was right. I had to get Lord Nazelbert to take a look at it."

Kelly urged me to hurry and I hurried to the dining room.

Lord Nazelbert was already awake and sitting in his chair, dressed to perfection. He is a seamless beauty, dazzling even from the morning.......!

"Good morning, Lord Nazelbert!"

He looked at me and his eyes widened as I greeted him.

"Good morning, Miss Agnes. You look very different."

"Kelly changed my clothes. She also did my makeup very well....."

"I like it. It suits you ...... I mean it. You look beautiful."

The gentle Lord Nazelbert complimented me firmly. He was right.

Even if it was a compliment out of courtesy, I had never been told I was beautiful, so I was happy.


Just passing by to inform that I've already scheduled chapters up until the end of the month to release daily. After that, I've been wondering what would be best for the release schedule, if I should do batch release of a set amount of chapters I translate over the week or if I should keep the daily scheduled releases as it is right now, thought probably on a different schedule than every single day, perhaps Monday to Friday/Saturday or something, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I'll be completely focused on translating Potato Lady for the foreseeable future, but might consider finding new projects to translate alongside in the future.