Chapter 15 – Uncouth daughter, sentence decided

"It's to avoid scandals involving the royal family. The verdict of my charges will be covered up on the surface. However, I was told that if I were to accept my role as the royal consort back, I would be completely cleared of all charges."

"No way......"

"His Majesty said he'd accept me as her official husband and Lord Robin as her paramour. And if Lord Robin and Princess Mia's child is a boy, he will be the next king."

"Such a thing is ridiculous!"

I wonder how much Lord Nazelbert must be suffering.

"I think so, too. That's why I refused. So, I'll still be sent to the frontier....... His Majesty didn't expect me to accept the offer from the beginning, and I guess he thought it wouldn't work even if he forced me to marry her."

"Even His Majesty the King chose to hide the scandal over the future of the country?"

"I wonder. I don't know. It seems that His Majesty and Her Highness the Queen are divided on the matter. Because it seems that Robin is already causing various problems at the castle. I think His Majesty is considering giving the throne to the second prince."

Originally, it seems that His Royal Highness the Princess was allowed to become the next Queen on the condition that she marry Lord Nazelbert. This is because Her Royal Highness has not studied politics at all.

If this situation continues, the future of the country is in jeopardy.

............ Just how severe would it be?

"With that, many of the nobles are making their move. They are wondering whether to follow Princess Mia or the Second Prince......."

"Normally, they would follow His Majesty's opinion, wouldn't they? His Majesty is planning to make Her Highness Princess Mia the heir for now, isn't he?"

"It's complicated for His Majesty, too. The current queen is my aunt and she also has the blood of my grandmother who married from another ducal family in our country. The heads of the two dukes are on the queen's side. And they, including my father, want to make use of Princess Mia's child. They might actually welcome this situation, since they can do whatever they want, rather than having me as the princess's companion."

Does that mean that, as much as it pains me to say it, ...... Master Robin is being treated just like a breeding stallion?


Indeed, the current Queen is from the Dukedom of Florescence, and she also had the blood of the Dukedom of Adams-Gomez.

In other words, for the Duke of Florescence, it doesn't matter whether Lord Nazelbert becomes the princess's consort or whether Robin's child becomes the next king, both are fine, and they might be thinking, "If possible, it might be better if the easy to control princess's child with Robin becomes the king."

"That's so selfish! It's absurd!"

It's not right that Lord Nazelbert alone should suffer all the repercussions because of the Queen's request, the Princess's selfishness, the intentions of the two dukes, and many other things.......!

If the crime is swept under the rug, there will be people who will mistakenly believe that he is the bad guy.

Seeing my indignation, Lord Nazelbert smiled as if troubled.

"It's already decided. It's inconvenient to them having me around."

How selfish the royalty are! Unforgivable!

That doesn't mean I can do anything about it, but it's just too unreasonable.

Why should such a kind and talented person have his life distorted and have to go to the frontier?

"Forget about me, Miss Agnes. More importantly, this also concerns you."


"The rest of the document says. If I refuse to marry the princess, I am to marry Miss Agnes and rule the frontier...... as originally planned."

The designated frontier is a small territory at the edge of the country and is now administered by a person sent from the royal capital.

However, there is a lot of damage from magical beasts anyway, and it seems to be quite difficult.

The other side would like to welcome Lord Nazelbert, but there are rumors that he is a criminal, so they might be wary of him. If he went there, he might have a hard time.

"At first my plan was to send you back to Evantail at all costs, but I'm not so sure anymore if that's a good idea anymore. Miss Agnes, your face is hurt, isn't it?"

"Eh, ah, yes. I think the bruise is getting better...... but if it's the same as usual, it should disappear in a month."

"...... usual?"

"Because I was not well-behaved. My father would beat me often~"

"As I thought, returning you to the Evantails is out of the table. But taking you to the frontier is also not a good idea...."

Lord Nazelbert began to mumble and worry. He is also handsome in profile.

But I give him the answer I had already decided on.

"Then I will go to the monastery."

"No, I disagree. If you go there now, it will be a bed of thorns because of the disgraceful rumors."

Without missing a beat, Lord Nazelbert rejected the idea of a monastery.

"Eehh?! Even though it's such a peaceful-looking institution...?"

"The monastery is subsidized by the state. And sometimes the children of nobles are placed there before their marriages."

I kind of knew that, but I didn't know that the will of the state would be reflected that directly.......

Since I don't want to go home, and I can't go to the monastery, then the only option remaining is......

"Then I will follow you to the frontier. If Lord Nazelbert doesn't mind."

"I don't agree with that either. I don't know what kind of life awaits us on the frontier......."

Even so, I think going to the frontier would be the best option.

If I could stay with the Duke's family, that would be best, but if Lord Nazelbert were to leave, it would certainly be impossible.

Returning to my parents' house is out of the question, and my hope of going to a monastery is gone. I am not sure that I would be able to go out and work on the streets.

The part about marrying Lord Nazelbert is a problem, but if he doesn't want me to marry him, I think a white marriage is totally possible.

I don't think he will be treated coldly. As for the child, I think he should have it with someone he likes. I'm not going to get involved!