I’m An Uncouth Lady, But I Helped The Villainous Young Lord But He Ended Up Liking Me by hnw_karen6-7 minutes

"L, Lord Nazel, do you love me, love me as a ...... well, as a wife?"

Oh, what nonsense I am asking!

Of course, he said those words out of his duty as a husband.

I struggled to get out of Lord Nazel's arms, but he tightened his hold on me as if he would not let me go.

"Yes. I love you as a woman."


The answer I had not expected came back to me and I froze on the spot.

"But our marriage was done only by royal decree..."

"At first I did, but the more we spent time together, the more I liked Agnes's positive attitude. I found myself following you with my eyes. I thought I had expressed my affection for you."

"...... I never realized."

"I was impressed with Agnes from the very beginning."

"The first time was the day of the princess's engagement party, though?"

"At that time, you were the only one who stood by me in the hall. You had no reason to oppose Her Highness Princess Mia, but you did. And even though you were sent to the frontier because of me, you worked hard to clean up the mansion and helped me grow plants...."

Lord Nazel seemed somewhat happy as he spoke.

Looking at his gentle expression, I gradually felt that he was telling the truth, and my heart beat faster.

If Lord Nazel loved me, then the two of us had feelings for each other.

Encouraged by his actions, I decided to tell him exactly how I felt.

"Um, Lord Nazel..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

Lord Nazel's tone was sweet as he touched my cheek. I felt hot in my chest and felt restless.

"I ......"

But just as I was about to say this, there was a knock at the door of my room.

I stiffen and involuntarily close my mouth.

From outside the door, I hear Lord Allard's voice saying, "His Highness Leonardo is here."

...... just when I was going to say, "I love Lord Nazel".

Nevertheless, His Highness Leonardo and the others came in, so Lord Nazel and I quickly moved away to greet him.

After the party was over and His Highness Leonardo had finished greeting the guests, he seemed to have come to check on us.

It would have been nice if he had gone a little slower.

"Nazelbert. Is your wife all right?"

"Yes, thank you for your concern."

I bowed my head along with Lord Nazel.

"The Evantail family gave me a hard time. I had no idea that the head of the family was such a man. In terms of business, he seems to be a quiet and serious man."

The second prince glanced at me and I quickly responded.

"I am sorry. I think my father was diligent in his work. However, there were times when he lost himself in anger. Today, he had some alcohol in him, so I think he got even more worked up......."

"Raise your head. I am not blaming you."

Lord Nazel puts his hand on my back as if to protect me.

"I don't want to talk standing up, so let's sit down and talk."

We each sat down on a chair in the room. I thought it would be better to leave, but Lord Nazel kept me.

"So, what does His Highness Leonardo, who is so indifferent to others, want with a frontier lord like me?"

"As I said, I could no longer bear to watch my sister's outburst."

"Do you know how many years I have been with you? I don't believe that you would act with such motives. Is there someone behind this?"


I wonder why Lord Nazel is so bossy.

His Highness Leonardo looked at me and became troubled.

"Because Nazelbert is so brilliant, he was my teacher in the past. He was quite a Spartan, but he took care of me ...... and many other things. Thanks to you, I can keep my head up."

I guess he was easy to get along with outside of formal gatherings.

His Highness Leonardo took Lord Nazel's hand as he was looking at him.

"Nazelbert, will you join me? I promise I won't make things worse."

"Isn't it too convenient to call me unilaterally without revealing the whole story and ask me only to lend a hand? I have a duty to protect my territory and my family. I cannot easily nod my head to something that puts them in jeopardy."

"Nazelbert is right, I am working under orders. There are some things I can't tell you right now because I'm being kept in the dark. But there is a movement in the palace that wants my sister and Robin to be condemned, and the queen is beginning to feel threatened. Nazelbert, if you are not careful, ...... those guys might start trying to recall you to the royal palace. We want to stop them."


I looked at Lord Nazel next to me with concern.

What did he mean by calling him back?

It couldn't be something along the lines of, "We'll pretend that the broken engagement never happened," could it?

"What is His Majesty's position on this affair?"

"My father is keeping an eye on the situation. Both dukes are on the queen's side, so I can't make a move."

"I understand ....... I have no intention of returning to the royal capital in the first place, but let me think about it for a while."

Lord Nazel said, and His Highness Leonardo nodded silently, now turning to me.

"Because of what happened today, I will have to put the Evantail family under surveillance for a while. I apologize to Miss Agnes, but I think it will be just the right bait."

"Yes, I understand."

While answering, I had a question. What did he mean by bait?

From the outside, it may seem like my father making a move to betray the second prince's faction and join the princess's faction....... I wonder if His Highness Leonardo is trying to successfully seize the scene and gather circumstantial evidence against the princess this way?

The Evantails are an inflexible and serious family, so I don't think they will abandon their beliefs and turn on the princess, no matter how much they are banned from the party. So you can do as you please.


"I'm sorry. You will not be at a disadvantage even if you are disowned, so please rest assured on that point."

I have a feeling that I am going to get caught up in the situation in the royal capital.

I couldn't help but think ...... that I would like to continue to live peacefully in the frontier Sutrena.